《Rise of the Green》Chapter 4


Mela watches while her troop start setting up the triage tents. She then watches as Eloise and Gurion giggle and flirts with each other. She smiles with that sight; it is the circle, you are born, you find love and create the next generation.

In the corner of Mela's eye is a flash of green. She has seen these many times. Most are just feeling like the connection of Eloise and Gurion or when she met her husband, Jara.

That flash again. This concerns her; usually, the message is simple and over as soon as it happens. Mela mumbles to herself, "I need to meditate."

Mother-Sister walks over to Eloise as she is touching the arm of Gurion. Ah, destine love. Eloise sees Mela, and drops her hand and forms a triangle in the middle of her chest.

"Mother-Sister, um, Gurion is just helping."

Mela laughs at this, a beautiful song that is loved by all. Everyone stops work and joins in with the mirth. "Do not worry, my apprentice. This is your circle. What I need is a quiet place. I have had some flashes."

Eloise snaps and looks around. Most of the tents have just been started. "Gurion, is there a place nearby for Mela to prepare for healing?"

"Um, yes." He points at a building close by. His voice deepens, and a small sob comes out. "That has been empty since the beginning."

Mother see this reaction, a small insight pops into her mind. That was where Gurion lived with his family there. He was the only survivor. She walks up to him and embraces him. "Let it go. It is just the circle. You did have happiness?"

At first, Gurion is shocked by this, as he looks over to Eloise, something he never thought he would feel since this sickness took his wife and child while he was spared. Eloise smiles, and they both know that they will be together forever.


Gurion returns the hug and weeps into Mother-Sister's shoulder. Mela strokes his back and nods towards Eloise. She comes over. "I will respect the past, but now go with your future. Much talk is needed."

Leaving the two, she crosses the town centre and moves toward the house. Mela smile and signs the triangle at her followers, there, in turn, return the salute.

Mela asks. "How are the tents set up going?"

Jamela, a young wisp of a girl with dirty blond hair, runs up to Mela. "The carts have been unpacked, Mother-sister. My brother and his friends have been overseeing the tirage tents."

"Very good, Jamela, is it? And who is your friend?"

"Mother-Sister, this is an old friend of my family, Caterina. I haven't seen her since we were very young."

Mela looks over at the other young lady, curly mousy brown hair and freckles strung across her pale face. Just underneath the bob of her hair, Mela noticed her ears are jobless.

She smiles and asks. "Is your mother of elven descent, Caterina?"

Caterina blushes; she looks at Mela. "Yes, umm, Mother-..."

"You are not of the order. Just Mela will do, my dear." Mela interrupts.

She blushes even deeper red; her whole face is bright with embarrassment. "Um, Mela, my mother is not of elven descent. From her stories, she meets father while she was in our old town."

"No need to continue, my dear. That is enough questions. Jamela, could you give your friend here four days of rations from our stockpile."

Mela turns to Caterina, reaches up, touches her cheek, and then moves her hair to reveal a half-breed's pointed ears. "My dear, if you or your mother need anything, please come and see us."


With that, she signed and mumbled a little sermon to the two girls. Jamela returns the sign. Caterina looks on and bows to Mela.

With that, Mela moves off to find her head Healer, an old gnome by the name of Barth Cooper. She wanders through the tent city being set up; fires started for boiling water, coth being prepared with ointments for the sore from the plague. Incense being hung to ward off the invisible air-borne illnesses. Mela always loves the fragrance smell, a mixture of Jasmine, sweet pea and a few more ingredients. All her worries go away, even though that it indicates illness. Mela allows herself just to let her reservations float away with the gentle scent of Jasmine.

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