《The New World Beyond The Gate》Introduction to Nations


The Imperial Republic

The Republic has risen from the ashes of blood and iron and was baptised from the fire of revolutions but with all of the things that happened, it is but a nation that was recently born.

The Imperial Republic is headed by a chancellor who was given a large amount of power and a task to solve the corruption within the nation, he found out that in the past when the nation was fractured into multiple nations they were selling various natural resources and when the country was united into a single entity those turncoats left the country with all their money leaving the country financially unstable and lacking in resources which leads to the current situation they lack the means to productions and without the means to production poverty shall come and with it, the fire of revolutions may once again bless the nation the republic is one step foot away from collapsing.

Despite the current situation, the chancellor named Henry Steiner decided to take a gamble and focused on improving the technology of the country and finding new ways even the most daredevil of men would not want to step on, he funded numerous projects that others would call mentally dysfunctional and that is creating a portal that would lead them to a new world with flourishing resources they could take through means of war or diplomacy, anybody with a functioning brain would say that this is crazy but for the chancellor, this is just the right thing to do.

Nobody expected it would succeed but faith is on their side for it succeeded months later after it has started development and now they are preparing an expeditionary force to go on the other side of the gate which is to be headed by Field Marshal Edward Wilhelm or popularly known as Sir Edward, but would the other side would truly bring them prosperity or destruction? for there are many eyes in the government who wants to take advantage of this, will the republic stand? or will it be the final blow to the unstable government?


Darkness looms behind the Republic.


The Confederation of Amazonia

The Amazonia is made up of multiple confederated councils which are then headed by a president the nation is flourishing with natural resources of the type of wood and other various resources that are used in trade, the Amazonia is also called the trading hub of the world because multiple businessmen are stationed there and are the go-to of businessmen and women around the world because of their world-class security for trading

despite the flourishing economy of Amazonia,

behind the scene lies a fractured nation that could transform into a civil war at any moment due to serious ethnic tensions between different clans who wants to take over and rule the nation for themselves and also due to regionalist mentality.

Will the Confederation be able to stand strong or would it be swept under the rugs of severe ethnic tensions and lead to their collapse?


The Federation of Wilhelmshaven

The Federation is headed by a king named a

Alfonso II exercised absolute rule over the nation reaching as far as back the rural, the villagers feel fear from their king, but the king is wise and a good analyst while he uses the iron hand, under his rule the Federation prospered.

The Federation is perhaps the most prosperous among the two it is abundant in resources and is also home to many major companies whether it is for armaments or economical you can trust that they are top class, they are also the most ambitious among the two, seeking to unite the entire planet of Ares for themselves, they have a very aggressive expansionist policy, consuming multiple island nations in the process, and in the back, they seek to declare war among the three major nations in the world.


Will they be able to unite the world under their nation or would it lead to their downfall? perhaps only faith knows what's to become of them.


Various island nations

These nations weren't conquered by other major nations for they lack the means of major naval invasions, so far they are just considered as minors by other major nations which lead to them being safe most of the time whether there are conflicts between other major nations.

They also serve as natural barriers against major nations and is also known as the neutral zone between the three various factions.

Despite their neutrality would it still save them from the darkness that looms around the world?


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