《A World in Chaos》Chapter 19: Zombies


Mako and Lisa run into the scattering crowd. There were around 50 or so people gathered around watching the supposed fight.

“Someone call an ambulance. The officer’s bleeding out.”

I could finally see the entire scene. The officer Lisa was talking to earlier was on the ground holding onto his neck. It was profusely bleeding and reminded me of Tod’s injuries. It was too late for him.

Besides him were another two lifeless corpses on the ground. One was a woman with black hair in a green dress and the other was a blond man in cargo shorts. The only other person was the monster. It looked exactly like a regular human besides its bloodied face and the whites of its eye being black. Maybe it was human.

It was hovering over another girl and its mouth was opened unnaturally wide. Before it could take a bite of the girl Mako comes in and kicks the human-like monster away. Lisa follows up by helping the girl up on her two feet before going to check on her friend.

“Fifi, what type of monster is that?”

“It seems like an undead type.”

“Undead? So is it not a human?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s a human. It’s just a lifeless corpse attacking anything that’s living.”

“Can I beat it as I am right now.”


That was enough for me to get involved with this battle. If Fifi trusts me and my friends are in danger then it's enough for me to fight for their lives.

I run past the fleeing students and head towards Mako. If Fifi said that this is an undead monster then is it like a zombie? Are the other people who were attacked going to come back to life? I keep this in the back of my mind as I reach Mako and Lisa.

“Mako, how hard is its body?”

“It feels normal, why?”

“Good that should be fine then. If its body is weak then that means we can kill it.”

“Kill it!? It’s a human. You can’t just go around killing humans.”

“That isn’t a human! It’s a monster, Fifi confirmed it.”

Mako was hesitating to fight the monster now. I thought she was prepared to kill but it seems I was wrong. I’ll kill it myself then.

“I’ll do it then. Just keep a watch on the other bodies and Lisa.”


Lisa was holding him within her arms as he was bleeding out. She was saying her farewells to him. It pains me to see Lisa crying but I need to get rid of this monster. I need to keep the two of them safe.

I left Mako there as I continue towards the monster. After Mako kicked it away it was on all fours looking at me, no, it was looking at Fifi.

“Jude, it’s using magic.”

The monster’s mouth was starting to glow green. It wasn’t aiming at me.

“Fifi, hide!!!”

I grab Fifi who was flying by me and stuff her into my hoodie. The monster used his magic and shot out some green goo out of its mouth. I try to avoid it but some of it got on my left arm.

Shit, it burns! The green goo burned through my hoodie and was scalding my skin.

“Light of the spirits come and aid me. Purify this foul substance from this world.”

The pain on my arm was fading away. Fifi had cast some sort of magic on my arm.

“Thanks, Fifi.”


The smell of burning flesh forced its way into my nostrils. I glance back and see that the girl the monster was trying to eat was being melted by the goo. She hadn’t moved after Lisa helped her up and just stood there confused as she was hit by the goo. Her skin was melting and I could see the muscles and bone in her body.

It’ll be bad if Mako or Lisa was hit by that. I need to block it so they don’t meet the same fate as that girl.

What should I do? I can’t defeat that monster if I just keep my distance. None of my magic is strong enough to deal damage from a distance. It was charging it’s goo again. I could see the green light in its mouth.

“Let go!! I’m trying to help you here!”

Was that Mako’s voice, what’s going on? I look over and see the dead corpse of the girl in the green dress holding onto Mako’s leg. Mako was panicking and didn’t notice that it wasn’t a human anymore. She was alive but she was the same as that green goo monster. They were zombies.

Its mouth was opened and it was trying to bite Mako. I’m not going to let you do that you bastard!!! I won’t let another friend die in front of me again!


I run towards Mako like how I ran towards Tod. This time I’m going to reach her.

From the corner of my eye, I see the green goo zombie shoot its magic towards Lisa. Lisa was still by her friend’s corpse crying her eyes out. She was in danger but so was Mako.

“Shit!!! Fifi, protect Lisa!!”

“Got it.”

Fifi flies out of my hood and heads towards Lisa as I head towards Mako.


I run in and dive towards her. It might her hurt a little bit but it’ll be worth it if she lives. My body flies and crashes into Mako’s body. My left arm goes around her waist and to her back while my right hand is extended downwards toward the zombie. A small red glow appears on my hand.

“Fire Blast!”

The flame grew into a ball and exploded on top of the zombie’s head. If it’s like the games and movies then the head should be the weak point. The brain matter flew everywhere and got all over me. My own magic wouldn’t burn me but I shielded Mako from it.

We landed a few feet from where the green dress zombie was and we were fine. I look at Mako and only her sweats were a little bit burnt. I felt the heat on my back but it didn’t hurt.

“Why did you do that, Jude!!?? She could have been alive!”

I don’t understand why Mako is screaming at me. I just saved her from a monster so why am I being screamed at. That’s not important right now, I still need to get Mako and Lisa to a safe place.

I look at Fifi and it seems that she successfully blocked the green goo from getting to Lisa. Lisa was safe or so I thought but I could see her friend’s body moving a little bit.

“Get ready to run Mako!!”

I don’t wait for a reply and begin running towards Lisa. I don’t want to have to use magic if I don’t have too so I’ll just grab Lisa and we can book it to her car. We need to get off campus immediately.


She looks up at me when she heard me call her name. Her nose was running, her face flushed red, and the tears pouring out. A knife was being twisted in my heart as I see her crying. It was the same pain I felt when Fifi was crying. I couldn’t prevent another girl from crying even though she was right next to me.

“Don’t cry, Lisa!!”

I run in and grab her and her duffel bag. I can’t comfort her right now. All I can do is assure her survival.

“Fifi, let’s go”

“Ok, but that green goo monster is coming after us.”

Mako was running by my side as I was carrying Lisa in a princess carry. My heart was ferociously beating like a drum.

We continue to run and I could see that the zombies we faced weren’t the only ones. I could hear the screams echoing throughout the campus. Others were running away just like us and some are dazed and confused at what was happening. I think I just saw one of my professors get his arm ripped off.

“Is it still following us?”

“Yes, it’s attacking. Dodge to the right.”

“Go left Mako.”

We separated and I kick a zombie that was coming to me from the right.

“Fire Blast.”

I used Fire Blast from my feet and the zombie's body was blown away. Fire Blast was a pretty strong technique that I can use multiple times. The only problem was that I had to be extremely close for it to deal a lot of damage and that I can only use it 5 times for now.

“Jude, Mako’s been separated from us. The monster is going after her.”

Shit, what should I do!! I can’t let Mako die but the zombies are starting to grow at an alarming rate. If I try and head towards her then I might get attacked from behind by other zombies.

“Fifi go and protect her.”



The only person I could trust to protect Mako was Fifi. I still had to protect this crying girl within my arms.

“I’m sorry to ask you this but can I give you a reverse piggyback ride?”

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