《Crystal High》Chapter 6: The New Exams


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 6║▌║▌║█│▌

While I was thinking and looking for Lainey, the principle was giving the normal orientation for the exams. He talked about how he appreciates all of us for showing up, but only a few of us will make it into the school. He talked about how this school specializes in power enhancement, training, and understanding, and how this school gets students ready to be the protectors of the country and pioneers in power understanding. Which is true if you want to specialize in any of those, Crystal High is the number one place to go.

Right after he said all the formalities he told us all something we never expected. He told us all, "Now that all the formalities are out of the way. It is now time for the exams to start. We are doing things a bit different this year. Instead of having everybody take the same written and physical exams, this year you will be taking different tests based on the field you want to enter. Power training and enhancement fields will be taking a written test with more combat and strategy questions, with a more intense physical examination. The power understanding field students will take a written test that requires more in-depth answers about powers and how they work, while taking a less intense physical examination."

Some students were relieved, while others who were more average at everything got worried. I only had one question going on in my mind at this point. Which field will I choose? I have some of the highest grades in the country, and I can do most light physical activities, but I don't really want to research powers though. I want to be a ray of hope to all the sagarus out there that they can do anything people with powers can, and I can't do that if I'm holed up in a lab all day. I have to prove we aren't useless pieces of shit.


I looked at Drazen, and he already looked like what he wanted to do. I looked at Zen, and she still had the same face on as she usually did. She was impossible to read. Looking over at Lainey, she had a confused look on her face. Which was the normal reaction everyone had when I looked around at everyone. My two classmates were just abnormal.

The principal started to explain everything, "Now I know most of you are confused, and that is a normal reaction. We will try as best as we can to make this transition from previous years as smooth as possible. Now let's get into the separation of fields."

Just then two people came out from under the stage where the principal was standing. On his left was a woman with black hair put up into a weird ponytail, and a a lab coat on. On his left was a man with sunglasses and a black coat on. He had greasy, slicked back, black hair, and a strong build to him combined with his tall figure.

The principal went on, "These are two of the teachers here at Crystal High. The woman on my left is Dr. Liza, the genius who discovered the link of powers and genes, and the man on my right Mr. ShadowFox, the famous assassin protector. Dr. Liza will take all of the power understanding students to their exam and Mr. ShadowFox will take the power training and enhancement students to their exam. You will be called out by school, and when your school is called please line up either to the left of the auditorium with Dr. Liza or to the right with Mr. ShadowFox."

With the the school's started to be called out in alphabetical order, I waited patiently for mine to be called out. I watched as students walked to there respective choices, and I thought to myself what I should do. When Lainey's school got called, she went to the right for the power training and enhancement fields. "I wonder what her power is?" I thought to myself. I need to ask her that next time we talk.


The principal eventually got to our school, and we had to choose what we would try to do for the rest of our lives. Should I take the safe route, or should I follow my dream and go into power enhancement and training? Zen and Drazen quickly walked toward the power training and enhancement side without hesitating.

I stood in place for a minute hesitating. I could feel the hundreds of students eyes on me, watching what I would do. Suddenly my legs started moving by themselves. Before I knew it I was on the power enhancement and training side.

Since everyone didn't know that I was a sagaru they didn't see anything wrong with it, but there was a look of shock on Drazen's face. Even Zen's normally calm and cool expression showed a bit of surprise. I looked at where Lainey was at, and her eyes were full of worry it seemed, apparently she saw me walk up. Even I felt my face trembling a little with worry. They finished up the rest of the schools soon after our school was called, and the different fields went their separate ways. No turning back now.

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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