《The Connections》From old to new


“Uh is there any way you could just forget what I just said, please?” Conner asked.

“Oh; hehe sorry, I don’t think I can.” Zach replied, amused.

“Come on, please.” Conner pushed.

“I-” Zach was cut off by a familiar shout coming from another part of the vast library.

“Looks like Nick is looking for us. We should go and find out what's the matter.” Zach said.

Zach and Conner found the group at the place they first split off from to explore. Sofia looked at them “Where have you two been?”.

“W-We where, u-uh.” Conner stammered.

“I was showing Conner a section of the library with some history books.” Zach lied.

Sofia perked up at the mention of history, “History books; where?”.

“I will show you next time you come. But right now it is getting late, we should go get some rest.” Zach said, deflecting Sofia’s questions.

Everyone looked dejected, they wanted to stay and explore more.

The next morning, Zach wanted to see how Mr. Avner was doing so he paid him a visit. Approaching the shack Zach could see that several improvements had been added to it. The shack looked like it had been rebuilt from the studs. New planks covered the exterior of the home and even a small flower bed had been dug. Zach knocked on what looked to be a pine wood door, but nobody answered. Zach knocked again but still no answer. Zach started to get worried, “Hello? Avner, are you in there?”. Zach went over to the window and looked through it, he could make out Avner’s form sprawled out on the floor.

Zach rushed to the door and tried to open it, “Shit, locked!”. Stepping back Zach rammed the door with his shoulder and bounced off, the new hardwood door withstood Zach’s constant barrage. The door would not budge so Zach decided to go through the window. Zach wrapped part of his cloak around his hand and punched the glass, nothing happened. He punched it again and the glass cracked. Gathering his strength, Zach punched once more and the window shattered.


Zach climbed through the broken window and got cut in the process, but he drove the pain from his mind and rushed to where Mr. Avner was lying unconscious. Zach gently shook Avner, no response but his body was still warm. He checked for a pulse but got nothing.

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