《Bright Battle Story: Tactics Heart》Episode 01.05
Destiny Square was wide and tall, surrounded by raised streets, a large domed building taking up the centre. Flags fluttered above and balloons floated in the sky, but below there was little activity; whatever had happened here was over and done.
"As expected," Praetorian said, surveying the few new entrants remaining. "Slim pickings here, to be sure."
"There's someone," Amanda said. She tried to raise her arm to point then rattled out a frustrated groan. "She's coming over here."
"Helloooo," said the girl who'd just flounced up to them, her accent strong and strange. "Are you guys a party? Yeah? I'm Elene, I'm a bubblemancer—don't worry if you haven't heard of the class, it's new, one of the latest to be council-approved."
Elene had dark skin and purple eyes, her hair bouncy and curly and pink, tied with rainbow-coloured ribbons to form high twintails. She wore a puffy blue outfit with rainbow trimming, and gave the general impression of being far too bright.
"I'm from Nimbus, in case you didn't already guess," Elene said, while the members of Nala's party struggled to think what to say. "My whole family are researchers there, me as well, I got picked to come test out this new class—but who cares about that, you guys are gonna make a team, right?"
"We're searching for members," Nala said. "We are forming a party."
"No no no, a TEAM! For the tournament! Preliminaries are starting in just a few weeks, I'm really trying to get more people interested, especially low-tier classes like you guys—rogue, right? And a necromancer, wow, first one I've seen here, you guys are SO unpopular, haha, and wow, a zombie! Walker?"
"Glumgirl," muttered Amanda.
"Even better! And what are you, you're a goblin, right? Haha, wow, I don't even KNOW what classes you guys can pick—if you found a couple more people you guys would be perfect."
Praetorian treated Elene to a charming smile. "Then would you consider joining us?"
"Haha, no way! Sorry, I gotta solo it, being in a party would undermine the purity of the experiment and that'd make a loooot of people unhappy. Besides, bubblemancers are too new, still 'untested', not allowed in tournament matches is what I'm saying. Banned! Banned from competitive fighting! Hahaha. Seriously though, sign up for the games you guys! They're a ton of fun and tactic merits are valuable, I mean sure, you'd probably be taken out by one of the FAR too many three-fighters-and-a-healer teams but it'd be an interesting fight at least! Plus defeats in a match don't earn demerits so you've got nothing to lose, right? Anyway, think about it!" Elene glanced around at the near-empty square. "Looks like this thing's over, I better get to my cottage and contact home—gotta use the crystal set I brought with me, have you SEEN these things?" Elene held up her safehold shard, regarding it with an expression of superior distaste. "Dark age stuff, am I right? Closed-path synchronisation and not even a safeway pass, I'm amazed the guild is still using such utterly ancient tech. They were supposed to bring in all these changes and modernise this place but, haha, I'm not seeing it! Anyway, good luck and stuff—if you're looking for a potential recruit there was an elf moping around here just before, kinda glum, something about being cursed, seems like he'd fit right in with you guys, huh? Hahaha!"
With that and a mock-salute Elene bounced away, leaving Nala and her party to stare after her.
"Well," said Praetorian. "She seemed a happy soul."
A soft tug at her sleeve brought Nala's attention to Tzugakk. He pointed subtly and shyly.
"There," Nala said, her eyes upon a bench shadowed by a tall tree. Its sole occupant was a glum elf with a large spiky bow set at his side.
"Ah, perhaps this is the brother of whom Gloria spoke," Praetorian said, as they approached. "That bow certainly looks cursed—may I do the talking? I have something of a way with those of the elvish persuasion. Objections none? Excellent. Hello there! Gloria's brother, I presume? Sly Lightfear? I see the resemblance in your eyebrows."
The elf looked up at Praetorian. He had sandy-brown hair that entirely failed to disguise his strikingly large eyebrows, despite how low he wore it. His eyes were large, slanted, and half-hooded, his passive appearance matched by his loose green and brown clothes.
"Yeah," he said. "Sure. 'Gloria's brother'. You guys looking to recruit?"
Nala went to reply, but Praetorian's raised hand stopped her.
"Perhaps," he said. "What can you offer us?"
Sly straightened a little, pushed his hair away from his eyes, and took his bow in one hand.
"Well, uh, I'm a sniper, that's my class, plus I get a racial bonus with this stupid thing. Uh ... this thing. This bow."
All eyes turned to the bow in question. It was large and bulky, seemed to be made from some kind of dark metal, and had far more spikes than a projectile weapon would seem to require. The spiralling purple-black aura didn't really help matters at all.
"It's, uh, kind of cursed," Sly said. "Not that you could tell. It's got kind of a big to-hit penalty. Damage and crit bonuses are decent though, plus it's got ScatterShot as an intrinsic, that's pretty nice. Uh, and because I'm a sniper I get Pinpoint, that gives me a hundred percent to-hit. Just, uh, just once a day, though. And just against one target. Kind of already used that today, though. Bunch of fighters, got me alone, all ganged up on me ... yeah. Managed to get a couple of good hits in on the leader, didn't take him out but it was enough to scare 'em off ... you don't get merits for scaring people though."
"Hm," said Praetorian. "It seems that your class skill would at least temporarily offset the penalty given by this bow—I assume this is the reason you picked it—and so I'm forced to wonder, why haven't you been snapped up already?"
"Dunno. People are just picky I guess. Ranged attackers aren't in fashion, hand-to-hand dudes are sturdier and have higher damage output so yeah, can see why nobody wants me. Just a lazy dude with a cursed bow he can't unequip."
"We will have you," Tzugakk said, quietly. "If you will join us."
Sly looked around, at Tzugakk and Amanda and Nala. "Kind of ragtag or something," he said before grinning lazily, displaying a missing front tooth. "Could work. Who's your leader?"
Nala held out her hand and Sly slapped his against it, humming along with the jangly recruitment tune.
"Heard that a hundred times today," he said, inspecting his glowing BrightCircle. "Kind of gets in your head after a while."
"You should be happy," Amanda said to Praetorian. "We've got an elf now."
"Yes ... I can't say that he's entirely my type. No offence intended, of course," Praetorian said to Sly, accompanying this with an elegant bow. "As I mentioned earlier, there's little resemblance between you and your lovely sister—aside from the distinctive eyebrows."
"Sure," Sly said with a shrug. "Story of my life. She gets the blessing and I get the curse. So you met her, huh? See that staff she had? Yeah, got that the same time this stupid bow grabbed me. Couple of demon chests in a local dungeon, Grigori Staff for her, VeldHart Bow for me."
Praetorian frowned. "The thought of getting it checked before equipping it didn't cross your mind?"
"I was a kid, dude, I was excited. Can't get rid of the stupid thing now. S-rank curse, can you believe? Heard they could do something about that here and Gloria was already making noise about coming, so ... yeah. We gonna go get ranked now? Dunno if there's anyone else around here still looking."
Those others left in the square all seemed to be in groups, newly-formed parties discussing strategies and plans, or waiting to be admitted to the large building in the centre.
"Hm," said Praetorian. "It seems that there may not be anyone else yet unattached. Unless some poor pathetic soul is yet to arrive here—"
The necromancer stopped, distracted by a clanking sound coming closer, and as he and the others watched a small girl in big armour came running into the square, tripped on the spear she was carrying, and fell flat on her face.
Praetorian raised an eyebrow.
"Rather terrifying timing, actually."
Amanda and Tzugakk were already going to the girl's aid, Tzugakk getting there first.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, offering a tentative hand. The girl waved it aside apologetically, pushing herself up with surprising ease given the bulkiness of the armour. It was light blue in colour with a white feather motif, a subtle blue-green aura surrounding it.
"Um, it's okay—I'm okay, I mean," she said, her voice softly accented. "I'm, um ... I'm used to it."
The girl adjusted the winged headband-helmet she was wearing, then took off her square glasses to check that they hadn't cracked. She had dark skin and wide eyes, and her hair was short and black, two little pigtails poking out beneath her ears.
"Oh, thank you," the girl said, as Tzugakk shyly presented her fallen spear. "It's new, my old one ... I don't have my old one any more, this is longer and heavier, apparently it's better but ... I miss my old spear..."
"Why were you running?" Nala asked. "Are you being chased?"
"Oh! No. Thank goodness. No, I wanted to get back here before everyone left, but ... I guess I might be too late. My name's Mist, by the way. Mist Reginleif. I'm a valkyrie! Um, I don't suppose any of you are heroes?"
Amanda let out an involuntary rattling moan, then put her hand over her mouth, embarassed.
"Excuse me," she said. "I didn't ... sorry."
Mist smiled awkwardly at Amanda, then looked around at Nala and the others, her smile fading along with the hope in her eyes.
"Oh," she said. "I didn't think so but I thought I should ask. Someone told me there was a hero down that street but all I found was a dead end with a bunch of smashed crates. I think they might have been lying! Do you know, people can be pretty mean here? I even got attacked before!"
"Astonishing," said Praetorian.
"I know, I didn't think, I mean, nobody told me about THAT! This place is totally different to what I expected, everyone said there'd be heroes! They said that Bright Battle was FAMOUS for heroes! I was so looking forward to meeting one finally, but everyone's just a fighter or a healer or something..." Mist trailed off and sighed softly. "All in all it's been quite a disappointing day."
Awkward silence followed, which Amanda took it upon herself to break.
"Um," she said. "So you like heroes?"
"Of course!" Mist said, her eyes suddenly bright, her tone suddenly enthusiastic. "Valkyries and heroes have a very deep connection, you know. Wherever heroes go, valkyries will follow! And everyone said that Bright Battle was legendary for all its heroes, that's why I got sent here, because in my village—well, on my island—everyone's mostly a fisherman or nethandler or something, there are hardly any fighting-type classes at all and definitely no heroes. And, do you know, I don't think there are even any valkyries here either! I'm the only one! Just like back home ... I mean, since my mother died. I was really little then so I don't remember her much." Mist's eyes went distant and she stared at nothing for a second, then she smiled brightly around at the others. "But I am determined to live up to her memory and bring glory to the class of valkyrie! It's my dream," she added, in earnest explanation.
Nala and the others stared at the girl, with her square glasses and stubby pigtails and spear taller than her head and armour that was far too big for her.
"So," Mist said. "So, um. I don't guess you might maybe be looking for anyone to join your party? Because ... I mean ... I don't think I'm going to find a hero around here ... and I, I don't think anyone else really ... you know ... wants me..."
"Rough day, huh?" Sly said. "Know that feeling."
Mist sighed. "Lots of people made fun of me—of valkyries! One said we were an obsolete class, I couldn't believe that ... but actually that was one of the better reactions ... at least he'd heard of valkyries..."
"I have heard of them."
Mist looked at Praetorian, a thin, brave smile on her face.
"Although not overmuch," he admitted. "'Raven-sister', that's part of your little poem thing, isn't it?"
Mist nodded eagerly. "Shieldmaiden, swan-friend, raven-sister, last hope of the fallen. But, um, I don't actually have a shield."
"You are a maiden, though?"
"Hey!" Amanda snapped. "Not okay!"
Praetorian spread his hands innocently. "Could I help but ask?"
"Um," Mist said. "Well. Yes, I have to be. Remain pure, I mean. It's part of the class requirements."
"Hm." Praetorian regarded Mist thoughtfully. "Suddenly the reason for the class's decline in popularity becomes apparent. I suppose I shouldn't complain, I wished for an elf maiden and what does fate grant me? An elf and a maiden. I should not have expected more than this. It appears my dreams of cross-cultural relations are only that; it is of dreamstuff that my desires are formed, and the silken pleasures I crave remain ethereal and mysterious."
"You're ridiculous and slightly disgusting," Amanda said. "Do you know that?"
Praetorian shrugged. "I am true to my nature, as base as that might be. For this I neither expect understanding nor demand acceptance."
Amanda rolled her dull eyes and turned away.
Mist blinked at Nala, at her outstretched hand.
"Oh! Oh, thank you, is this really okay? I can be in your party? I don't even know your name—um, I do it like this?"
"Like this," Nala said, pressing the back of her hand against Mist's, speaking over the jangly recruitment tune: "And my name is Nala Greyward."
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