《The Connections》Something to do


The gang found Zach bent over a stack of papers in the library. He was so engrossed in his project that he did not notice them approaching. “What you got there Zach?” Gus asked, and Zach started in surprise.

“Oh uh, just some designs I have been working on. Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Zach stammered, as he crammed everything into his ever present satchel.

“Oh come on Zach, we all know how good you are with mechanical marvels. Stop being so modest and brag for once.” Sofia said.

“I’m good. Anyway what are you all doing today?” Zach said changing the subject.

“We were hoping you had something fun to do.” Nick wrote.

Zach had an Idea. “Well I in fact do have something fun.” Zach said.

“What is it!?” Sofia asked excitedly.

“Let’s talk about it at my dorm.” Zach said standing up.

Zach made them promise that they won’t tell anyone that it existed. For a precaution he made sure that no one was tailing them.

“Where are we?” Gus asked.

“Wait, is this that library you told me about?” Conner asked.

“It is. Go ahead and explore the place if you want, just stay on the pink path I made. I still have not mapped the entire place out yet.” Zach said.

“How did you find this place?”

“I found this place when I was young. I was exploring a mineshaft when I stumbled down a flight of stairs, the door at the bottom opened up to this marvel” Zach replied.

Sofia and Gus wandered off in one direction, while Nick and Reilly went off in another direction. That left Conner alone with Zach. “So why pink?” Conner asked, falling in step with Zach.


“Huh?” Zach responded.

“Why did you pick the color pink for the path?” Conner said.

“Oh, I picked it because it is noticeable. I did not want all of you to get lost down here.” Zach explained.

“Oh, ok.” Conner said, crestfallen.

“And because it reminds me of you.” Zach said, embarrassed.

Conner perked up. “Oh does it now?”.

“Heh, yea.” Zach said.

They came to an intersection that split the halls of the library into four lanes, the pink path leaded into the left and right but not forward. Conner went to turn right but Zach kept walking. “What are you doing Zach?” Conner asked.

“I need to grab something, don’t worry I know this sector well.” Zach responded, as he disappeared down the hallway. Conner came around the corner just in time to see Zach turn a corner at the other side of the hall. “Hay, wait up.” Conner called. When he turned the same corner Zach had, Conner was met with nothing.

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