《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 2: Green Devils


Time: [???]

Year: [May 1, 1245 AD]

POV: [???]

The shadows are lurking everywhere as if they are following me, with each step I take the atmosphere gets thicker and thicker, to the point that I couldn't breathe, but I must continue, for I must do this job as a bandit, people might say it is a preposterous and a dishonourable job because you take other peoples belongings and is like stealing, well I can't do anything about it my village is poor and my family are starving, and so I must continue.

To the far distance, I saw a man walking towards me he's a bit tall and is very chubby, he's Richard, my good old friend, he's a bit flirty with women, even though he's very chubby and is immediately rejected when he's just about to walk towards a girl, quite funny indeed, but he's a supportive guy and wingman, you can trust him your back when you need him, he's also a very funny guy with lots of jokes, unlike the other people from the group, they only care about money, not even having the slightest amount of pity to those they steal from. When Richard arrived at my front he asked me,

"(Hey Simon, I heard from the guys, that we're going to raid a carriage soon, let's go before we get too far behind)"

"(Yea sure man ill just drink this last bottle of wine)"

As I finished up the last bottle of wine that I'm drinking, I thought to myself I wish I had more of this. After I finished drinking, I got up and spit at the ground to remove the after taste of the wine.

"(Buckle up we're going now)"

"(Yes bro, let's go!)"

After we were done coming with the group we started marching towards our destination it is a few kilometres from our position, and as we have arrived at the destination, there we saw the carriage that we were supposed to raid, then Richard came to me and said.


"(Hey man were going now let's go)"

"(Yea sure)"

We then proceed to attack the carriage with our knives below our pocket, hiding it from plain sight, we then proceeded to move in front of the carriage. The man piloting the carriage shouted

"(You there!, Get out of the way, this is a very important carriage, requested by a noble from the north)"

"(Great our loot today would be grand!)" replied by one of our men

We then attacked the carriage and immediately killed the pilot then stole everything, and while we were looting the carriage, the pilot said his last words.

"(You'll pay for this, may Hell rain upon you!)"

And just like that, the man breathe his last breath and passed away from this world. After that at a far distance, we saw people that we're men in green we found out that they wore nice clothes must be some rich nobles that got lost from this land, then Richard came to me and said

"(Hey man, they are planning on raiding those men in green, I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this, we should try and stop them first)"

"(You're right if those were nobles we could be facing an entire country that is going to hunt us that is thirsting for blood)"

Then we walked towards the group and warned them of the possibility of attacking those men who wore green clothes.

"(Guys I think we should not raid those people, we have a bad feeling about this, if those were real nobles they could have an entire country to hunt for us)"

"(There is nothing to worry about, they won't know what attacked them, a worst possible situation is they would blame another country for it and start a war, plus they won't know if us if we killed them because there won't be any witnesses, so buckle up and let's do this)"


Even though the argument was convincing enough to most of our men, but it wasn't enough to satiate my nervousness and at last, I followed them, then after that Richard came to me and said.

"(Hey Simon, these people are crazy we should just leave them and take on our ways, we could be wiped out if an entire country tried and hunted for us)"

Even though I felt like that was the right choice, I couldn't let myself agree, because think about it, all the riches we could earn if we sell these things, and those clothes it looks like it's expensive, we could fetch a high price for that, in the end, my greed forced me to join with them.

"( I don't know man, but I'm sorry I'm going to leave now)"

And, there just like that Richard left the group only taking the spoils of the carriage and said goodbye.

I then came and joined the group as they were preparing to attack we were spotted by the men in green so we launched an immature attack.

"(Boys buckle up, URAHHHHHH)"

"(Forward!!! Attack those men in green and loot them)" a man shouted

And as we're about to attack we heard a large sound and it came wheezing through the air *BANG* And just like that one of our men fell to the ground, then a man shouted "FIRE" we couldn't understand the language, but I fear the worst is just about to come, and at that same moment we heard another sound *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* And just like that 3 of our men fell to the ground, we couldn't see where they were, so we move in with our archers and ordered them to fire at the top, but then as we were about to shoot we heard another sound simultaneously after one another one came *BANG* with just a few seconds of things wheezing through the air, we saw the entire group of archers wiped out, then we proceeded to make one last stand, we were trying to have an honourable death, but it seems faith is not with us as the sounds continue numerous men from our group fell to their knees, knocking them from out of this world, and soon came to my turn, my knees on the ground, traumatized by what I saw, then I lastly muttered "Green Devils"

Shortly after that Simon was shot in the head, leaving his family and friends behind, he died in cold hard soil, filled with regrets, thinking about how he should have just followed his friend Richard and escaped before these things happened, but now it's all over, only regrets are left, he couldn't do anything about it, then shortly after he fell to the ground and died.


Kaiser here! Thank you everyone for reading the second chapter of my novel, I hope you all had a great time! And btw I used "()" this to denote that the language that is being used is the language from the new world, because webnovel doesn't have the option to change the colour of the fonts, so yea, and also I didn't want to make a new whole language, so this would suffice "()". Once again thank you everyone for reading!!!

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