《The Connections》The Mind's Eye


Zach filled with fear and sorrow as he could not get a pulse from Mr. Avner. Hurriedly Zach checked to see if Avner’s airway was clear; it was. Zach started to weep as he began chest compression's on his adopted father. After the 30th compression, Zach pinched Avner’s nose and tilted the head back. Taking a deep breath, Zach inflated Avner’s lungs with air. He began the compression's again and again, and again. Exhausted, Zach keeled there heart broken. lieutenant Avner Seax, the one person that looked after Zach when he was little, the person who made sure that Zach got a job, the person who made sure that Zach followed his heart and morals, the person who made sure that Zach got a life to live was dead.

“No!!!” Zach yelled “He wouldn't want this!”“ He wouldn't want me to give up just because it is not working, he expects better of me!”. Zach held his hands out in front of him and began to concentrate. He took all the strength he had left and used it to dip into the pool of energy within. The floorboards began to undulate and blacken, Zach used his grief, anger, and will to draw the God Blood elixir from the depths, deep within the ground. He willed the black liquid to flow into Avner and himself. The liquid filled his body with strength and energy.

Zach closed his eyes and felt a sensation of heat and his mind stretched. He could feel his body begin to vibrate and multiply. The faster his body vibrated the stronger he felt. Forming an image of Avner’s heart in his mind, Zach released the pent up kinetic energy into Avner’s body. In his mind Zach saw Avner’s heart beat once, but it went still. Zach released his kinetic energy into his mentor’s body again, and again, and again. Zach fearing that Mr. Avner was gone, he released the energy one last time, and saw Avner’s heart beat once, and then it beat once more, and then it started to beat faster and more regularly.


Mr. Avner took a deep but ragged breath and opened his eyes as Zach collapsed and began to cry. His father was alive.

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