《A World in Chaos》Chapter 41: A Good Night's Sleep
“Ahahaha, faster Goldie! We’ll ride and conquer the world!”
Fifi was joyfully riding on Goldie’s back. It took a while but Goldie had finally recognized Fifi as a friend. It’s been a few hours since the entire commotion at the staircase and it was already night time. Gorou and Jill had left earlier because William needed their help with something so I’ve been left on guard duty.
“Hey, Jude.”
Hearing my name be called, I look behind me to see Mako’s head peeking out of the door.
“Is there a problem?”
“Yes, the problem is that you aren’t keeping your promise to cuddle with me.”
“Umm, what do you want me to do?”
“Come sleep with me.”
I did promise to cuddle with her more so I can’t reject her. I open the door and follow Mako inside. Fifi on top of Goldie also follows us inside. The room was dark but the large windows allow moonlight to get in.
“Don’t let her tempt you, Jude.”
“We’re just sleeping together, aren’t we? Why don’t you join us?”
“Of course! This is for your sake after all.”
I wonder why Fifi sounded so flustered. All we’ll be doing is hugging each other until we fall asleep. Besides, hugging is a very enjoyable thing.
Mako gets on one side of the bed while Lisa was sleeping on the other side. Before I follow her, I turn around and block the door with earth magic. After thinking over what that guy with a perm said, I’m sure people from the Chad faction were after Lisa.
I walk on over to the bed and it was seriously a large bed. If I was in the middle and stretched out my body, I still wouldn’t be able to reach Lisa or Mako.
Mako pats the bed and signals for me to get in the middle of her and Lisa. I take over my shoes and socks before getting on the bed. Fifi was on my head while Goldie had decided to sleep on the floor.
As soon as I get on the bed, Mako immediately comes and hugs me. Her breasts were pressed up against me and she smelled very nice. Her warmth was so comforting that I could probably fall asleep in a few seconds. I want more of it.
I wrap my hands around her back and held her tightly. She really is warm, it’s like I’m holding onto a tiny sun. My entire body was being enveloped by Mako’s warmth. Suddenly, I feel someone’s arms wrap around me from the back. It was a familiar warm feeling. It wasn’t as intense as Mako’s warmth but it was very gentle like the warm flames of a fireplace during a snowy winter.
“You’re awake, Lisa?”
“Yeah, I’m awake.”
Both Lisa and Mako snuggles in closer.
“I just wanted to say thank you, Rudy.”
“It’s no problem. I just wanted to help my big sister out.”
“Really, thank you. It made me really happy when you said you appreciated my hard work. I feel like I could work harder just knowing that someone realizes my efforts.”
“You’re welcome but please don’t overwork yourself. If you need help then just ask.”
Lisa must have been working her hardest to make everyone happy. All that stress from trying to keep everyone happy must have been a burden on her. To make matters worse, none of these people even appreciated her hard work. Even if it’s just a little bit, I’m glad that I could make her happy.
“Hey, what’s this big sister business all about.”
“Yeah, I want to know about it too.”
Mako was nudging her head into my face while Fifi was pulling at my hair. From there tone of voice, I can imagine them pouting but for what reason, I’m not sure.
“Hahaha, it’s actually a pretty funny story.”
Lisa lets go of me before explaining the story of how we flew through the sky and how I passed out. Even though she was scared at that time, she was able to look back and tell the story in a joking manner. She explains how we came onto the topic of becoming siblings because I didn’t have any siblings.
“It was so funny how Jude took it so seriously. He even asked me if my parents would be okay with adopting him. That was when I told him that I didn’t mean it literally. I proposed for us to become spiritual siblings so he could experience what having a sibling is like.”
“You? A big sister character? I don’t think that’s possible Lisa, not with your breast size.”
“What!? Breast size doesn’t matter, Mako. This isn’t an anime where all the big sister characters have big breasts. It all depends on big sister energy and I have plenty of that.”
“No, I can’t see it. You’re more of a loli character than anything. You’re short and you have no boobs.”
“No, no, no, you don’t understand at all, Mako. It all depends on the big sister energy, you know. Besides, isn’t a onee-san character with a flat chest more unique.”
“No, that’s just Tom’s preferences isn’t it. Don’t try to impose his preferences onto the onee-san character archetype. A onee-san character must have big breasts and Ara Ara energy. You don’t have that Ara Ara energy around you. Plus, I won’t let you Ara Ara, Jude.”
“I’m not trying to Ara Ara Jude, I already have Tom for that. He loves it when I play the big sister character type.”
“See, only Tom likes your big sister character. In the general viewpoint, you emanate loli energy.”
I don’t even know what these two are talking about anymore. Something about onee-san energy, loli energy, and Ara Ara powers. I know it has something to do with anime but I didn’t really know what these terms mean. Fifi was just as silent as I am so I’m sure she’s just as confused as me.
“I-I’ll be a mom then. Moms are a level higher than big sisters so I’ll be Jude’s spiritual mother.”
“H-how bold!”
“A true loli blond fairy as the mother archetype. Interesting! How interesting! I never knew you had it in you, Master.”
“O-of course.”
Fifi tries to reply confidently but I’m sure she doesn’t even know what she said herself. Lisa and Mako began to continue their discussions and Fifi was lost again. She should have just kept quiet. Well, I’ll just go to sleep then. Mako’s body is so warm and comfortable that I could go to sleep in an instant. These past few weeks have been tiring so I’m glad that I can get a good night’s sleep.
“Awawawa! Something is touching me.”
Was that Mako’s voice? Is something happening?
“It’s so big!”
I slowly opened my eyes but the sun’s rays were too bright. I cover my eyes and see Mako’s slightly red face.
“Good morning, Mako. Are you sick?”
Her face was slightly red so I place my forehead on hers and it was a little bit hot. I wonder if we have any medicine for fevers.
“W-what are you doing!?”
Mako headbutts me before pushing me away. She dragged the sheets off and was staring at me in shock. I guess I was being insensitive for doing that. That was how my mom checked if I had a fever so I unconsciously did the same thing to Mako.
“I’m sorry, Mako. I was just checking if you had a fever. Your face was red so I thought you were sick.”
“I-it’s fine. Sorry for headbutting you.”
The misunderstanding was cleared up and Mako heads back to the bed. I get up and leave the bed because I need to use the bathroom. After peeing, I wash my hands than my face. Looking at the mirror I totally forgot that Fifi was still on my head.
My eyes and hers meet, and her face flushes red. She hides within my hair after making eye-contact. Is she also sick?
“Fifi, are you fine?”
“If you say so but tell me if you're not feeling well, ok.”
I walk out of the room and Mako was playing with Goldie. She didn’t even pay attention to Goldie yesterday so I guess they became friends in the short time I went to use the bathroom. Lisa was still comfortably sleeping on her corner of the bed.
“I think Goldie needs to pee.”
“Ok, do you want to join me.”
We leave Lisa behind and head on out of the room. It was still early in the morning so there wasn’t that much commotion. We head down the corridor with Fifi riding on top of Goldie. It was silent and the atmosphere around Mako and I was awkward. I wonder if I should try and clear it up.
“Do you like dogs, Mako?”
“Yeah, I used to play with my neighbor’s dog when I was younger.”
“I see.”
The air around us became silent again. Was it always this hard to start up a conversation? It’s been such a long time since I’ve properly tried to interact with someone. If the other person was to initiate the conversation then I can go along with the flow but it’s so hard trying to start a conversation.
“I’m sorry, Mako. I’m not very good at talking.”
“Why are you apologizing? Being bad at talking isn’t something you should apologize about. Just do your best and get better at it.”
This side of Mako is also nice. The clingy Mako from yesterday and the Mako who was engrossed with her hobbies were fine in their own ways too. This Mako was a stern person but she is a very kind person. She was the one who immediately went to comfort Lisa when she went to sleep yesterday. She may not like me very much but I hope we can become friends.
“Why are you up so early, Mako? Did you have something important you needed to do?”
We were walking down the stairs but she suddenly stops in her steps. Looking back, her face was slightly red.
“I-I-I was just going to go training.”
“At this time of the day?”
It was about 6 a.m. and she was going to train. She is such a dedicated person to wake up this early to train. I don’t think I could have that same sense of dedication. I’m too weak for that.
I slap myself as hard as I could. I am ashamed for still thinking like this.
‘Come on, you can’t be giving up before you even try, kid.’
Tigurka’s words ring within my head. I was giving up before I even tried anything. I decided to live selfishly and proudly, didn’t I? How can I be proud of myself when the first thing I do is give up! I’m such an idiot!
I still have a long way to go before I can live a proud and selfish life. Since Mako is training early in the morning then I can just join her. If I can dedicate myself to training with Mako then I can dedicate myself to living this new lifestyle.
“Are you ok, Jude?”
Fifi was worriedly rubbing my cheeks.
“I’m fine. I was just thinking some things over. Mako, would it be ok if I join you in your training from now on. I want to become stronger.”
I turn around and look at Mako. It was up to her whether she would train me or not.
“Do you remember what I said two weeks ago at the gym?”
If I’m remembering correctly, she said that she would train me if I don’t give up midway through.
“Good, then don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“Yes, thank you very much.”
“Come on, let’s get going or Goldie’s bladder is going to explode.”
We head outside and Goldie was able to relieve himself in a corner of the yard. After relieving himself, he was full of energy and begins to run around the large yard. Since Fifi was riding him, she decided to play with him.
“Alright, the first thing we will be doing is muscle training. You need muscles if you want to be strong!”
She flexes her arms and I could see the muscles on them. I don’t normally notice it but Lisa and Mako are both physically fit women. I’m sure they have more muscles than I do.
“Muscles are the most important thing in the human body. If you have muscles then you can run faster, if you have muscles then you can lift heavy objects, if you have muscles then you can protect yourself, and if you have muscles then you can fight. Do you understand, Jude? Muscles are LIFE!”
“Yes, ma’am!”
This side of Mako was quite eccentric herself. Last night she had spent the whole time talking with Lisa about anime and now she’s in full-on muscle training mode.
“Good, first off we will begin by building a foundation for your muscles. Take off your shirt so I can look at your body.”
I hesitate for a bit. Underneath my long sleeve shirt are my scars and I don’t want to show Mako such a disgusting body. I’m sure it would gross her out.
No, I can’t be thinking like this anymore. It’s my body and if she doesn’t like it then she doesn’t like it. This scar ridden body is proof I’ve survived against Death. It isn’t something I should be scared to show someone. I take off my shirt and my scars were in plain view.
“I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. These are just old scars.”
Mako was staring at me with unease in her eyes. She didn’t know where to look at so she just stared at the ground. This was scarier than I had thought it would be. That uncomfortable feeling I was giving off to Mako was making me feel sick to the gut. I never thought it would be this hard to reveal my scars to someone I care about.
“Please look at me, Mako. I know these scars make you feel uncomfortable but please don’t look away from me. You’re the first person I’ve ever shown my scars willingly.”
My body was drenched in cold sweat and my heart was rapidly beating. Will Mako accept me? After hearing me speak, Mako was now staring straight at me. Her eyes were scanning every inch of my body. Her right fist was clenched and she suddenly punches herself in the face.
“Ahahaha, sorry, Jude. I was just a little bit surprised, that’s all.”
Mako holds out her hand to stop me from going towards her. Instead, she walks towards me without stopping at all. Both of her hands reached out and she touches my chest. After touching my chest, she checks my back, my arms, and my abs. Every inch of my upper body was inspected by Mako.
“Good, your body is in decent shape. All we need to do is build on it.”
She pats my chest and gives me a big bright smile. She maintained eye contact and didn’t avoid me. The aura around her was warm and calming which washed away all my previous anxieties.
“Alright, now that I’ve checked up on your physical condition, let’s get down to business. Run all the way to the front gate and back.”
I put on my shirt and began to sprint down the large yard. I have so much energy. The fact that Mako didn’t reject me made me way too happy. I couldn’t contain how much happiness I was feeling right now. Along the way, Goldie began running beside me with Fifi still on his back.
“Faster, Goldie! We’ll beat Jude and make him recognize me as the Master in our relationship.”
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