《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 10: Cavalry of the Kingdom


Time: [0500]

Year: [May 2, 1245]

POV: [Sir, Pattons]

Darkness slowly creeps around my neck as it strangles me, as the sun slowly rises from its long slumber. The battle will soon begin as the enemy kingdom prepares for an offensive. A man about the age of thirties then came running down with his horse on my encampment.

"(Sir! The enemy has started the offensive, should we also mobilize the legions?)"

"(Mobilize the legions while we the cavalry will wait for the perfect opportunity to strike in the sidelines)"

"(Will do sir)"

As the man accepts the order and is soon came back up his horse, and rode down the hill to mobilize the legions to fight the incoming enemy. I myself looked back at my cavalry troops their faces filled with fear and anger. I had to raise their morale so I shouted.



The men's faces brighten up with confidence as we will be the last line of defence before the capital gets sieged. I then ordered the men to advance on the sidelines as we wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The battle was quite heavy as we heard the cries of men longing for their wives and children as the light beyond their eyes ceases to exist. The cruelty of war transpires everywhere, soon enough when the capital falls. Thousands of refugees and slaves will go out and many more will die along the way.

The battle has been going on for quite a while now and it seems that we are on the losing side, so I must make a quick decision and strike now where the enemy will get surprised. I then shouted at my men:


We charged at the enemy with blistering speed as we arrived at the battlefield they mowed down the enemy, effectively turning the tides of war in our favour.

As the sound of swords clashing all around me, to the far distance I saw a large group of men coming down the hill. What I saw gave me chills down my spine and I shouted:


The men turned pale and cold sweat runs through their backs as morale now has been on its lowest point. For the past few minutes, we were able to turn the tide of battle in our favour, oh how quickly it was overturned, as no reinforcements will come to aid us. And so I made the difficult decision to be done and shouted at the remaining troops who are at an all-time low in morale and numbers to"


As the drumming of drums was heard all around we took the initiative to run with our tails behind our back. The men were starting to route as we have lost numerous legions. Suddenly the victorious atmosphere disappears as we were running away from the battlefield. Dishonourably returning to the capital.


That didn't stop there as the enemy cavalry chases us through the ends of the world. We have to stop the enemy cavalry from chasing us through the insides of the capital and so I then decided to make a life-changing decision and shouted at my remaining men.


we turned around and charge at the enemy with blistering speed, sending shockwaves to the enemy. It was the decisive battle for us as we were able to decimate their numbers and now they are on the retreat. So we continued returning to the battlefield, knowing that we have been graced with enough time to return to the capital and to prepare for its defence.

As we get near the capital we saw the defenders at the top of the wall, with fears in their eyes almost to the point of crying, knowing that our return meant that the defence was a failure and that the capital will be besieged soon enough.

We then entered through the gates and there we saw the shocked faces of them civilians. They were pale-faced with fear running through their eyes. Some even started to pack and tried to hid their wives and children, to protect their wives dignity and honour from being tarnished and to prevent their children from being persecuted.

As we arrived at the base I quickly then ordered the men around me to set fortifications throughout the capital and to set up booby traps and to prepare for combat and to rally the militiamen from the barracks to prepare for the final defence of the kingdom.

I then hastily dismounted my horse and helped the men in barricading the streets. We built booby traps everywhere and in each of the houses. The civilians that we saw were horrified as we were prepared to fight to the death.

With each street barricaded our hearts were filled with nervousness as the final battle will soon come. To ease the hearts of my men I ordered them to visit their families one last time and to say goodbye to them.

I don't have any family left as my mother died early and my father soon followed despite being young I haven't found myself a nice wife and so I don't have any family to return to, so I took the initiative and strolled around the capital to ease the troubled heart inside me.

I strolled and strolled around visiting friends along the way. If there was one thing I ever regret in my life is that not finding a wife fast enough, as the battle will soon come and with it, my life will too follow it. Though it is not the time to contemplate my decisions in life. I then quickly walked back towards the encampment. There is saw my men's faces with tears in their eyes.


I couldn't do anything about it as I don't have any experience with it I am just a simple knight nothing more and nothing less. If I survived this war then I'll make sure that I will accomplish all the things that I haven't accomplished yet like finding a wife. Though that dream will not become a reality if fate doesn't allow it.

I then quickly straightened my face and tightened my chest and then ordered my men to prepare for the battle, but before that, I tried to rouse their morale by saying.


It seems like it wasn't effective enough as it only made the men only a bit higher in morale. Nevertheless, I mounted my horse and set up a position behind the gate to prepare when it gets breached by the enemy.

Just as we have set up our horses on the gate we heard.


Fear runs through our eyes as we know that the inevitable has come for our lives. We tightened our chest once more and breathe strongly one last time.

Fear tickles our hearts as we heard the dying screams of men once again some even puking. Then as the battle goes on we saw the enemy climbing through our walls and so this gave me a difficult decision to make but it must be done. So I ordered the men at the top to open the gates and then faced my men.


We came out with blistering speed mowing down our enemies *CLANG *CLANG* were the sounds that are being heard throughout the battlefield. The enemies faces turned pale as they saw us coming out of the gate but that didn't stop them from climbing the walls, in fact, it even motivated them to climb the walls faster.

The battle drags on long enough as the light breaks through the cloud gently touching the tired faces of the enemies and my men. We were being pushed back and soon enough I was knocked down from my horse. I was then about to be stabbed by an enemy as cold sweat runs through my back. Then a man saved me by blocking it. I hastily then picked up my sword and slashed the man that attacked me, effectively saving the man that saved me too.

As I picked up myself a man that looks at his middle age stroke his sword onto me but I unconsciously blocked it. We then started battling it out. He shoved his swords to my sides I blocked it. I shoved my sword at the top and he too blocked it. Then at the final moment, I faked striking him at the top then as he was about to block it, I changed direction and kicked him at the sides. The man groaned at the pain. Seeing the vulnerable enemy I hastily stabbed him at the chest. His eyes were moistened from the tears that were falling, then soon enough he laid dead on the ground, lifeless can be seen through his eyes.

But that didn't stop there as we were being rapidly pushed back and as I was about to shout to retreat to my men we heard a chilling explosion that can be heard behind the enemy. We thought that it was the end for us but no, as more explosions come from behind the enemy soon enough smoke has risen through the enemy encampment. The defenders at the top of the castle took the initiative to push down the shocked faces of the enemy from where they came from.

Then we heard at the top of the castle.


Our hearts jumped with joy knowing that the king hasn't abandoned us, and so we looked at the place where the person at the top pointed at there we saw our beloved flag with a foreign flag that we don't know that has existed it was a golden eagle that was stretching its wing while on a bundle of sticks with golden stripes all around the eagle with a touch of the background of royal blue. We were fascinated by this grandiose flag.

The shock didn't stop there as we saw from what it looks like a siege tank coming down the hill. We were shocked as to why a siege tank would charge at the enemy troops but those doubts were soon swept away as we have heard a sound that came out from it and it sounded


Sending shockwaves throughout the battlefield, enemy soldiers were falling like ants being swatted from the ground.

We were extremely fascinated by this weaponry and soon enough cheering was heard throughout the defenders.


Kaiser here thank you, everyone, for taking the time in reading this chapter and to answer as to why I haven't shown the main offensive is because I still want to build the world itself and so I must show the different sides of the battlefield, to be able to portray it effectively. I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter. Thank you, everyone.

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