《Brigante Ark - New Chaos》Prologue Beyond the glade


The sunrise started at five o’clock early in the morning. The grace of the sun showered its light in the wilderness. A soft huffed of a woman, crouching down to her knees, panting, and catching her breath as she bared her ankles could be heard in a dim shadow of a tree.

She sweated and it started to draw down to her eyes. She drew out a cloth and wiped her forehead. Trekking the upward slope path caused her to trudge. She drew her portable water container on her backpack; she drank and cautiously glanced around her before she raised her bronze eyes. She tightened her ponytail hair. She pulled herself up after resting for a while.

Her short brown pants are a bit uncomfortable as she is stiffened by a passing breeze and yet she insisted on wearing them to be cooled down from the tiring trekking. She unzips her maroon vest, refreshing the hotness that is pouring inside, revealing the plumpness under the white shirt.

Her eyes gleamed with determination and glanced cautiously at the sloping road, she rushed up to the path and came across the glade of the forest. Once again, her eyes scanned at the entirety of the scarlet scattered lights phasing through the clustered nimble of clouds to the swaying trees as she gripped the leash of her bag.

A breeze blew a strand of her hair. Walking under the sunlight, the sound of whispering trees was overlapped by the rhythmic sounds of the insects. She walked, almost running, but in a certain distance that is behind the woods, she stopped, her eyelids widened and fixated, seeing a glimpse of the location. She gasped, thrilled as she waived the strands of tall grasses.

Her heart pounded as she witnessed below her position the breathtaking scenery of the flower field. The early bloomers' chrysanthemums showed off their buds as it softly swayed as a cold wind came passing by - giving a clue that autumn is coming to end, waiting for the winter.


She gaped out of amazement, her eyes widened; gripping the composure as excitement accelerated, stimulating her childish side. She smiled as she turned on the camera and focused the lens on the flower field, red, purple, violet, different kinds rose their petals, fluttered.

As soon as she was ready, she began to capture the images. She altered her gaze back to the flower field as she saw the shadow on one of her captures. She has not seen it because of excitement and now, she raised her brow, confused about his presence, knowing that she was the only one who was supposed to know about this place.

Staring at his gloomy appearance coinciding with the attribute he wore, clad of a dark jacket, black combatant, and military boots gave an impression of being a daunting man, yet, he seemed to be at peace, relaxed under the ensued silence with the chrysanthemums.

Nonetheless, she neglected the nonsensical thinking of apparition and ran quickly to his place. Her slender legs exerted more strength as she made her way to the collapsing man. She kneeled and caressed his head, rested into her lap. He looks so pale, no wonder why he collapses, and his lips are verging to grey.

“Hello? Hey, are you alright?” She asked with concern. Her worried gentle voice reached the clinging consciousness of the young man. She pinched him to wake him up. She was taken back, alarmed when he slowly opened his eyelids.

“Did you get lost?” His eyes fixated on the blurry face of the woman, the orange light makes it clearer in a second, but his pupils are straining to focus as the light distressed, narrowing his eyes.

“What happened?”

The man slowly opens his mouth, muttering.

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