《Project Burnout》Chapter 22: Natural Oddity


Since they continued their travels they had separated themselves from it. It was fine with the tall ones being ahead, but the smaller one was also not allowed near it. It wanted another scratch and smell that sweet, soft scent.

Even as they rested it was not allowed near them, making food that smelt alien with their looks on it. Though now the small one started heading towards it, but with a lack of that sweet scent.

Unlike before with eyes bursting with curiosity and life, they instead were emotionless and calm. From their end Rookie kept her attention on Tomobi, Kiorif was more focused on the beast.

‘Let’s see if you still like scratches,’ Keeping this small positivity Tomobi reached his hand out once more against its scale. The ground faintly vibrated as the creature further dug itself into the dirt.

“Oh that’s good,” Rookie calmed herself and took in a heavy breath.

“Seems like it is actually fine with him even now,” Kiorif’s test only brought more questions.

“If that’s the case I know the next thing we gotta do with the creature,” Rookie moved her bowl away.

“What is that?” Kiorif felt dumb for asking her.

“Gotta name our new pet,” Kiorif felt dumber for asking her.

“You’re gonna get attached to it,”

“Already trying,” Rookie went off to the two of them, once catching their attention the creature stopped its humming and glared at her.

“Hey, don't mind me. Remember I’m the friendly soldier, I didn’t try to shoot you or see you as a monster,” but a humming snarl told her to back off.

“Okay, okay,” She stopped herself and stood awkwardly between the two of them and Kiorif, after which the creature returned to its happy humming.

“Looks like it doesn’t remember you were friendly enough,” Kiorif mocked behind her. Rookie copied his words in a quiet, childish tone. She thought of ways to get closer to them.


“Hey Tomobi, any way to get it closer?” Seeing Rookie’s attempt, Tomobi tried. Getting up Tomobi walked closer towards her until he felt a small tug. The creature gently nibbled on Tomobi’s clothes, looking into his eyes with a soft gaze.

“Uh, well you see I gotta go to-” The creature paid no attention as it dragged him calmly back to itself, seating him beside it. It wasn’t done with Tomobi.

“Ah, well,” Rookie looked a little annoyed at this.

“That, that is bullshit,” while she was annoyed, Kiorif got a little worried about it. Tomobi tried again, unclenching its maw and pacing towards Rookie.

Immediately it tried to go after him, rising up and slowly following him. Tomobi tried ignoring it, but it went to grab him once more. This time Rookie intervened.

“No, drop it,” Rookie shot with a stern tone. It wasn’t aggressive, but it stepped back and let go. Everyone was shocked.

“Wow, I didn’t think that would work,” Rookie moved closer to them, the creature still unsure it shifted.

“Okay, stay still. I’m going to pat you and figure out a name,” She paced towards the creature, keeping calm and allowing her to get near it.

“Pats?” it arched its body away from her hand.

“Fine, but I’m gonna be closer to you from now on. After all, Tomobi is my friend too,” While Rookie tried talking to the creature, Kiorif thought of what had happened.

‘Could it follow basic commands?’ a growl interrupted this. Though this time it was not from the jaws, but from the stomach.

“Looks like somebody spent a little too much time eyeing Tomobi,” Rookie chuckled.

“Come on,” it surprisingly followed slowly behind her.

“Tomobi made us some nice, fresh stew. You’re gonna love it,” Rookie grew a small smile from the whiff of the pot, though it snorted and moved away.


“Wha-how could you not like this?” it huffed and began to breathe deeply. Its tongue stuck out and it began to move off.

“Should we follow it?” Rookie got closer to her gear as it moved further away.

“Give it a moment, if it doesn’t come back sooner or later we can deal with it,” Kiorif seemed surprisingly relaxed with his response.

“Wow, you’re letting go off. You’re getting soft,” Rookie grew a smug look as she shifted through her sac.

“No, the opposite Rookie. Things have changed,” Kiorif returned to his stern voice.

“So you’re hard-wait. Forget what I said,” Rookie spat out, Kiorif sighing.

“Rookie listen to me, this thing-”


“Excuse me?”

“Well, we still need a name for it. No? Ah, no matter. It’s a work in progress,”

“As I was saying, this thing is not normal, even with the standard of the other freakshows. Not only has followed us and is showing a near-obsession with Tomobi in such a short time, but also managed to understand your commands,” Tomobi cleaned up their lunch, but his head was getting messy.

“But it isn’t that weird right? They were made by us so they should have some brains and be used to us, so maybe it goes for VitaNavs too? Plus aren’t most of them originally fighting animals, so they should understand basic commands,” Rookie caught on to Kiorif’s curiosity, with her cogs turning as well.

“Not all of them were made to be smart, I believe some of them were meant to be fodder animals, like the toads from before. There is also the fact that those who could understand human commands existed centuries ago, most of the things we see are technically feral. So that would mean either their ability to follow orders is ingrained in them or,” Kiorif had a shot of worry hit him.

“Or is it something else?” Things had become further complicated. Kiorif and Rookie continued to think while Tomobi finished packing up the last of things.

“Well, could I try to help?” Both looked over at him, both having different looks.

“Tomobi, I’m happy that you wanna help but it’s best not to try anything with it. Like it’s great that it’s friendly with you, but we don’t know what would happen if you pry. Not saying that you’re annoying but-” Kiorif raised his hand to cut Rookie off.

“If you are to help you have to take a risk, we don’t know what it could do and what could happen if you get it mad. Although you are so far the only thing that can get close to it,”

“Kiorif,” Rookie wanted to say more.

“If you are going to spend more time with it, make sure at least one of us can keep an eye on you two,” Kiorif continued to cut her off.

“And if you need anything within reason, I may consider it. As long as it benefits us,” Tomobi continuously nodded to this. After their little talk, the creature came back, a rabbit of sorts as its prize. Though dead, its ears glowed in markings of reds, purples, and blues. Sprawling towards them, it sat by Tomobi’s side.

“So does it want us to cook it?” Rookie’s question was soon answered by a sharp crunch and a spit of blood.

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