《Crystal High》BONUS CHAPTER: Via's Training Day


▌│█║▌║▌║Bonus Chapter║▌║▌║█│▌

I woke up this morning super anxious for the events to come today. I will show everyone that I’m the best one in the class and not Zen. Ever since the first day, all I have been hearing is how Zen is so amazing and she can’t do anything wrong. Well, today I’m going to show everyone that she can. I went into my parent’s basement after I put some clothes on, and I started to work out to get some adrenaline going and get warmed up for the training today. We have multiple workout stations in the basement, punching bags, and a boxing ring. I got a good sweat going then went and cleaned up to go to school. I put my hair in a fishtail braid, with the braid falling over my right shoulder, and then I headed toward school in the misty cool day.

When I got there, I saw that Khan and that annoying girl, Zen, were already sitting here having a conversation. I waved hi to Khan, and then I took to my seat and sat in concentration. I was quiet the rest of the time before Mr. Grey told us what we were doing. I was focusing everything into doing my very best during training. After a while, Mr. Grey finally got up and told us to follow him to the urban training center and that the goal of this exercise is to capture and incapacitate everyone on the other team. We then headed toward the training area. I thought to myself, “So this will be a team exercise huh? I hope I have Khan on my team. We work well together. I really hope that Zen is on the other team too, so I can prove I’m better than her.”

When we got to the training center, he assigned us into our groups. I was assigned to a group with Thomas, Harry, Lee, Grease, Bume, and Trea. Mr. Grey told us that he will be watching over everything using monitors from a control center at the arena, and that our team needs to follow him to the other side of the arena to start. Our team apparently had more people because our results weren’t as good as theirs. We walked through the doors and entered separate locker rooms for boys and girls to put on our uniform. My uniform was just like how I envisioned it. A skin tight suit, black in the middle of my body, and on the outside, it had pink. It had a heart monitor on one of my wrists, and a controller for the assortment of explosives/stun devices attached on my waist. I walked out of the locker room with Trea, and the boys were already waiting outside for us. Harry looked at us with an annoying look and asked us, “What took you so long?”


“We were just getting ready chill.” I responded just as annoyed.

I looked at his hands, and he was holding our teams results for the entrance exams. I walked over to him and leaned over to see the results, but as soon as I did he moved them away. I asked him, “Who had the highest results on our team?”

“That’s none of your business.” He said snarky.

I snapped back saying, “Ummm, yes it’s kind of it. I want to know what I made, and plus how will we know who should be captain of our team if we don’t know who had the highest score.”

“We don’t need to know who had the highest score to determine the captain. I’m the captain.”

Shocked and annoyed, I asked him, “And who decided that?”

He looked at me with cutting eyes and answered in an annoyed tone, “It doesn’t matter what scores I had. It doesn’t take a genius to realize Zen is the only real threat on that team, and maybe Harry and Jack. They have the bitch ass sagaru on their team though so that’s a free capture. We can just overpower them honestly.”

Annoyed and angry I responded to him, “No we can’t do that you idiot. Even though you may not think it, Khan is really capable, and he will probably have a plan. We can’t just walk in there.”

Harry looked at Lee, and he grabbed my arms and lifted me off the ground. I struggled to get free from his grasp, but it was no use. He was too strong. Harry looked at me with intent eyes and told me, “What’s wrong with you calling that sagaru by his name, and giving respect to him? Relax this’ll be easy.”

I want to win, and this isn’t going to win. In a last-ditch effort of defiance, I protested, “That won’t work dumbass. I already told you.”

He whirled around, and he struck me on my face. Trea gasped, Thomas, Grease, and Bume, eyes grew wide, and even Lee loosened his grip a bit as the bell sounded to start. Harry shouted at me, “Yes it will bitch! Don’t question, and go scout around since the bell just rang.”

There wasn’t anything I can do to protest him anymore. I’m stuck here. I lowered my head in defeat, and muttered, “fine…”

Lee put me down, and I went out to scout. I ended up spotting Liza, and followed her as I ranted about what happened in my head. She went down into a sewer, and I went and brought my team to it. Harry and the others immediately went into it as I thought to myself that this was a trap and we are going to get hammered. I ended leading the charge in the sewer as Harry took the back because he “wanted to cover our rear”, but he was really just scared. Sure, enough we got to a crossroads, and Zen froze us all in the sewer water. They then started to pick us off using stuns. Khan walked over in front of me and told me, “Will you let me put this rope around you peacefully, or will I have to stun you? Your uniform looks good by the way.”


As much as I wanted to give up, I couldn’t give up yet. A defender wouldn’t just give up in a situation like this. I put on a defiant face, and started to try to move my legs more. I looked up and told him defiantly as my face felt hot for some reason, “You think I’ll say yes just because you complimented me? I’ll find a way out of this!”

I looked down at my feet, and I desperately tried to move them more. I heard Khan say, “I wasn't complimenting you because I had an ulterior motive. I legitimately think it looks good.”

I then went unconscious with those words whirring in my mind. He’s such an Idiot. When I woke up, I was back in the locker room with medics around me. I took my uniform off and went back to the front of the training center with Mr. Grey. I was in total dismay. I didn’t pay much of attention to anything on the way there or back to the classroom. This was supposed to be the moment I stood out, but because of someone else’s stupidity I failed miserably. I was lost in my thoughts as I walked through the door of the classroom as I heard some faint laughs probably from the winning team that was in good spirits. I took my seat, and I was out of everything until all of a sudden, I heard a loud BOOM! I came back to reality and looked around. I noticed that our English teach was here and Khan was gone. I turned around to Zen, and she had her eyes wide. I never seen her shook this much, it was kind of satisfying in a way to know that she is human too. I asked her, “Where is Khan!”

“Weren’t you paying attention? He went to the lab building!” Thomas answered me annoyingly.

I turned to him and angrily answered him, “Did I ask you?”

The next events were a blur. Our teacher told everyone to stay calm, and then went out of the classroom. We were without a teacher then for most of the day as most of us began to speculate about what the boom was. Finally, we had a teacher walk in, and we were dismissed home. What exactly happened? When I got home, my mom hugged me and asked if I was okay. I asked what she meant, and she told me that the terrorists attacked Crystal High and made a big hole in the laboratory building. “A hole in the lab building?!” I accidently said out loud.

She asked if I knew about, but I didn’t listen to her. I went straight to my phone and texted Khan if he was okay. He didn’t answer me for the longest time, and I started pacing and went down to the basement and worked out to release my stress. My mom walked down to it, and asked me, “Was someone you know in the lab building when the attack occurred?”

I didn’t answer her. I was focused on getting my thoughts calmed down. Why am I this worked up over this? Yeah, I know Khan is probably okay, but why didn’t he answer me then? For some reason, this bothered me so much, and I don’t know why. Finally, when I was about to go to bed, I got a text from him saying, “I’m fine, sorry for worrying you! I’m sorry about not answering, I didn’t use my phone a lot!”

I texted him back, “I wasn’t worrying. I was just curious.”

I smiled as I went to bed and thought to myself, “Idiot, I’m going to let you have it tomorrow.”

▌│█║▌║▌║End of Bonus Chapter║▌║▌║█│▌

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