《Crystal High》Chapter 3: Ambush


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 3 ║▌║▌║█│▌

I was just going to ignore them and run past them, but Drazen stepped in front of my path. I tried to dodge, and go around, but he kept moving in my way. I finally had enough, and asked what was he doing. The corner of his lips curled into a sly smile as he said, "What do you mean? Can't a guy just go outside and get some fresh air these days?"

Noticing the situation around me, with his group steadily closing in a circle around me. I could get the gist of what was going on, so I told him, "Then how about you guys run with me? It is a good way to get the blood pumping."

He bursted into a fit of laughter as he exclaimed, "You think a person as powerful as me would stoop as low as to run with a sagaru? Hell no! We did come here to help you out though. We came to show you exactly what will happen to you during the Crystal High entrance exams."

As he said this I came to accept my fate, but that doesn't mean I won't fight back. There are six people total including Drazen. Two people behind me, Drazen right in front of me, two people about six feet away from either side of him, and myself right in the middle of them.

The two people behind me, who were also the biggest ones, made the first move and tried to grab my arms to restrain me. They grabbed my arms before I could do anything, but when they did I kicked the knee of the guy to my right. His knees buckled from beneath him, and he came tumbling down. Sadly, he had a better hold of me than I thought, and he dragged me down along side him.


The guy to my left punched my face to stop while I was still reeling from being drug to the ground with the guy to my right. He used his enhancement ability while punching me, and I could feel my left cheek bone breaking under the constant distress it was tanking.

The punches brought me to me hands and knees, but while I was there I swung my leg around and knocked the person who was punching me feet out from under him. When he landed on the ground, I took my free arm that wasn't being held down by the guy to the right and started punching his face over and over again.

I could feel my anger that I had pent up from constantly being berated about my powerlessness over the years finally come out with each and every punch that I threw. I want to beat all of them so bad that no one will ever demean me again! I'm tired of the constant laughter, beatings, name-calling, and prejudice that I have to go through everyday! I want it gone, and every punch I threw had the force of all the horrible memories I had experienced up until now.

Then all of a sudden, I was slung face first onto the ground. Through the amounts of dirt I was eating from the force planting there, I instantly knew it was Drazen's power, gravity manipulation. He can increase and decrease gravity up to a 10 foot radius around him, but only to a certain extent. He had me where I couldn't move, and then the 2 other people that surrounded him at the start of the battle started beating me senseless.

I just covered my head with my arms and curled my legs up into a fetal position. Their kicks and punches slammed into my body seemingly neverending and with extreme force.


I feel absolutley helpless.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes when I thought back on how hard I worked to train my body only to be beaten up this easily. Not only is my body getting beaten to a pulp, but so is my confidence and the little self esteem I have left as well.

I started to cough up blood, as I laid on the ground getting beat mercilessly. I'm sure the sharp pain in the back of my ribs has something to do with that. Finally, I got rocked so hard I let my arms down that was guarding my head, and they took full advantage of that.

They started to go in on my face as well as take one of my arms and snap it, so I can't put it back for protection again. I squirmed to try and evade some, but they just took my leg and snap that as well. I finally just laid there crying, and accepted my fate of getting beat to a pulp.

Eventually, they left me alone after they destroyed me face, broke my arm, and one of my legs. I was left there lying face up in the rain crying. "Was this my fate? Is this what I'm always meant for? Am I always going to be beaten by others and laughed at by even the lowest of levels? Why did they do this to me? What did I ever do to them?!" I pondered to myself in despair.

I cried and cried and cried as the rain pour down on my broken body. I wish it would all just END, suddenly everything went white.

█║▌║▌║To be Continued ║▌║▌║█│▌

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