《A Fungal Dream》Side Story. 5


“Is everyone ready?”

The group of refugees behind me whispered between each other. They have bags prepared for the trip.

Even the priests and nuns have prepared, carrying scepters for which they are still praying, continuously maintaining the barrier around us, albeit it shrunk considerably.

“We are ready!”

Patrick ran next to me, a big bag on his back, probably filled with provisions.

“Alright! At my signal, follow me!”

I pushed the doors of the church open and excited, holding the book open.

The scenery changed a little.

With the barrier becoming smaller, the mold grew closer to the building and the scenery from before had disappeared returning to the wasteland that it was.

“ Okay, here I – Hmm?”

In the distance, something was approaching us.

Something in vast numbers…


I ran back and slammed the doors shut.

Soon, I heard the sound of small bodies hitting the wood, trying to breach in.

“Patrick, use your power to seal the door. Priests back to the altars! Guards pro-“

Before I could finish my sentence, the windows of the church exploded as a veritable swarm of small flying creatures flooded the room.


The familiar purple barrier surrounded us, stopping the assailants in midair.

These things were really disgusting, nothing but mouths filled with teeth, which had a pair of bat wings attached to them.

“Cursed Sword Technique: Purple Rage!”

Turning my broken sword into a literal whip made from flames, I destroyed all of them.

“I am going out! When they aren’t watching, escort the refugees away!”

“Wait! Eliza-“

I didn’t wait for his protests, I leaped through one of the broken windows.

The entire sky was filled with these creatures, shrieking with high-pitched voices.

“KING! You finally showed up.”

Standing on top of one of the houses, the black knight general was clapping his hands.

“I raised my sword over my head and spoke in a loud voice.

“Today is the end! I shall eradicate the blight that you are!”

“Blight? BLIGHT! How dare you! We are KAYERI, the chosen race of our father! You shall pay for this afront! Kill that bitch!”

The flying monsters flew towards me, converging into a tornado of teeth and wings.

“This only makes it easier to kill you! Cursed Flame Blade!”

Using the proximity they had between each other, I set the whole thing in flames, burning every single one of them.

“This is to eas-“

“From the wall of flame, something gigantic hit my side, making me crash through several buildings before I could stop myself.

I slowly hissed myself on my feet, almost collapsing from the pain I felt from my right arm.

My limb was completely ruined, bones sticking out of it, with the armor bent so much it was unusable.

Hissing, I pulled off my armor and started to gather energy into it.

“H-Healing Mag-gic: Regeneration.”

As the pleasant warmth spread through my broken limb slowly healing it.

“The fuck… was that?”

Slowly standing up I looked at where I flew from.

I was lucky that I did that, allowing me to jump away as a black great sword embedded into the ground, just where I was.


“I missed? Damn, you aren’t the king for nothing.”

Falling from the sky and landing on the tip of the sword without any sound was a midget.

It wore the same black armor that the other one had, but its helmet was pointy like a spear.

“ Who are you? Appraisal!”

Before its face, the midget’s status screen appeared.


Name: Zuerst

Race: Sentient Wild Soldier LV: 6/100 (78/100)

Main Class: [Guardian]

Sub Class: [Moldy Sword Master]

HP(Health Points): 66 000/66 000

SP(Stamina Points): 40 000/40 000

MP(Magic Points): 500/500

Active Skills: [Master Swordsmanship] [Sword Manipulation] [Mold Manipulations] [Mold Berserker] [Decaying Touch] [Mold Weapon Manipulation] [Telepathy Through Mold]

Passive Skills: [Combat Sense] [Light Steps] [Strength Enchantment]

Titles: [Named by Father] [ First Mold Sword Master] [Shift Killer]


“Me? I am just someone who is tasked to eliminate you as soon as possible. If I were you, I would just give the book over. I will be nice enough to let you and your people go.”

“… You are disobeying orders? Aren’t you a soldier?”

“Phhhhffff, right. These orders are hollow! It's just my older brother who went a little insane with power. Father only wants the book; he isn’t interested in you. Now, give it to me, before he or Vierte arrives and things turn hectic.”

I looked at the small knight then at the book, which was still tightly held in my left hand.

“This thing is a weapon too dangerous for anyone to use. I cannot allow him to get his hand on it.”

“…You do realize that he made that thing, right? There is nothing that says that he cannot make another one. You might be able to buy the world a few extra days, but sooner than later, that power will be his. Wouldn’t it be better to just give it to me and live, rather than die?”


Before I could answer, the building behind me collapsed.

“Looks like your time is up.”

Standing in the middle of the ruins was the most hideous monster I have ever seen.

A mass of black heads belonging to different animals, which were glowing green from the eyes and mouth. The whole thing was supported by four muscular legs.

When the monster saw me, the front part of its body split into a gigantic mouth, which was also glowing in green light. The giant mouth was filled with broken bones in the guise of teeth as black saliva dripped amongst them.

The abomination roared. its voice was a mixture of cries of different creatures.

The small knight jumped into the air and landed in one of the heads, his sword following him from behind.

“King of this fallen land, allow me to present to you my favorite brother, Vierte, the Berserker. You should have accepted my offer.”

Not knowing what to do, I activated my appraisal skill to see if this thing was even beatable.


Name: Vierte

Race: Morphed Wild Beast LV: 54/100 (34/100)

HP(Health Points): 110 000/110 000

SP(Stamina Points): 80 000/80 000

MP(Magic Points): 3 000/3 000

Active Skills: [Decaying Claw] [Decaying Breath] [Bestial Bark] [Decaying Bite] [Limb Lengthening]

Passive Skills: [Bestial instinct ] [Light Steps] [Strength Enchantment]


Titles: [Named by Father] [ Guard Dog] [Eater of Kingdom]


Without warning the monster raised its front paw, and slammed them down, shaking the ground under my feet.

“What the hell are you two doing?!”

Landing on top of a building was the general surrounded by a flock of those monsters.

The small knight looked at his brother and waved.

“Nothing, just doing our job! She is surprisingly hard to kill!”

“Obviously, he is a king! Damn, do I have to help you?!”

As he jumped on the ground, some of the monsters gathered around his hands, morphing into two whips, with small bone fragments sticking out of them.

“You are unlucky that there are not enough bones in these creatures to make swords! I will suffocate you to death!”

I took a deep breath and assessed my situation.

A huge monster, a (probable) master of swords, and a sadist war general against me, who is unarmed, wounded, and my mana capacity will not hold out for long. I needed to look for a way out of this mess and ran away. Hopefully, they are concentrating their troops on me so that the others can run away in safety.

I smiled as I gathered my energy into my hand.

“Three against one? Finally, the odds between us are fair. Bring it on!”


Patrick POV:


I stabbed the stomach of the monster with my dagger, turning it into stone.

[34 Exp Received]

[Level 6 Reached]

“Is everyone alright?”

The people behind me nodded, clinching at their children and bags to their bodies.

After we left the church, the monsters attacked us.

Thanks to the narrow streets, my and the priest's barrier, we only lost a couple of people.

If we keep up this tempo, we will reach the city's edge in an hour.


In the distance the sound of an explosion and ruble could be heard, probably from the king who is buying us some time.

“Damn it, that bastard can go and kill himself as much as I care!”


As I was running forward something flew past my ear, hitting one of the people behind me.

“What was that?!”

“We are under attack!”

“ Run!”


I was too late, the crowd dispersed themselves, running in every direction they could.

Soon, I could hear the screams. Screams of agony are accompanied by the sound of gnashing teeth and flesh tearing off from the bone.

“Well, that was easy.”

From a broken window of a house, something crawled out.

It was a black-cloaked figure that was holding a bow the size of its body.

“Greetings. I am Zweite, the Archer. Hoped we could finish your lot in that church, a quick and clean job. Well, this is fine as well, at least the animals could eat something good. Now, stop moving. I will give you a clean death.”

From the depths of his cloak, a thin black hand put an arrow into the bow.

With the sound of the string tensing, he pulled back and let it go.

As the arrow flew towards me, time seemed to slow down with my senses becoming sharper.

I could feel the air moving around me, the slight pulsing of the mold under my feet.

Somehow, I could see clouds of colors moving around, pure energies that made up all things.

These clouds were sucked in and used by all living beings, allowing them to live.

But the mold was different.

It didn’t just absorb the energy, but also released its own, foul green-looking one, that seemed to corrupt the world itself.

If this would continue the world itself would rot and become a monster.

I cannot allow this.

I cannot allow it to continue.

Without noticing it, I could move faster than ever, the purple domain appearing around me.

With this newfound speed, I grabbed the arrow and snapped it in two before tossing it away.

“…Well, that was unexpected.”

The cloaked figure took a few steps back, bumping into the wall behind him.

“…I will kill you.”

Short knives still at hand, I ran towards him, ready to cut him to pieces.

“ I would prefer that you would bite the dust.”

At the last second, the figure took off its cape and threw it at me.

I cut the fabric into pieces and stabbed towards where he was.

Somehow the bastard managed to dodge and stand a few meters away from me.

Without his cape, I could see his disgusting body.

Thin and elongated his entire body was covered in glowing green holes, from which small spikes grew out.

“Well then, let us get over this.”

The monster grabbed one of the spikes on his body and pulled it out, turning it into a black arrow.

I breathed in and bent my knees.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.




Patrick States:


Name: Unknown.

Race: Baby Giant Cockroach LV: 1/50 (0/50)

Main Class: [Journeyman]

Sub Class: [Apprentice]

HP(Health Points): 50/50

SP(Stamina Points): 60/60

MP(Magic Points): 20/20

Active Skills: [Basic Cleaving] [Basic Crawling]

Passive Skills: [Amplified Studying] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Mana Compatibility] [Trash Belly] [Poison Resistance] [Putrefaction Resistance]

Titles: [Outworlder] [Unlucky Soul]


King POV:


Name: Elizabeth Morgum ‘The She King’

Race: [Royal High Amphibian] LV: 345/ 100,000 (66,587/ 100,000)

Main Class: [Monster King]

Sub Class: [Magic Weapon Master] [Master Magician]

HP(Health Points): 57,345/ 57,345

SP(Stamina Points): 57,000/ 57,000

MP(Magic Points): 75, 000/ 75, 000

Blessings: [Blessing of Artemis] [Blessing of Anubis] [Blessing of Hephaistos] [ Blessing of Freya] [Blessing of the Devil] [Blessing of Macha] [Blessing of Poseidon] [Blessing of Echidna] [Blessing of Osiris]

Curses: [Curse of Aphrodite] [ Curse of Buddha] [ Curse of Athena]

Unique Skills: [Ultimate Survivor] [EXP Share]

Active Skills: [Universal Advanced Magic] [Skill Fusion] [Demonic Weapon Summon] [ Demonic Armor Summon] [Perfect Appraisal] [Status Display] [Dimensional Magic] [Inbreeding] [Gender Bending] [Weaponry Morphing] [Architectural Design] [Berserker Rage] [Basic Life Creation] [EXP Siphon] [Evolution Control] [Domination Magic] [Alchemical Knowledge]

Passive Skills: [Water Breathing] [Enhanced Swimming] [Dark Vision] [Bottomless Stomach]

Affinities: [Cursed Weapon Affinity] [Death Affinity] [Fire Affinity] [Archery Affinity] [War Affinity] [Riding Affinity]

Titles: [Possessor of Otherworldly Memories][Blessing Stealer] [Unique Skill Stealer] [Kin Eater] [Bloody King] [Enemy of Humanity] [Parent of Calamities]


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