《Brigante Ark - New Chaos》Debriefing: The Radical


“Well, if it isn’t the bastard himself.” Port snarled.

He had been waiting over the canyon just a few miles away from the city. He puffed out the cigar and stomped it. He threw a smirk over his shoulder before looking back at the man that wants to meet him.

Before he contacted him, he bid farewell to Henry and to the kids. It was heart-wrenching. He didn’t want to do this, but there’s a world out there for him to see and he must become strong, for him to protect those he cares about. Thus, he accepted the invitation of the man who backs him up after he left Theo’s ranks.

“About time.” He said, raspingly.

“What’s this all about?” Port asked. “I hope that it wouldn’t do anything related to Theo anymore. I nearly died during that night.”

“No, don’t worry. The emergence of his power is no longer our concern. On the other hand, we want to invite you to join our ranks.”

Port raised his brow, “Ranks? You mean a party?”

It would totally sound right that he would be invited to be part as a member of a group of adventurers, but he felt that there is something different in his tone. He’s not only an adventurer but he can also be regarded as a mercenary. The thing that bothered him is why he’s working behind the scene, what is his motive?

Either way, if the offer is related to adventure, he’ll go along, if not, he’ll pass. The reason why he wants to become an adventurer is to train himself to become stronger. He realized that staying in the city disclose his potential to become stronger. He might have the magical items hidden on his stash, but he doubted that it would be any of use when it comes to enemies like Theo, hence, he very much appreciates it if his request would go with adventure.


“No. ‘Something different.”

“Then I’ll pass.”


Port sighed, “I don’t want to be merc anymore. I want to be an adventurer. The reason I want to become one is to hone my skill and if I would be stuck again within a merc branch, then I’ll be damned. There would be no point of letting go with my previous occupation if I were to join another damned mercenary.” Port remained to him, unfazed. “Might as well look for another candidate. Try those punks who fought Theo, maybe they’ll become more useful to you.”

“You think that being alone is the right answer, it is not.”

“It’s not being alone, it’s playing hardcore. I’ve been fooled once by a madman. I’m not going to do the same mistake.”

“I understand, but please hear me. You won’t regret this.” He said with sincerity in his voice. “I promise you; it’ll be worth it.”

Port tilted his head. “Spill.”

“I’m from an organization called ‘Spades’.”

Port eyes open wide hearing the name. He heard them before. They’re a group of nomads that’s causing trouble in Izion and in Torgo. They can be somewhat called revolutionary. They’ve been liberating people and assassinating people in the higher ranks. They may not active these few years, but their reputation precedes them.

“No shit. I’m out!”

“Don’t turn your back. We need people like you. We need people who are willing to stand against those who oppressed people.”

“It’s a hard pass.”

He doesn’t completely trust them. If he will join them, then it would likely he will be caught in a spiral of trust and mistrust again. Their agenda will make it more complicated for him to move on to the next level. And even if their operation will ring his wallet, he has no ears for orders.


“Listen, we will help you financially and allow you to make travels as an adventurer, but if we need help, you’ll come with us and lend us your hand.”

So, that’s how it goes. He thought.

Given that they will make a call with you even if you’re far away giving a hint that they have a wide operation. His offers sound good to him. Come to think of it, he will only follow the orders of the organization through message, it would give him some time to make money and train, which is convenient.

He smiled. “I’m listening.”

He began to explain the whole operation they have different branches among their ranks. The head of the organization belongs to the faction ‘Upper hands’ they’re the brain of the operation, generals so to speak. Then there’s the ‘Lower Hands’ they’re the governor of the soldiers and lead them on the battle. Then there are those people that work in the shadows that were called the outliers, they’re a group of spies and report directly to the generals, aside from that, they’re also responsible for recruiting people, he was part of the outliers. Lastly, there’s ‘Phantom Walkers’, they’re the walking bombs, the potentials that are allowed to travel as an adventurer, they were given an exception to train and nourish themselves. When the time comes, they were called to do risky jobs, this is where Port belongs.

“That’s not a bad offer after all.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. You’ll have to take up the call when the time comes. In the meantime, you’ll go as your plan.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll report back to the headquarters.”

“Where will that be?”

He walked to the edge of the cliff and threw a card on him. Port easily caught it. It was nothing special, the card was made in wood. He does not know what’s this made of, but he can tell that this is imbued with magic.

“You will know soon. Now is not the time.”

“And this?” Port waved the card.

“That will allow us to have a communication. Don’t lose it. It’ll come in handy, I promise.”

Port gazed back at the card and notice symbols that shifted in each second, but before he can open his mouth, he jumped off the cliff in a flashy way.

“If you’re going to ditch me in a flashy way, ‘might as well don’t skip the part of explaining to me how to use this thing!” He shouted.

Port began to walk on an old route that everyone has not to have to use. It’s an off-charted path that even the police force does not know about this. He made it safely to the next town. He can see the adventurers that are entering the guild house from the top of a hill. The town was fashioned with the use of bricks. The houses were spread normally with enough space for the carriage to make their way on the path. The guild house so far is the biggest structure in the town. It gave a vibe similar to a temple. The roof was made of red tiles and has lanterns hung on the ceiling. It has four floors that are designed with different uses.

Port’s eyes glimmered and finally, he goes to start an adventure that awaits.

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