《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 7: Kingdom Under Siege 3


Time: [0600]

Year: [May 2, 1245]

POV: [King Laviel V]

Darkness is rescinding back from where it came from, as the sun is rising from its long slumber. The light is penetrating through the dark clouds as the long fear in me has disappeared. The shadows of the trees grow larger by the minute as the wind blows stronger, stronger as ever it be. Should I continue or should I not? the outcome may be worth it. Do I trust my guts or not? Who knows, only fate can tell what's about to happen. I King Laviel V of the Kingdom of Alsace, is currently negotiating an alliance or simply asking for help from foreigners, whom I don't even know the true identity. The man in front of me should be or what I think of, should be the highest rank person in this grandiose military camp. Luckily I have found an interpreter he said the name of the leader of this camp is Edward, a name that I never heard of. We then started talking about what's about to happen as soon as daybreak started.

"(My name is King Laviel V of the Kingdom of Alsace)" The interpreter said to Edward

"My name is Edward the leader of the expeditionary force sent to this world"

"(Expeditionary Force? Sent to this world?)" I asked curiously

"Yes we aren't from this world, we came from another world, we just by chance had opened a gate through this world"

"(Hm, I don't get it. but I can I trust you, people, to help my Kingdom, that is currently being besieged?)"

"You can certainly trust us, all we need is a diplomatic mission and the rights to certain resources. In exchange, we would help you advance your kingdom through technology and agricultural means. Sadly weapons can not be shared."

"(Hmm, that is indeed a good proposal, but how can we trust you that you have better technology than us? As far as I can tell you people do have good materials to build stuff, but all I can see in your men is an iron stick)"

"Well, would you like to see what this so-called iron stick can do?"

"(I will be obliged to see it, Edward.)"


"So this here is an artillery"

"(This big cannon is not a cannon?"

"No, it is not a cannon, this weapon can fire up to 35km accurately. Sergeant! Load her up for a test fire!"

After Edward said to load the so-called artillery, there I saw the shape of the ammunition, it is much more different than the big round shape of my kingdoms ammunition. As I was sinking deep into thoughts of how artillery can fire up to 35km, while my kingdoms cannons only had an effective range of 3km, I suddenly then heard a loud BOOM. There I see smoke coming out of the artillery and seeing a fiery circle piercing through the skies, as it landed on its target then I heard another BOOM. There is left a large crater digging through the soul of the planet. I and the interpreter were so shocked that we almost puked thinking the horrors of what's to become if we were to make this force our enemy.


"There's more, now we're going to introduce to you to our main infantry weapon, this here is an assault rifle, better known as an M94A1 it has an effective range of 2.5km. Platoon at the ready! FIRE!"


Loud sounds can be heard throughout the encampment, even my wife who got curious earlier has now covered her ears due to fear. The interpreter and I are once again shocked as the so-called bullets that they are using can be heard wheezing through the air, as if it has broken through sound itself. There the target was hit perfectly with precision at an exact range of 5km. There the introduction of weapons didn't stop there was a mortar it is like a small cannon but believe it or not, it has an effective range of 8km. I couldn't believe how can such a small thing reach so far, maybe we'd know in the future, but unfortunately, the weapons cannot be shared. I believe that they want to keep their superiority so that we wouldn't betray them, unfortunately, even if we were able to steal some we would not have the technology to manufacture such things.

The number of weapon introduction didn't stop as weapons are being introduced from iron carriages to iron birds that can fly through the sky, even I could not believe that there was such thing or such thing is possible to achieve. There was another one from military support equipment ranging from night vision that can make you see through the dark to so-called hand grenades that can explode, it's like a mini cannon that a soldier can bring, but that didn't stop as every soldier has 3 of this. I believe a few men of this force can even take out an entire legion singlehandedly without using their full military might. As I am losing myself in deep thought there was a voice that came, it is from Edward, I quickly then asked the interpreter what it meant.

"So how was the weapons, did it satisfy you?"

"(It certainly did, how about we change the diplomatic mission to the diplomatic alliance. Would that be alright with you. I guarantee you that we will uphold this alliance and would never betray you)"

"Hmm, that is certainly a great proposal. I shall consider it, but you wouldn't ask about the certain resources that we want the rights of?"

"(Well we do need a sacrifice to earn your help, but if possible we would like at least a share of it)"

"Well that's fine with us, we are not too greedy as to rip off our friends"

"(Well that's great to hear, but if I may ask what are these resources you're speaking of?)"

"Well to say the least it is oil, for the most part, it is a vital resource in advancing your civilization, with oil and the right tools and equipment can even help you to go through the skies and help you see the world above"


Hearing this made my insides jump with joy as the alliance was accepted and we get to have a share of the oil that they're going to get.

"(But how are you going to acquire these resources you speak of?)"

"Well we're going to use infrared technology to detect the presence of the carbon inside the oil"

"(I don't get it but with this in-fa-a-re-do technology you speak of can detect such things inside the soil?)"

"Yes it can, now moving on let's already set off to help your kingdom, according to our intelligence your kingdom can fall any day now"

I was filled with joy as I heard that. After that, we boarded a so-called humvee, it has a much more comfortable seat, and it felt great, even my wife was so surprised about it she started to doze off.

And so we set off to my kingdom to save my people from damnation.


POV: [???]

"(My king the Kingdom of Alsace will fall any day now)"

"(That's great to hear, now to boost the morale of the men. Tell them to pillage the entire kingdom and they can have fun with all the women they can snatch, and take the rest of the prisoners as slaves, They will boost out the economy and certainly help in production and construction. Hehe hehe)"

"(Yes my lord)"

After that, the man came out of the camp and told the men what I just said. A loud cheering can be heard throughout the camp. I dreamt of uniting this continent under my hands, the Kingdom of Alsace is the first step towards my goal. I believe that nobody can stop me, soon I'll have the riches and to become a world power on this damn world, and soon our continent will become a civilized zone as the other major powers call it, and not just some barbarians.

As I was thinking about how much glory and honour I will get I then heard a loud BOOM outside. I quickly got up in my sit and came out of the camp, there I saw a large crater and a dozen pieces of dismantled bodies dangling everywhere. Then another consecutive BOOM BOOM BOOM but after I saw it explode I looked up the sky, there I saw a fireball penetrating through the skies, and is about to land on our encampment. I quickly then ran away as fast as I can from my camp as I heard another BOOM, there I saw my camp in flames with a huge crater in the middle of it, I fear I would have been blown to pieces if I were a second late.

As I looked around I saw the frightened faces of my men, some even have started to rout. Some even is saying that this is gods punishment. I then got up as I fell after I heard the loud sound. I couldn't believe it as who would have thought that the Kingdom of Alsace has allied with a nation with mages. Cold sweat then ran from my back as I see the horrors that are befalling through my army. But I have pride I have started this so I must see through this dead or alive, what will be it? so then I ordered my men to force an attack on the castle and to break through it as soon as possible before the main army of their allies arrived.


POV: [King Laviel V]

After we have set up a position in the forest far away from the battlefield, I still couldn't believe that these weapons can reach the battlefield as soon as a few seconds. The first set up the artillery and then started firing the first salvo BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. My ears still couldn't get used to the sound as I have covered my ears the moment I heard the loud sound. They gave me a thing called binoculars they said that I can see the battlefield from it. I then put up into my eyes and then cold sweat ran through my back as I saw the battlefield filled with craters and some parts of the enemy is routing, I couldn't help but feel sympathy to the unsuspecting enemy, not knowing what hit them. Then I immediately look at my castle wall, there I saw my men shocked as the eyes can see, some were even cheering as they were saved by an unknown force, some were crying. But then the interpreter called me and said.

"(My king come now, they said that the main offensive will begin in a few minutes)"

"(Alright then)"

I got up and walked with the interpreter, excited to see the show that my new allies are going to show me.


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