《Crystal High》Chapter 30: The Rainy Day


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 30║▌║▌║█│▌

I woke up the next morning, and I could barely move my right arm it was so sore from the arm twist that ginger terrorist girl pulled on me yesterday. I went into the bathroom to clean up for the day, and I had a lot of small cuts and bruises on my body from the debris from the broken walls, glass, and machine parts. My adrenaline was pumping so much yesterday, that I didn’t notice all of these in the moment. Looking back, I probably should have gone to a healer to heal up. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and went on my morning run like I usually do. My parents tried to protest this because they thought I should rest after what happened yesterday, but I convinced them that if I want to succeed in being a protector, I can’t take days off just because I had one rough day. I ended up running my usual route, though admittedly I did run it slower than I usually do. It was a cloudy and misty day today, almost mirroring the mood that I have now. My thoughts about yesterday’s events combined with my aching body made today’s run miserable.

I got back home and put on a sweatshirt to cover up all the scratches and bruises for school, and I also put on some jeans to compliment it. I didn’t want to get made fun of more than I already do for having so many wounds from just debris, and then not having the common sense to use a healer afterwards. After I got ready, I started to head towards Crystal High like I usually do in the morning, but when I got to the coffee shop close to my parent’s apartment, I saw a couple of my classmates sitting at the table outside of it. Is this coffee shop really that popular? I never really paid any attention to it, but maybe this many people normally go here? My classmates sitting there were Harry, his girlfriend Liza, Mina, and Wayne. I paused for a second debating whether I should go up and try to talk to them or not. Liza and Mina were nice enough and Wayne was okay if you aren’t on his bad side I guess, but Harry is completely unapproachable for me. He probably hates me the most out of the class. It’s honestly confusing how such a nice girl like Liza can be with a guy like that. I get it’s probably because of his powerful level, but I still would think she could find someone else who is powerful who isn’t as much of a dick as he is. She is a pretty cute girl, so I think it wouldn’t be that hard. It’s whatever though. I’ll probably just walk by them and ignore them. I put my hood on to cover most of my face and try to walk by them without being noticed. The girls sat facing away from me, and the boys sat looking at me as I walked toward them. I can only guess that Harry saw me before I put my hood on as he said, “Yeah I heard that sagaru got into it with the terrorists yesterday at the lab department. People said he got out with only some scratches though. Maybe he finally learned that being a protector isn’t meant for useless shit like him? He should run back home to his mommy. He doesn’t belong here.”


I know he said that just to get under my skin as I walked by them, but it still hurt nonetheless. I put my hands in my pocket and trudged forward on my way. I didn’t stay long enough to hear responses, nor did I want to. All of them would probably just pile on to shit on me like they did with the MVP voting earlier yesterday. When I walked onto the Crystal High campus, I put down my hood and walked into the building. All the teachers and students that were there already all had their eyes on me as I walked through the hallway to my classroom. This was probably the most uncomfortable I have felt coming to this school aside from the first day. I walked into the classroom and there was Mr. Grey still reading that book he had, and Via was surprisingly already here sitting at her desk. Jack was sitting at his desk too along with Lee at his. Jack kept his head down, most likely asleep, while Lee’s and Via’s eyes followed me to my desk. When I sat down, I looked over at Via and told her, “You’re here a little earlier than usual.”

“Yeah, that terrorist attack from yesterday got my blood rushing for a fight, and I couldn’t sleep a lot last night. I’m itching for a fight now, so I can prove myself after that failure yesterday. I got up early, trained, then came here afterwards. And why didn’t you answer my texts yesterday for the longest time? It’s not like I was worried, but I was curious about what happened.”

“I didn’t say you were worried… Well my phone didn’t really cross my mind until I got home. My parents freaked out too because I didn’t answer them either. You also shouldn’t be so ashamed about your loss yesterday at the training arena. It was our first day actually working together and using powers in a real-world setting. You have a lot of time to improve.”


She looked down, as if pouting a bit, and mumbled, “Yeah, I guess.”

I chuckled a bit, and felt a little hot too as I looked at her pouting face. It has to be this sweatshirt. It’s near the end of summer, but it’s just as hot as the middle of it. I asked Via, “Is it hot in here to you?”

A look of confusion crossed her face, “No, not really, but I’m not wearing a sweatshirt either. Why are you wearing a sweatshirt? It’s like eighty degrees Fahrenheit outside.”

Searching for an answer I stated hesitantly, “Umm…I saw the clouds and mist and thought that this might come in handy.”

She nonchalantly told me, “Why didn’t you just bring an umbrella? Besides, your inside now so take it off.”

Trying to find reasons to keep my sweatshirt on to hide my wounds, I said, “What if Mr. Grey has us doing something outside as training again today. It’d be too much of a hassle just to put this back on. Hey Mr. Grey what are we doing today?”

His one visible eye looked up from his book half open. He let out a sigh and then said in a monotone voice, “Pop Quiz.”

Shocked I exclaimed out loud, “He answered me?”

Via on the other hand, had her mind on other things. She let out a moan and said, “Pop quiz?! I suck at pop quizzes, and that also means I won’t have a chance to redeem myself today. This is the worse.”

She went back to pouting, and I chuckled again at her face as the heat attacked my body again as I looked at her. I wondered to myself, “I wonder what this pop quiz is on? We haven’t really gone over anything with him.”

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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