《The Connections》Sherwin-Williams


“Zach? Where did you go?” Conner hollered, as he wandered around.

‘Shit’ Conner thought. “This is not funny,” he yelled.

“Sure it is.” Zach said, behind a bookshelf on Conner’s left. “Why don’t you try and catch me?” Zach said, on Conner’s right.

“You know how to navigate the halls, I don’t.” Conner called out.

“That is true. I tell you what, I promise that I will give you a fair opportunity.” Zach said, right behind Conner.

Conner screamed and turned around, “Holy shit, don’t do that.”

“Do what?” Zach said innocently.

“You know exactly what you did.” Conner said.

“Oh the voice trick? The halls were designed to redirect sound around, my theory is that they were designed that way so that if anyone were to get lost, they could be found.” Zach said, smiling.

“Oh that's smart, but I have a different theory.” Conner said, conspiratorially.

And what might that be?” Zach said.

“You… Are… It…” said Conner.

“I’m it? Would you care to elaborate?” Zach said, confused.

Conner taps Zach on the chest and runs.

“You little shit!!” Zach laughs, as he sprints after Conner.

Conner Zigged through the halls and Zagged through the passages with Zach hot on his heels. At one point Zach started to close the gap between Conner and himself, so Conner took a sharp left to regain the lost distance. Shortly after that Conner saw Zach catching up once again, so he took the next right. But Zach had predicted the action, so he was unfazed. Right as Conner was about to make another right, Zach flew by, the tap on Conner’s shoulder undoubtedly saying that he was it. “Oh, it is on!” Conner said, chasing after Zach. As Conner chased him, Zach glanced behind him and took a left. Conner whipped around the corner and stopped. Zach had run himself into a dead end.


“Looks like you sir, are trapped!” Conner said, victoriously.

“Oh, am I now?” Zach said, sheepishly.

“Yes, you are.” Conner said smugly and he dove at Zach.

Seeing the tackle coming, Zach jumped onto a nearby rolling ladder. Conner recovered quickly and Managed to tap Zach’s shoe as he passed by. Zach halted the ladder and turned to look at Conner. Zach smiled and jumped down.

“Shit!!!” Conner cried, as he realized his mistake. Zach had entered the dead end intentionally and had let Conner tag him, effectively flipping both of their roles while also trapping Conner in the process. Conner couldn't help but be impressed.

“Well shit Zach, that was one hell of a smoothly executed trap.” Conner said.

“I guess I lost then.” Zach said, a little disappointed.

“What? But you caught me.” Conner said.

I count how many times someone is it, since I was it the most I lose.” Zach said, getting closer to Conner until they were face to face.

“Oh, and as the winner, what do I win?” Conner said, smugly.

“A kiss from me.” Zach says as he leans down and lightly Kisses Conner on the lips.

Conner was caught off guard, Zach was kissing him. Conner had no idea what to do, Yes he kissed a lot of guys before, but this was different. It was like a spark that kindled a deep passion within Conner’s body, He kissed back and his heart took over.

With the confirmation that was supplied by Conner, Zach leaned in further. After quite some time Zach broke the kiss and looked at Conner.

“Why did you stop!?” Conner said, almost whining.

“I just want to be sure that we are on the same page.” Zach said.

“Are you shitting me? I sure as hell hope so.” Conner said, kissing Zach.

Zach once more broke the Kiss and Conner let out a small noise of frustration. “I’m serious.” Zach persisted.

“Look you dope, I've wanted to get into your pants since day one.No one is more ‘On the same page’ than I am.” Conner said, without thinking. Both of them froze and turned shades of red, Sherwin-Williams didn’t even think of.

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