《The Connections》Bones


There were gasps of delight and amazement as the large group of students and teachers entered the library. Zach smiled, to them the library was the impossible.

Zach hopped up onto a step stool and gave a piercing whistle to get the group’s attention.

“Alright everyone I’m going to split you all up into five groups.” Zach called out.

“Why five groups?” A student in the crowd asked.

“Well the library is in a pentagonal shape.” Zach answered.

“Ok, Each group will be assigned to a section of the library. As you go through your section make sure that you bring two other people with you. Also the acoustics in the library are tricky so keep an eye on your group. Are there any more questions?” Zach said.

“What exactly are we looking for?” A teacher asked.

“Any reference to the source crystal.” Zach said.

“What do we do if we find anything?” Another teacher asked.

“Have someone come find me, but stay where you are. The shelves are literally a maze, so you can easily get lost.” Zach replied.

“What are you going to do in the meantime?” Gus asked.

“I need to learn how to control my ability.” Zach said.

Zach stepped down from the stool and split the crowd up. Once the group was out searching, Zach cleared an area for himself and sat down. Opening his satchel, he pulled out a solid cube of metal.

“What other goodies do you have in that satchel of mystery?” Reilly asked.

“Oh just bits and bobs. Nothing to get excited about.” Zach said turning around.

There was an unfamiliar man standing next to Reilly. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was of average height and was thin.


“Zach I want you to meet a friend of mine.” Reilly said.

“The names’ Tony Slade but you can call me Bones.” Tony said.

“A pleasure to meet you Bones, I’m Zach Carter.” Zach said.

“Bones here, caught wind that you need help controlling your ability and volunteered to help you.” Reilly said.

“Oh wow, thanks. I'd love the help.” Zach said.

“Well I’m going to leave you two to it.” Reilly said walking off.

“So Zach, I’ve heard the rumors, hell I’ve felt the rumors. Is it true that you leveled over thirty acres of woodland forest with a single punch from the shock wave alone?” Bones said joining Zach on the floor.

“Oh, well I wouldn't say over thirty, it was more like six or seven, but yes.” Zach responded.

“Tell me Zach, what happened?” Bones asked.

And Zach told Bones everything, from when he and Nick spotted the Redcaps to when he found Avner. Throughout the retelling Bones paid close attention and asked some questions here and there. After Zach finished, Bones sat back and gave a moment to think.

“From what you told me Zach, I can conclude that your ability gives you the power to clone, control, harvest, and redistribute frequencies.” Bones said.

“Can you elaborate for me?” Zack asked.

“Sure… Ok so everything in the universe has a resonant frequency, even energy. If you vibrate an object with a frequency that matches it’s resonant frequency, the object’s structure would deconstruct itself until it’s resonant frequency changes. Your ability allows you to do the same thing but separated. You can vibrate your stored up pure energy to the exact resonant frequency of your body. In doing so, you leave behind an after image of sorts that has a copy of your potential energy.” Bones explained.


“So basically I make a clone that has absolutely no matter at all?” Zach asked.

“Yes, exactly that.” Bones said, smiling.

“That explains my ghostly clones, but what happens then?” Zach said.

“Well, once the clones are created they are frozen in place because they are literally just vibrating energy. The action of you wanting to use your clones is what causes all that copied energy to transform into any energy needed for the situation. The energy is then absorbed back into your body where it can be distributed accordingly.” Bones finished.

“So basically the pure energy in my body bleeds out of me as a frequency of my potential energy which is transformed into; let’s just say kinetic energy, then I harvest that kinetic energy and use it?” Zach asked.

“Precisely.” Bones confirmed.

“But wait, that doesn't explain what happened with the blood of a god.” Zach said, confused.

“That is why I wanted to help you Zach.” Bones said.

“Tell me Zach, what are the levels of the Connected?” Bones asked.

“Well you can be a Skilled level which is one energy type or you can be a Master level which is a mix of two energy types.” Zach said.

“You are right, but there is a third level, called Enlightened.” Bones said.

“Enlightened level?” Zach asked.

“An Enlightened level is a mix of all three energy types; Drayparin, Ciroono, and Tinrith. Normally when you are Skilled level Connected you have the rudimentary abilities, Drayparin would be increased strength, Ciroono would be telepathy, and Tinrith would be either growth or normal luxin. When you are Master level Connected you have the more complex abilities, Drayparin/Ciroono would be increased thought, Ciroono/Tinrith would be telekinesis, Tinrith/Drayparin would be increased vocals.

An Enlightened level Connected would have an ability that gives them the power to break the laws of physics.” Bones said.

“Wait a minute, are you telling me that I am an Enlightened level Connected?” Zach said in disbelief.

“In a manner of speaking, yes. In some rare cases though, the Connection gives an Enlightened level Connected two abilities. A primary ability and a secondary ability. Combined the two abilities have the power to stalemate a fight with a god. Zach you have the ability to clone, control, harvest, and redistribute frequencies; and you also have the ability to produce the blood of a god.” Bones said.

Zach let that new overwhelming information to sink in before he spoke.

“How did you get that from the two times I have used my ability ever?” Zach demanded.

“Well Zach, I would know. You are like me.” Bones said.

“Wait, you said that this was only in rare cases. How rare is it?” Zach asked.

“This happens once every five hundred years give or take a decade.” Bones responded.

That hit Zach in the gut and it hit hard.

“I don’t understand, if this happens every five hundred years then how are we alike?” Zach asked.

“Let me show you.” Bones said standing up.

Giving himself some room, Bones closed his eyes and there was a bright flash of amber light.

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