《Crystal High》Chapter 7: Power Level Rankings


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 7 ║▌║▌║█│▌

Mr. ShadowFox led us out of the huge crystal building and into one of the buildings that surrounded it. When we entered the building, it was a lot bigger than it looked on the outside. It was a huge hallway with doors adjacent to one another running through it. We were separated into groups of twenty into each of the rooms. We each had to sit down at a desk, where the written exam was already laid out for us. There was no need for a monitor in the room since the principal's power covered that. His power is to be able to set up crystals in a specific area, and he can see through the crystals to that area. We were made aware of this before we entered the building. It is a really amazing recon power. He has to be there in person to set up the crystals though. It is a power very befitting of Crystal High though.

The written exam was really easy. It was just a series of questions about power training techniques, battle strategies, and personality questions. It was nothing compared to what I prepared for coming into this. After everyone completed the exam we all lined up outside of the building. Mr. ShadowFox told us what we are doing next saying, "Now, I'm sure most of you are getting worked up for the physical exams now, but there is something we have to do first. Everybody follow me over to the giant Crystal that you see as soon as you come into the school."

We all walked there in confusion. What is going on? When can we start the physical exams, and what is so important about this crystal? Once we got there Mr. ShadowFox explained it by telling us, "This crystal measures the power level of the person who touches it and exerts there power, even by just a bit. This will give us expectations for certain people in the exam, and you are advised to meet them. Who will be up first?"


Of course Drazen walked up first without hesitation, and he placed his hand on the crystal. As he exerted some of his power the crystal absorbed it, as it started to light up. Mr. ShadowFox studied the crystal, then eventually told him, "Seven and a half. Pretty high, so don't fail those expectations."

Drazen confidently retorted back, "Don't worry old man. I won't."

Seven and a half is really high. Most adults aren't even that high. The average for a person is about a 4. Any lower than that, and you are a low level. The level 8 and above makes you God tier. One by one the other students went up to the Crystal to test their level. No one was able to match Drazen's level yet though. Zen eventually went up to the Crystal to test her ability. She was always pretty close to his level. I wonder if she can finally beat him this time. She put her snow white hand on the crystal, and ignited her power. The crystal lit up like it did with Drazen's. A little smile crossed Mr. ShadowFox's face as he stated, "Power level of eight. You might give me a little trouble on a bad day. Don't disappoint me."

Zen said nothing as she calmly walked away with people in awe of her. Lainey was the next one up, and it caught my attention. I wonder if she made improvements since she last got her power level checked at 5. She gingerly touched the crystal, nervous from the eyes watching her. The crystal began to light up, and Mr. ShadowFox told her in a very monotone voice like he does everyone else, "Level 6. Pretty high, so don't blow it."

I guess I should go next. I really don't want to be last. That would make me being a sagaru even more awkward than it already will be. I went up to the crystal, and put my hand on it. In my mind I was thinking maybe I will have a power. Maybe all of the doctors and treatment specialists I went to all these years were wrong! I closed my eyes and imagined what activating my powers would feel like. I started to hope beyond all hope there was some power, any power, I could say was mine. I want to blaze a path for a sagarus, but deep down I just want to be normal. Have a normal life and normal friends. Maybe I can become friends with another lower level person. That will be the second friend I ever had after Lainey. I honestly just want to be accepted into society, and even though low tiers are discriminated against too. At least they have some rights and friends they can hang around. Sagarus have nothing and no one. I can feel everyone's eyes staring at me and the crystal. I can feel Lainey's worried gaze, Drazen's sly smirk, and Zen's never changing eyes. I could feel everyone, and as I looked up at the crystal. It showed barely any light at all. It was probably just a default light, that happens when a life force touches it. I took my hand off of the crystal and looked at Mr. ShadowFox. He looked surprisingly puzzled. He finally looked at me and told me, "Kid you have a power inside of you, but it's dormant. This is the first case I have ever seen this. You are basically a sagaru. Have you ever used this power?"


I looked at him with eyes full of hope all of a sudden. Drazen's and Lainey's eyes looked kind of shocked while Zen's looked a little curious. Everyone else was just confused. I quickly told him, "No I have never used it before, sir."

I didn't want to disclose that I never knew I had this power before. He looked back at me and smiled as he said, "So you came into this knowing that, and you still chose the power training and enhancement field? You got guts kid. You'll probably die out there, but I'll keep an eye on you."

As I walked back I felt like everyone's eyes was on me. I really didn't care though. I actually have a power even though it isn't active!

I scanned my eyes through the crowd of students that gathered around the crystal, and almost all of them looked at me with disgust. They all realized I was a sagaru and made there judgments already. The only ones that didn't react that way was Drazen, who had a smug grin on his face, Zen, who was as emotionless as always, this girl with black hair and tan body that looked at me with curious eyes, and this one kid that looked at me with excitement.

I was so excited that I didn't care what everyone looked like or what else happened, and the rest of the time went by fast. When everyone had their turn at the Crystal, Mr. ShadowFox told us, "Okay! Now that that's done let's get to the physical examination!"

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued ║▌║▌║█│▌

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