《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 8: Prolude: The Main Offensive


Time: [0500(A few hours ago)]

Year: [ 2, 1245]

POV: [Edward]

Darkness slowly creeps around me, as the minute passes the smell of the broth that is being cooked, keeps on striking anger on my stomach. Soon enough as daybreak started I got up and walked lightly towards the exit. As I step outside the light pierced through the little veins in my eyes and blinded me for a good few seconds.

I then dressed first and then proceeded to walk half asleep towards the command building. As soon as I stepped outside of the building I was greeted with an amazing view of the structure, it is composed of reinforced concrete and is built much in the way like it was a high-class hotel.

I took a deep breath and then sighed as I am not feeling that well, but I stretched my arm out towards the handle and opened it.

There I was greeted with a lot of work to do, as I am the Field Marshall the highest-ranked person on this encampment, or should I call it a fort? Hmm, I'll just decide on it later.

After completing a few more painstaking task like computing the budget for the month and setting up supply lines back to the Empire so that we would get a steady supply of ammunition, and other various resources.

First I ordered the following vehicles

*5000 M-65 Humvees

*2500 M-105 Halftracks

*700 M-55 Tiger Main Battle Tank

*450 M-45 Panther Self Propelled Artillery

*2500 M-35 Kitten Class APC's

Then the following equipment

*1000 M-20 Howitzers

*1000 M-15 Anti Tank Guns

*2000 M-25 Anti Tank Rifles

*2500 M-75 60mm Mortars

*300 M Class Weapons System

*4000 MG-42 Machine Gun

*400 M Class Multiple Launch Rocket System

Then the following aircraft's

*500 S-45 Soaring Eagle Main Fighter Jets

*1000 S-35 Dragonfly Attack Helicopters

*300 QF Class Multipurpose Drones

*100 S-25 Bombers

*200 S-55 Viper Class Vehicle Carrier

I know this is a lot of order, not to mention a steady supply of ammunition is also a must. But most of these weapons and vehicles would just be in stock just in advance so that when the need arises, we have something to use, and so that we can also showcase the full might of the Imperial Republic if a full-scale invasion has started on an enemy nation.

You may believe it or not, but the weaponry that I just ordered isn't even a third of the Empires weaponry. Due to the war of reunification, massive amounts of armaments were stored and produced, now a lot of those armaments are just rotting in the storage, so it is better to send them here for future use.


As I sign the papers a man that looks like a middle-aged man, wearing a black suit with a funny moustache came forward and said:

"Marshall, the first refugees from the east has arrived sir, you may want to inspect them"

"Hmm, alright then"

I quickly got up from my chair and walked towards the exit, while occasionally greeting my subordinates.

As I open the door, once again I got blinded by the beautiful radiant of the sun. Also, I just noticed this now but this world has two moons, one's a bit yellowish while the other is reddish. Though that doesn't matter as I think of, and I hope I am not wrong.

I just noticed the two moons as the moons haven't settled down yet but looking at it again it does look beautiful.

I then snapped out of my dreams as the loud sound of the gate opening can be heard far from the horizon. I looked at the people that we're entering the gates and I can see that they are quite anxious.

I ordered the men around me to distribute supplies and foods to the refugees and to provide warm shelter for them. then I ordered the people who are capable of deciphering languages to study this worlds language.

But fate is on my side as a strange-looking man with a seemingly middle-aged man that is dressed in some sort of noble clothes, I tighten my chest and brought it up to look dignified, along with showing my achievement on my chest.

The strange man came forward and asked:

"Are you Edwards?"

I was shocked at how they were able to understand our language but I could just ask it later, so I first had to reply.

"Yes I am Edwards"

"I apologise for the inconvenience that I am going to cause you, my dear good sir, but the man beside me is the King of Alsace, King Laviel V"

"Oh, so is there any problem?"

"The king wishes to know more about your nation and the reason why you saved the villagers that are being raided by the enemy kingdom"

"Well first and foremost is that we didn't come from this world, we got here through a gate and we are seeking in establishing diplomatic relations with the nations of this world, we thought by saving people we would be able to get a diplomatic mission as soon as possible"

"Hm, that is quite interesting. What do you mean by coming from another world?"

"Like I said we are not natives of this world, we got here through a gate that my nations scientist built"


"We don't understand how it is possible, but the king wishes to make a diplomatic mission to your nation, and as we have asked that you are the highest-ranked person here?"

"Yes I am the highest-ranked person here"

"My names Field Marshall Edward, a 5-star general"

"What is a 5-star general?"

"In my nation, a 5-star general is the highest position attainable by someone except for the highest person being the chancellor the leader of the nation"

"Alright we get it, so it's like being second in command in the military?"

"Yes exactly. Now I ask you is the king you're talking about is the king of the nation that is being raided on the north?"

"Yes that's right"

"So what do you people want to do"

"The king wishes to ask for your help"

"Help will come with a cost"

"The king asked what do you people want to have? Fame? Money?"

"No, we want the rights of certain resources in your kingdom, though we have the technology to excavate it, I don't believe that your kingdom will have any use for it"

"The king wants to have a share of those resources and a diplomatic alliance, the king also said that he wants to see the power of your army"

"Well if you're going to get a share that's just going to be small, as I said again you're kingdom doesn't have any use for it, also we can start trade between our two nations"

"The king is fine with that, but the king asks how are you people going to find those resources?"

"We're going to use infrared technology to detect the resources underground"

"We don't get it but as we have heard this technology will help you in finding the resources?"

"Yes, now my dear good gentlemen, you might wanna come here to see the power of our nation"

"Much obliged"

I first showed them the assault rifle, a while ago the king was calling it an iron stick as we were walking towards the firing range.

To their surprise, they were so shocked that their eyes could pop out any second. I chuckled seeing their shocked faces. I then told them the range of these rifles and again they were shocked some of them were even frozen in place.

Next up I showed them the Artillery or better known as Howitzers, again they were so shocked at the explosion it caused and the crater it made when I told them the range of this weapon their eyes widened and their jaws dropped as far as the eye can see.

I got bored of their expression so I continued showing them the weaponry from the mortars to grenades.

After thinking for a while they finally decided to accept the proposal that were going to have rights to certain resources and that they are going to have a little share of it, and the trade deal except for no trade of weapons in exchange for a diplomatic alliance.

They have a joyful expression on their faces I couldn't help but grin at them. Now that we have established a diplomatic mission in this world the next step is to gather resources and to either divide and conquer through diplomatic mean or means of war, which will it be? nobody knows, but the people of this world are the ones who are going to decide.

I almost forgot but I need to ask them how they knew our language, so I came forward and asked the strange-looking man. He answered that the language we speak of came from an ancient civilization of this world that disappeared, and that the people who knew this language decided to pass it on to their families as it was prophecised that this continent where this civilization disappeared would come back and will decide the fate of this world.

Hmm, what an interesting prophecy but it looks like it has some truth on it as the fact that they know how to speak our language proves it. Anyway we need to start helping them as I believe that their kingdom wouldn't last long, so I came back to them and said:

"Gentlemen, let us go now and help this poor king's kingdom, I believe that his kingdom wouldn't last long to see the end of the day"

The men were shocked but were filled with joy as they're going to receive finally some help. So I then ordered the men to move out and to bring the Howitzers and some mechanized element of the Army Corps to fasten our movement speed.

Soon enough the sun has completely risen from its long slumber and the darkness of the night has retreated to the horizon. A new age has begun for this world.


Kaiser here, thank you everyone for reading this chapter and also I hope you had a great time reading and so see you next time!

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