《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 6: Kingdom Under Seige 2


Time: [0500]

Year: [May 2, 1245]

POV: [???]

The fog is rescinding back from where it came from, as the azure sky is starting to take over the darkness within the sky, and soon enough the sun is waking up from its deep slumber. I King Laviel V of the Kingdom of Alsace has been betrayed by my allies and now my kingdom is on the brink of destruction, but now I am nowhere in my kingdom, for me and my daughter Emilia has been taken as a refugee to a foreign nation with unknown origin. Currently, I am being escorted by these people back to their base along with my daughter, I am very interested to see what they have in their hands, would it be worth it to become allies with them? Hmm, only fate knows what's going to happen.

To the far horizon, I can see a very tall building, I can see it has 4 legs but I don't know what it's made of, the building has a roof with a big round thing on its side. I don't know what its purpose or is used for, but I can see two people holding something in their hands as if they are observing the azure sky, as we get closer to their base I can see fields being rugged out, it's like they have already been building a civilization here for a very long time, but it looks like they have just started. What incredible feat have they achieved? They must have a lot of manpower to be able to build such things. When we were getting near the gate I saw something that looks like kind of a carriage but it has four wheels and has no horses towing it around, and it makes a loud buzzing sound as if it is moving automatically. What in gods name have I stepped on to?

As I enter the base, I was greeted with tall buildings that are made with stones? I'm not sure if it's stone or what, it looks so smooth unlike the buildings back in my kingdom, it looks too perfectly lined, how we're they able to build all of this? Now I am getting even more curious if only I know the language they speak of. In the far distance, I can see what looks like an iron bird but it isn't a bird, it is made by men, I wonder if these people can fly, like the mages in the south, can they even use magic? I wonder that too, and yet again I saw what looks like a bird again with a hat but the hat is in pieces, and I think it rotates and it has wings on the back too, the same one on the top, I wonder what could it be. Now as I was wondering that there's of something of what looks like a giant cannon passed me, it looks the same one as the iron carriage a while ago but it looks like it's heavily armoured, and has different wheels it's like a bunch of wheels rotating together to move, and yet again beside the giant cannon an iron siege tank? it looks like a siege tank but it looks like it's also a cannon, I wonder how long is the range of these great cannons. Everything here fascinates me, they have a lot of things and weaponry that I haven't seen before, and all of it looks very fortified and advanced, I must make quick alliances between these people to be able to save my kingdom, but we have a problem I don't understand their language and also they can't understand us, and I don't want to rely on sign language as it is very pitiful, I must find an interpreter.


As soon as I think we have passed the gate, there was another gate, and it isn't any ordinary gate, it's a fortress, with many advanced cannons on the top, and it looks like there's a bunch of holes in it, with what looks like an iron bow? does it shoot iron arrows? I don't know I don't understand its mechanics, maybe this civilization is already miles ahead of my kingdom. my daughter Emilia also looks very fascinated, she seems excited to eat the food, as she liked the food that was given to her a while ago, and I trust that these people are kind and generous as they don't look like they have slaves because everybody we passed was dressed nicely and comfortably, their leader must be a great man to have their people as high class as these. After all that I saw, I am now very excited to see what kind of a man their leader is, but before that, I must find an interpreter and the queen I hope they were able to save her, my love.

As I was thinking that I heard a voice from far away, it was a woman complaining about her treatment, when I look towards the woman, there I saw my wife, I was delighted to see her again, I walked towards her and greeted her, she then greeted me back, a smile can be seen from her face, my wife is the type of woman who likes having better treatment than any other, she despises being treated equally as everyone, she likes being special, but that what makes her special, she looks very cute when she's complaining, but I have to stop it, so I warned her to stop complaining as these people were kind enough to save us from damnation. My wife wasn't able to do anything as these people seem to treat everyone equally. My God seems I am very lucky today.

After I and my wife were chatting a man came forward to us, he said that these people speak of an ancient language and he can understand them, it seems there was a continent here in the past that just disappeared and there the people who speak this language were also living, apparently, it now was a legend, but in the legend, it is said that these people would come back and bring prosperity or doom into this world, the people of my world will decide our fate, would we resist the change that would come or take it with open arms, nevertheless our decision will write our fate. It seems I have found my interpreter, as much as possible I would like to enter a diplomatic alliance with this nation, I wouldn't dare make an enemy with them, they look too powerful, and I am sure they will bring prosperity to my kingdom.


Time is ticking I must make it quick, every second count, as soon as I prolong it any longer my kingdom could fall to despair, I must go now and talk to the highest rank these people have. I brought the interpreter with me and tried to find the highest rank person there is, they were shocked that we were able to understand them, they pointed at a man called "Edwards" it seems he is the leader of these forces. I must go and talk to this man and enter an alliance and rescue my kingdom from the brink of destruction.

As I am walking towards the leader I saw him looking like a dignified man with a straight body, and it looks like he has a lot of decorations on his chest, it seems he had a lot of honour and medals in him, I think this would be very worth it. So I walked towards him and asked the interpreter to ask him.

"Are you Edward?"

"Yes I am Edward"


Kaiser here, as always I would like to give out my thanks for taking the time in reading my book and for this chapter, and I apologise if I haven't uploaded it for a week, I just had a busy week with my school, and as always I hope you all had a great day...

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