《The Connections》The Library


Zach's mind fled from him as his head hit the pillow. Fleeting flashes blurred his vision and he rubbed them to ward off the assault.

"Zach, you have run out of time to master your ability. You must find the source crystal and give humanity the chance to survive." A familiar voice rang out.

"Con is that you?" Zach asked.

" It is, but there is no time for friendly chit chat. You must find the source crystal and replenish humanity's life." Con said urgently.

With a blinding white light Zach woke up in a cold sweat. "The source crystal? What the hell is the source crystal?" Zach asked himself. Conner might know.

Zach jumped out of his bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt before running out to find Conner.

"The source crystal? I don't know about it personally but I'm sure the archive would know." Conner said, after Zach found and explained what Con told him. Both of them ran up to the doors of the library but were being locked up for the night.

"Stop, we need to get in there now, this is important!" Zach said, urgently.

"Don't you think it is a little too late to be doing last minute homework?" The librarian asked.

"This is not homework, this is a mission from the very connection itself!" Conner exclaimed.

Rightly chastised the librarian unlocked the door and followed the two boys into the dark room. Zach made a B line straight to the archive obelisk. Tapping the closest screen to him, Zach asked for the archives. "Just a moment." The voice said and just like on that fateful day when Zach met Conner the blue crystal shattered and the fragments fell to form a search engine. Rapidly Zach typed in the Source Crystal and was met with one single result.


"I have found one reference to 'Source Crystal', do you want to see it?" The Archives asked.

"Yes!" Conner said.

"The source crystal is the focus of a legend where it is to be thought that The connection was first established in the human race. It is said that it is the very point where the 'big bang' occurred leaving an energy so strong that it could create a god."

"Is there a mention of where this source crystal could be?" Zach asked.

"My apologies but this knowledge has been lost since the beginning of the Bronze Age."

Zach bowed his head in disappointment. "How will we find the source Crystal if we don't know where it is?" Conner asked no one in particular.

"Well I'm sure you could find a lead in the old story's of great England." The librarian said, a little interested.

Zach perked up and looked at Conner. "Sofia!" Both of them said in unison.

"I have an idea, but I need you to do me a favor for me." Zach asked the Librarian, "Gather every book worm in this school and bring them to the front of the gate as soon as possible. I will meet you there shortly."

Zach and Conner ran to Sofia's room and banged on the door.

"What the hell, do you know what time it is?" Sofia said, rubbing her eyes.

"We need your help, the entire human race depends on it!" Conner said.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait until morning." Sofia said, about to close the door.

"What do you know about the source Crystal?" Zach asked and Sofia froze.

"What the heck did you just ask?" Sofia said.

"the source crystal, we need to find it." Conner said.


Sofia slammed her door shut and about ten seconds later she opened it again, but this time she was fully dressed with her bag on her shoulder.

"How did you-" Conner said, but stopped considerably confused on how she changed so quickly.

"The source Crystal has been a pestering splinter in my mind ever since I heard of it." Sofia said, as they ran around the academy to grab the rest of the crew.

Not long after that almost half of the school was waiting outside the gates of the academy talking among themselves in quiet voices. When the six of friends walked up, the big group of people went quiet.

"All right everyone, most of you might know me from when my ability manifested. But for those who don't know me, my name is Zach Carter and I have word from the Connection. It has informed me that I must find the so-called Source Crystal and bring the connection back to the lives of the human race. How I will do that, I have no clue. But what I do know is that our best bet is that we find out where the Source Crystal is first." Zach called out to the group.

"And how will we do that? The Librarian said that the archives don't have the location of the Source Crystal in it's memory." A middle aged woman asked somewhere in the back.

"When I was little I found an old cavern filled with books and artifacts. We will be going there to try and find the location of the Source Crystal." Zach said.

"And you just now are telling us?" A man from the front asked.

"Why I did not tell anyone about this cavern is beside the point. What matters is that we find the Source Crystal and save humanity. You best be ready, because you are entering the Library Of Alexandria!" Zach said.

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