《Psycho Space》Chapter 19



“You’re mad!” Ilmine stubbornly said.

“Yup. And I’m also damn good with violin. But honestly, do you really think this the best time to talk about my hobbies?” I gave her a pointed look and shook my head. “Exactly. So why don’t you help us with this stylish new outfit instead of being such a bitchy bitch? We’re kinda in a hurry, if you haven’t noticed.”

“I could use some help for sure.” Draco’s voice was a bit subdued. “This thing must be at least two sizes too small. Ugh, and less flexible than a Chinese dress uniform.”

Damn true.

According to Eclipse’s words the weather on the surface of the planet was extremely unwelcoming. At least –70°C with the atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The gravity was not that bad, about 60% of what our sweet old Earth could offer. Still, going down there without protection would be like asking for certain death. This way our death was only highly probable.

In the next few minutes, thanks to Ilmine’s help, we were finally able to don our new fancy gear.

“Are you sure this will be enough?” I looked all over my body to confirm that ever single buckle and clasp has been secured. It did feel tight.

“No, I’m not! I told you already. These suits were designed as a last resort. They should let me stay alive for a couple of hours if the ship’s environment ever faced decompression and if there was a risk of exposing my body to the void. Exploring hostile planet is something entirely different!”

True, she had already told me that. And we were damn lucky she had a spare and I did not have to go alone. Somebody on this overgrown boat must have been a real EHS enthusiast.

“But it will work?”


“Our biology is similar enough. I did not have time to calibrate the filters inside so the level of oxygen might be lower than what you are accustomed to,” Ilmine sighed in defeat. “But remember, the suits won’t last long. You must be quick.”

I only nodded, checking everything again. The suit looked more like a new generation motorcycle outfit than anything else. Almost entirely black, with some lines of silver, it was not particularly eye-catching but rather elegant; not that it was an important factor. I would not mind putting on a clown costume if that could help us.

“Eclipse, how much time do we have?” I shouted and heard the echo of my voice reverberating through the hold. The shadow of the captured freighter was looming over our heads.

“The landing zone is clear, captain. I am about to start the approach,” the AI words were composed and calm as always. Was he even able to feel nervous?

Never mind. His job was to perform a flawless maneuver with a colossal alien spaceship. Maybe it would be better if he remained focused.

“What about the bug?”

“It is active and ready, sir. I am sending it to you.”

Good. It appeared that everything was going smoothly. Shame that Blaze was not here to see us off. How could I blame her, though; I would not like to miss such an occasion myself. But someone had to stay behind – we had only two suits – and Draco was certainly a better choice for this job. She was a hell of a fighter, but still not on the same level as my brother or me. Blaze’s strongest muscle was her brain. Besides, I did not want to leave Ilmine on her own, she was far from her usual calm self and I feared she might do something stupid. Like leaving us on that rock.


I was just about to ask Eclipse to connect me with my sister when something fell off the ceiling and landed in front of me with a loud *thud*.

“Jesus…! Couldn’t you use the door?! You almost gave me a stroke!”

“My apologies, sir. I used the fastest possible path to deliver the drone. And there is nothing to fear, that little thing is completely harmless.” The AI did not sound sorry at all.

The drone sitting on the floor looked just like the ones that had been controlled by parrot-lizards, only smaller. Entirely black and spider-like. Fortunately, this guy here seemed a lot more friendlier than any of those we had already met. Fifteen centimeters at best. A cute baby robo-spider.

And he was supposed to be the key point of this whole operation.

“I still don’t understand why we can’t take more of them. Or even send some of those bigger ones instead of risking our own asses,” my brother spoke after he finally managed to put the suit on.

Eclipse was the fastest to reply.

“I would advise against that idea. The facility certainly possesses an AI that is no less advanced than me. It would not be hard for it to override the drones’ systems and assume control over the hardware. Without a direct link between them and me they would pose a considerable threat to you if taken over.”

“Wait a minute… So you’re saying they have their own AI-controlled robo killers down there?!”

That was a disturbing piece of information to put it mildly. The whole operation relied on the assumption that the security of this alien compound had been granted by its secrecy and not armed-to-the-teeth guards. We were unable to even scratch those spider-like creatures with normal bullets and Eclipse have already informed me that there were no other weapons we could take with us on this ship. Apparently, the former crew was not much on firearms and general violence. And we had no time to improvise.

“Whatever non-organic construct you may face on the surface, I doubt it will be of a direct threat to you. Only combat drones can use lethal weapons against organic beings and to command them one would need an AI with Imperial authorization. It is highly unlikely that such an AI is overseeing this facility.”

I hoped it was true. Meanwhile, the little bug started climbing over my leg and torso, only to attach itself to my arm. Huh. Cool.

“So how do we use it?”

“I have just deactivated the drone so you can safely bring it into the facility. When you are inside, you will have to find a control panel and place the drone on it. It will activate automatically. I do not know anything about the security measures that I will have to breach to find the data you are interested in, but it may take a while. Please, be ready to fend off anyone who would want to disturb the process.”


For the love of Pope, who was I kidding? We were about to land on a unknown planet to fight some alien fuckers right in their nest. And they call me mad!

Well, that was actually my idea…

“Sir, I would advise you to put your helmet on and get to the airlock. We are almost on target.”

I looked at Draco and nodded. It was time to get to work.

“Take care of the ship until we come back, dear.” I said to Ilmine. “And no drinking or partying while we are gone.”

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