《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 11: The Main Offensive


Time: [0800]

Year: [May 2, 1245]

POV: [Edward Wilhelm]

The light from the sun gently touches the cold surfaces of our skins generating a warm sensation as the foul smell of the battlefield emanates from the horizon. The sound of the machinery can be heard throughout the entire forest, generating mini earthquakes along its path. While the darkness of the forest radiates all around us, where the light couldn't penetrate through.

The Main Offensive is about to start, so I walked up to one of the officers and ordered him to find the king in question to notify him of the offensive that is about to start.

The sun is shining bright as the stars that can be seen in the night sky, providing a small amount of light to our surroundings. That does not matter as my men were trained to have a sharp sensation of the conditions on the battlefield.

After inspecting my surroundings I have come to the sensation that this world hasn't been tarnished by the pollution of mankind. I felt a bit unease thinking that we are the first ones who are going to pollute this world.

Finally coming to my senses as I have lost myself in deep thought due to the beauty of my surroundings. I quickly then walked towards the 4th Howitzers Brigade to quickly set up a position on the side of the forest. Then ordered the APC's Kitten Class to prepare for the offensive as they are the first ones that are going to go out as they are more armoured. While the humvees will follow from the back.

This could be solved much faster if we have aircraft support but unfortunately, the airstrip is still being built and thus unusable.

After I ordered the men to take up their positions I then inspected the troops one last time. After inspecting I then ordered to raise the flags and thus starting the main offensive.


POV: [Sergeant, Soap]

The forest grew denser and denser as it gets colder the more we drive forward through the forest. I couldn't believe it but I got to be one of the people of the expeditionary force that is sent to this new world, I can't wait for the more adventures that will come. From what I heard it seems that we're going to help a kingdom in distress as the king is one of the refugees that was saved from the village. What a lucky day for us as it's going to benefit our country more, being able to establish a diplomatic connection in our first week and that they now owe us. Technically now they are dancing around the palms of the field marshal.


We drove into more bushes as we have come to a full stop, it seems that we are now near the kingdom. We are now on standby, I will take care of my baby the kitten class APC during this offensive. It might not look like it because of the name "Kitten" but I am sure that this baby packs a punch. Because you a machine gun is mounted throughout its sides, while you can fire it while within the safety of the armour. With these advantages, we are invulnerable in this new world because they are just a bunch of medieval people.

As I have contemplated more and more of what is going to happen to us now that we are about to go on the offensive. Suddenly an officer came to me and said:

"Sergeant Soap get your men ready you're squad will be one of the first to go"

"Yes sir!"

Oh blimey! I never thought that we're going to be the first ones to fight. Nevertheless no matter their weaponry they won't be able to face our APC's.

I then rallied my men and gave them specific orders that some of them would man the machine guns while the others would use guns through the holes in the APC's.

After that, we started to get in line with the formation as we are about to go on the offensive.

Even though we are in the protection of our armour I couldn't help but feel nervous because this will be one of my first battle since joining the military.

As we were waiting for the signal to go, we heard a thunderous explosion coming from our behind. It was the howitzers signalling the start of the offensive. Loud explosions came one after another as the continuous bombardment of the howitzers continues. The cries of men from afar can be heard, sending chills to my back.

Then suddenly the radio opened and there we heard an order:


I stepped on the gear as lightly as I could as we have started to advance. Slowly but surely we're coming out of the forest and into the hills to and soon enough we are a few kilometres from the main enemy. The men afar can be seen with a face mixed with shock and fear, but the didn't matter as the enemy had regrouped and prepared to advance to our side, unbeknownst to them it would be their end.


POV: [???]

Thunderous explosions came one after another, we couldn't find the culprit of those cannons, but as we have looked up there we saw fireballs piercing through the heavens and then coming down to hell to destroy it on its way. There were multiple of them going through the sky as it slowly descends upon the world as it makes a large wheezing sound through the air as if God has punished us for our sins.


Then as we were running for our lives as the thunderous explosion comes one after another. While to the far distance we saw a group of siege tanks coming down the hill. We were flabbergasted as to why would siege tanks attack infantries. We gained confidence as we were ordered to destroy those siege tanks coming down the hill.

We ran and run and soon enough we were around those damn siege tanks. Some of us were even smirking as to why would these idiots come with siege tanks on the infantry.

But as we look closer these siege tanks were a bit different it has odd angles and is completely made of iron or some kind of metal. We were confused as to how they were able to run this thing. Nevertheless iron or not it is no match for infantry as we're just going to get in the tank and kill the people manning it.

Or so I have thought

Suddenly pockets of the siege tanks started opening and there we saw a huge some sort of iron mechanisms it sort of look like a stick but then to our surprise it made a sound.


As smoke rises from the iron stick two of our men fell to their knees heavily bleeding and soon enough they lay down to the ground lifeless.

Fear stroke our backs as the people were almost instantly killed by those iron sticks and as our fear started to rise there was another thing that came out of the siege tank. It looks like a huge ballista that came out of the top that is made out of iron too or some sort of metal, and there was a man dressed in green manning the huge ballista, but our luck couldn't be any better as the huge ballista started firing it made a sound like:


Like a child playing with a toy or so I have thought, but we never stood a chance as those things started firing our men started falling like fleas being massacred on a summer day.

We retreated as far away as we can but those things could still reach us, we wondered if those things were mages that helped this forsaken kingdom. There's no time to think as I can see the end where I could take cover, but suddenly my life flashed through my eyes, seeing everything that I loved and hate then suddenly I felt a huge cold sensation in my back. I fell to my knees and then puked in blood then suddenly a heavy pain came to me it made me groaned as loud as I can, screaming for help as the heavens can reach, but nobody came to help. Then after one another multiple cold sensations came to me but now it's on my front. I couldn't believe what I am seeing it was blood, to be more sure it was my blood, my eyes don't want to stop looking at it. Then suddenly I fell to the ground struggling to breathe and make a move and as time goes on I started feeling dreamy.

I moved forward almost started crying as I can see my wife again I couldn't believe my eyes. I moved forward and hold the hand of my wife and we started walking forward together.


There on May 2 1245, Captain Shaker died on the battlefield against an unknown enemy.


POV: [Sergeant, Soap]




As we have started breaking out of the enemies encirclement as we can hear the cries of dying men begging for mercy. I can only say to them.

"May God be with you"

After we have broken through the enemy encirclement we started advancing towards the enemy line. The fight was quite harsh as the enemy was taken by surprise by our battle prowess. They weren't able to do anything as we are safe in our armoured APC's. Soon enough the enemy started routing well some of them did, but the majority tried to stay. At first, they tried to put up their shields but we were able to penetrate through those flimsy shields. When they finally were able to understand that they can't do anything to us, so I have thought. I was wrong. As they have started to make an offensive against us. I guess they thought that they can defeat us through numbers. Heh! We will see about that.


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