《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 5: Kingdom Under Siege 1


Time: [???]

Year: [May 1, 1245]

POV: [???]

Darkness envelopes everything around me, the smell of steel can be smelled from miles away, the beautiful radiant of the chandelier. This situation is too good and comfortable for me, no, it must be saying something, I can feel it, there's this deep anxiety that I am getting as I stare into the darkness, It's like telling me to get as far away as soon as possible, if not then there's something bad that's about to happen, and I fear what's about to befall unto me. As I am thinking for a bit more there's a sudden knock that can be heard from the door.

"(What's the matter?)" I asked the person

"(My king, there is something urgent you must know)"

"(What is it?)"

"(The kingdom of Lothringen has attacked one of our forts, and have occupied it. Their troops are now marching towards our capital my king)"

"(WHAT?! How were they able to pass through undetected through our borders??)"

"(My king, it is still unconfirmed but it seems that one of our men was bribed to let the enemies pass through undetected.)"

"(Quick! Rally the nobles army and combine it with the royal army. We will repel them decisively from our lands)"

"(I am afraid to say this my king, but the nobles have defected to the enemy kingdom)"

"(There are traitors everywhere! how could this happen! I even made sure that all the peasants and nobles are satisfied under my rule!)"

"(Fear not my king, the peasants have rallied to defend the kingdom, the barracks are now full, they are waiting for your orders my king.)"

Brilliant after I heard that the peasant has rallied under my cause, my energy has rejuvenated back onto me, but I still have a problem. My wife the queen of this kingdom is on a diplomatic mission to improve relations with the neighbouring kingdoms, and so I told the man to recall the Queen back to the palace so that we can both defend it together. The man also told me that the village next town has completed the conscription and is waiting for inspection. To improve the morale of the men, I decided to inspect the town personally. After deciding to do I rallied the men and set forward towards the town.


The sun is shining brightly as the wind smells of iron and rotten flesh, the trees were standing tall, high above in the sky, as if intimidating us to turn back. The fog is retreating to the horizon and at the same time there was a heavy sound coming from behind me, as time goes by it grows louder, and so I decided to finally look back, and there she is, my daughter, Emilia.


"(Why did you follow me? you should've stayed in the palace where it's safer")

"(I wanted to accompany you father)"

"(Alright then, come here, beside your father)"

"(Yes father!)"

"(So your mother is yet to arrive)"

As we are talking about my wife, there a messenger pigeon came, it says that the queen herself is being attacked. And so we immediately rushed to the village to gather more men to fight, But fate isn't with us, as the village was already being raided by the enemy. We must make it quick, or the Queen's guard would be overwhelmed by the time we get there, not only that but the sun is also setting down, so the faster we end this the better our chances will be.

I immediately ordered the royal guards to take a position to fight off the enemy and then we advanced. The peasants immediately joined forces with us, the battle was bloody, it smelled for hours of blood and iron, men and women were being brutally killed, the splashes of blood paints every corner, but soon it will come to an end. Unfortunately, fate isn't with me today as we were the ones being pushed back, so we need to think of a plan to break through from this predicament, but it was already too late as we were encircled by the enemy, only a few men were left. Soon enough a man with worn-out armour came to me and said:

"(My king, the other soldiers and I decided to force you to hide, we will not let our king die here, furthermore you're the only hope of our nation, so please live long my king)"


I had no other choice for I am the king of this nation, I feel wrecked inside as I go inside the hiding room. I have no other choice we were fighting a losing battle, and that raises the chance for me to get captured and have this nation annexed by the enemy, I certainly wouldn't let that happen. I then strengthened my courage and hoped for the best for the queen to survive and escape the battle, even though I knew what was coming for her, I could only think of what those men would do to her, my precious wife, I am sorry I failed as a husband and as a king of this nation.

I could not do anything but only listen to the cries of my people outside being mercilessly killed, and as time goes by blood soon came trickling above me and my daughter, we fear we might get captured, I would fight to the death to defend the honour of my daughter, I wasn't able to do anything to save my wife, I certainly wouldn't let that happen again.

Soon enough silence came as if it were trying to consume us, we fear what to become next. then suddenly came footsteps above us, they were speaking a language that I haven't heard before, our hearts keep on beating very fast, but with all of that I feel comfortable, I feel confident that something good will happen, then suddenly the door above us opened. It was a man wearing green clothes with something on his forehead. The man reaches his hand onto me, we feared them, but they keep on smiling as if they meant no harm. Preposterous! this land is in a state of war! how could some good soul decide to just give out a hand to a refugee?

The man gave out some food to us, it tastes of something that we have never tasted before, my mouth felt hot, then at the same time taste sweet, and another thing it's soft and chewy. Heavens what is this food that I am eating, I have never tasted such things before, this kind of food would be popular among the masses and nobles. The men in green then used sign language to communicate with us, it then confirmed my suspicion that these people weren't from this lands, they must be foreigners from somewhere far away from this land. The man told us that they are going to bring us back where it's much safer, it seems that they have a base somewhere around here, so it seems that there is another invasion, I hope that they can be allies to us.

As we were walking back to the base I was surprised at how they could traverse the terrain so quickly, it's like they can see in the dark very well. Then suddenly I remembered the queen, so I asked the men in green to go further to the south to save the village where the Queen is. The men then immediately splitted up and the remainder took us back to their base with my daughter, we never felt this relieved in our life, I hope they could treat us better and hopefully become allies with them.


Kaiser here! Thank you everyone for reading this chapter, I hope you all had a great time reading it, and once again see you again next time....

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