《The New World Beyond The Gate》Chapter 1: The New World


Time: [0800]

Year: [May 1, 1245 AD]

POV: [Edward]

The ceilings are dark as a black dye, no sound can be heard throughout the tunnel, except for the sound of machinery and the marching sounds of the soldiers. Only the lights that came from the vehicles that we brought from the other side of the gate provides us with enough view for us to move in. It's as if were isolated from the entire world, the end must be near for we can hear the sound of running water from afar, the men are already getting nervous and happy, for the adventures that we could experience from this expedition.

Then at last! we can see a light breaking through coming from afar, it's as if heaven and earth have clashed down before us, we were filled with joy and so we marched faster and faster, then, at last, we have gotten out of the gate.

After coming out of the gate we immediately smelled a sweet scent of gardenia coming from afar with a stench of blood. There must be a battle coming from somewhere, we were then immediately alarmed as the stench of blood was getting stronger and stronger. Then there was a man coming towards me, he came from another battalion of my division. He came forwards and asked:


"Yes, Officer Parkins?."

"What should we do with this stench of blood?"

"I say we build up defences first before investigating"

Then I looked at another man and gave him a command

"You there!"

"Yes sir?"

"Hand me over the radio"

"Yes sir!"

And as the man hurriedly came over and gave me the radio, he stumbled into the ground.

"Blimey! How clumsy, get up quickly private!"

"Sorry sir, I just can't contain the excitement to be part of this expeditionary force"


"Yes yes, congrats about it, now make it quick"

"Sir yes sir!"

As the private gave me the radio I immediately turned it on and gave the following command to all units.

"All units are to be on alert, there seems to be a battle going on right now, I instruct everyone to build defences around a 20km perimeter around the gate, all units must survey the area first, and report back anything unusual that you can find"

"Roger sir." And as stated by a person then came simultaneously the answers of different parts of the army corps.

The men quickly gather around the 20km perimeter and started surveying the surroundings, then they started building fortified defences and started entrenching the vehicles and also started positioning the artillery and armaments, and after a few hours of building and positioning, we are now ready to start surveying the area to find the cause of the stench of blood. Then after we find the cause of the stench of blood we should start thinking of building a star fort around the 20km perimeter before we start making contact with the nations of this world so that our position would be strongly guarded in case things turn south and we have to defend the gate, I sincerely just hope that we have the technological supremacy on this world, which would make things easier for us. After we have prepared the surveying equipment I called the regiments that would take part in surveying and so I called them.

"Officer Parkins! Call the 84th, 96th, 100th mechanized regiments"

"Sir yes sir!"

After a few minutes of waiting the regiments have arrived.

"Sir, we're ready and waiting for the command"

"Well then, the 84th mechanized shall go to the north and find out the situation there, then the 95th mechanized will go to the east, and lastly the 100th mechanized will go to the west, you all will survey the area and report back on your findings, don't engage with any inhabitants and make sure to stay hidden insight. That's all for now. Disperse!"


"Sir yes sir!"

Then the regiments started their vehicles and started to move out, after a while of waiting, a man with wrinkles on his face and is a bit thin started walking towards me and said something.

"Sir, there was movement in the south, I suggest we fortify even more the south."

"I see, go ahead and ask the men in the south to fortify the defences even more, and say that I was the one who commanded the initiative"

"Sir yes sir!"

After the man left I thought to myself that we could be attacked from our flanks so I called officer parkins and ordered him to see to the south and report back immediately if there was any major movement in the south. and after waiting a few more minutes my senses are telling me that we're about to be attacked and so it was correct because soon after I got a report from officer Parkins that we were being attacked to the south. I immediately rushed over there and took command. I then asked officer parkins what's the current situation and he said:

"Sir, it seems that we are being attacked by what looks like bandits sir, they were wearing robes and leather, similar to the ones that people wear a thousand years ago in Ares sir."

"I see guessing with the current situation it seems that the possibility of us having technological supremacy is high, well then finish it up quickly, good thing our guns come with silencers"

After I looked to the battlefield there I saw what looks like swords, shields and bows from the enemy, it seems like this world is very underdeveloped looks like we'll have an easy time obtaining resources, well we could just obtain them through war or diplomacy, the answers of the inhabitants will decide whether which will be done.

The enemies were quickly obliterated and the sun soon sets as fast as the wind, well any time now the mechanized regiments will soon arrive and we will know of the situation.

After the battle was finished the men quickly go into the corpses and started looting the enemy like vultures preying on dead bodies, they were able to find gold ornaments in the pockets of corpses, it seems like these bandits have raided a fairly rich people, you can't stop the men from looting as it could cause an upset within the army, as long as they keep the discipline they can loot the enemy as long as they are not an innocent, why do I allow this? hmm, that's a bit of a tough question, looting is part of wars in Ares it's like a culture that can never be shaken off the face of the earth.

After waiting a few more minutes the regiments have finally arrived, and then the officers from the regiment came to me to report.


Kaiser here! Thank you for taking the time to read the first chapter of my novel, I hope all of you had a great time!

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