《The 33 Heavens Bow for 1 Man》Ch 13: Basic cultivation and craft knowledge


His head was feeling slightly swollen with information. He had learned everything which those on Earth knew, however, the progress of technology was gradual, allowing him to learn it slowly and comfortably. In this case, he had to go through a planet’s(and possibly other planet’s) knowledge. This would have taken thousands of years, as well as work from millions of people.

All learned about within 5 minutes by Bao Gang.

He educated himself on all the stuff which had plagued him with nervousness before, mainly being basic knowledge about crafts and cultivation. A description of his learning is as follows:

Beast taming is using your knowledge or resources at your disposal to appeal to a demonic beast. This would hopefully lead into the beast preferring to be your pet than living in the wild, as demonic beasts would also want to cultivate as fast as possible, and to as a high a realm as possible. Being a pet might allow them to do this better than living in the wilderness.

A contract would then be made using the heavens as a witness. Both parties would stake something if they broke the contract. This could be their life, their ability to progress in cultivation, or even something trivial, such as a small sum of money. The contract terms would be written on animal skin in blood, then an incantation would be said. Both beast and man would need to then drip blood onto the contract, and then the contract would be finalized.

In the case that the contract was broken, the guilty party would then lose the amount they had staked in the contract. In the case of the money, that sum of money would disappear from their savings, or in the case they did not have enough, would disappear as soon as the money had been earned

Alchemy is the use of spiritual materials to create a pill, which produces a much larger effect than just eating the material. In high graded pills, the pills would even absorb spiritual energy to enhance themself. It also has the risk of giving impurities to the cultivator however.


The reason why alchemical pills can have a bigger effect than the plain spiritual herbs, is that a cultivator cannot fully digest the herb, nor the impurities. In this case, the cultivator simply poops out the impurities and remaining medical efficacy.

In alchemy, the pill is formed in such a way that it can be fully digested, even the impurities. Thus, alchemists would need to get rid of as much impurity as possible, while keeping as much medical efficacy as possible.

Certain materials would have stronger impurities. That is, they would require a high level flame to destroy. This is what separates pills into levels. The lowest level pill being made with fire condensed by a body realm cultivator.

Pills would also be separated into rankings, which measure how much impurity it contains. The lower, the better. A rank 10 pill would be between 91 and 100% impurity, while a rank one pill would be between 1 and 10% impurity. There is also a legendary 0 rank pill which contains no impurity, but it had not been well documented in the books at the library.

Inscriptions are a set of runes which tap into the dao, allowing the inscription to attract and absorb spiritual energy. This inscription can be reusable, such as being put onto a sword, which would allow it to send out flame when given a signal, and can also be consumable, such as an inscription tile which will explode just once.

Typically, permanent inscriptions will be more valuable than the one time use inscription for obvious reason. However, the one time use inscriptions will be more powerful for the same value permanent inscription, due to the one time use inscription having no limit on materials.

For a permanent inscription, the object on which it is placed, as well as the inscription itself, must be strong enough to withstand the inscription being activated, otherwise it defeats the purpose of a permanent inscription. In a one time use inscription this is not the case, as it will only be used once.

Thus, a permanent inscription requires better materials for a same strength effect, making it more valuable.


There are also levels to inscription, similar to in alchemy, a flame is required, but this time to carve an inscription. The inscription is not graded on flame strength, only on inscription complexity and strength.

A grade 1 pill/inscription would be possible to make by the average peak body tempering cultivator.

Battle techniques are similar to a cultivation method in that they detail how to perform a technique. This is not just basic, run-of-the mill directions; it details in which way spiritual energy and qi should be circulated to achieve maximal strength/speed, etc. This would be performed with spiritual energy in the body tempering realm, as they have not yet condensed their own qi, but prior to this, it would be done with qi.

While Bao Gang had read and understood all of the books in the library, this did not mean he would be able to perform these battle skills, nor pillforge, nor carve inscriptions. These books only gave instructions, and thus, Bao Gang would need to practice these skills before leaving the sect.

He had already decided that cultivating within the sect would not work out. He could not draw enough spiritual energy to advance at a pace which he deemed fit. At least, without arousing suspicion due to a spiritual energy vortex. Instead, he would take missions which would put him outside the sect,and would be able to absorb spiritual energy faster. But, at a slower pace than when he first arrived, and at a distance far away from the sect, so that the decrease in spiritual energy would not be felt.

Before leaving to cultivate though, he needed to learn battle techniques and practice fighting with others. It can be thought of like a beginner boxer with the physique of a professional boxer. Without any prior experience, they would not know how to punch correctly, and even though strong, would not be able to beat a weaker boxer with more punching practice. Both of these boxers would lose to another with actual boxing experience(punching practice is practicing punching, experience is actually boxing with other people and learning the strategy of the game).

Having a goal in mind, he went back to his house to practice the battle techniques which he had read about. He first practiced a technique called “Dragon’s fist, Tiger’s Palm,” this technique is a level one technique, meaning that the average peak body tempering cultivator could practice it. Given as it only detailed how to circulate spiritual energy, and there being no major difference in terms of spiritual energy attunement between peak and mid level body tempering realm cultivators, it could be practiced by any body tempering disciple, as long as they had the required soul strength.

He spent 10 minutes just getting used to the circulation path, and making sure that when he circulated it, all of the spiritual energy absorbed by his body would be circulated correctly. He cast it and,


The sound of a tiger roar could be heard when he used a palm, and that of a dragon when he punched.

From his reading, he knew this to be an exceptional mastery over the skill. The average body tempering disciple would barely be able to control spiritual energy, and would not circulate the majority of it correctly. This would only allow the battle skill to be cast, but would not produce a sound. A sound shows strong control over the skill. A level higher would be visualization of the animal, which would cause a silhouette of a dragon and tiger behind him.

What he didn’t realize, is that while he cast the spell, he had not only made a sound, but also formed a weak silhouette of the two animals behind him! The animals were behind him, which is why he could not see them!

“Come out Bao Gang! My brother has something to say about you living in this house!”

Recognizing the voice of Shang Lin, the boy he had defeated in one punch, he came out of the house, and exactly as he had hoped, saw a group of boys, intent on beating him up!

This would be where his battle experience could come from!

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