《Project Burnout》Chapter 20: A Home Call


Apollo took down notes as his fellow members debated amongst themselves. Unlike his home office or even his bedroom desk, the city council’s table was unified and orderly, the papers aligning with their owner's bodies.

“Cutting costs again?” an elderly woman commented as she looked through her papers.

“People are already feeling uneasy with the recent instability, now we have to deal with a potential inflation?”

“It isn’t our choice,” a younger woman cut her off, her skin paled with a sprinkle of freckles.

“The Defence Minister has already announced to the public about the start of another battle with southern tribes, and that requires funding to be taken from somewhere,”

“Shauna this is directly cutting into our own protection and maintenance. People are still demanding for the walls to get fixed, and now we have to tell them that we can’t because we can’t afford it for another battle,”

“But at least we still have a wall of sorts,” a droopy-eyed middle-aged man butted in.

“From what I have heard the farming communities are being hit harder with them now having to directly pay for the security of their resources or to transport it themselves,”

“And how are they to do that? They are not allowed to use trucks because of what is out there,” The elderly woman started to boil.

“Well, there has recently been an increase in the trend of using wagons and more simple means,”

“The Earth has already pushed past us as it is with its technology. We should not be going backward with what we can use and should not be thankful for getting the bare minimum, this isn't the 1800s,” everyone’s mind paced, wondering what they could do.

“It doesn’t just have to be violence. Could we try a negotiation?” the freckled woman, Shauna, asked. Everyone’s attention turned to Apollo, his shallow breath showing his faith in this.


“It is not like we truly could. If you see in a couple more pages, budgets have also been cut from departments related to VitaNavs. This means that we are also lacking resources, many are in fact being let go,” Apollo grit his teeth saying this.

“Aren’t you part of it,” another member called out, many now feeling uncertain for Apollo, however, kept calm.

“I’m getting to that, they are providing a small loan to many of us until we can crawl out of this. Fortunately for me because I’m working with the militant report program with the earth soldiers I am being further compensated, along with keeping my position, so I will still be here to help everyone. The more important thing from this cut to the VitaNav departments is that not only are politicians being removed but other members such as the few translators, negotiators, and consultants available. So we technically can’t afford to set up negotiations in the first place,” the office was feeling pressure being built up from what they were told.

“I know that we are not supposed to be interfering with what is happening without acknowledgment from the Defence Minister but could we try to fund enough money to do so,” an individual similar to Apollo in age blurted out.

“We could try to make it seem innocent, a fundraiser or a parad-”

“Li we can not lie to the people about this,” Apollo cut Li off.

“And besides it isn’t just money. The tribes in question are under the rule of the Aspissis, and they have a long history with fighting humans that I’m sure they want to continue,” even more pressure was placed in the room.

“So we should move on from this for now and start talking about what we will do about the budget,”



“I still can’t believe how they have cut into your budget,” Shauna grumbled as she walked with Apollo out of the building.

“Well, there isn’t really anything I could really do,”

“You could at least make a complaint about it, this is your job we are talking about. Well, I’m sure you can’t rant about it to your VitaNav when you get home,”

“You mean Tomobi,”

“Yeah him, I’m sure that he’s got a nice meal prepared for you and you can tell him your problems,” Apollo had his stomach slightly clench.

“Shauna didn’t you know, Tomobi’s not here anymore,”

“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t know,” Shauna quickly sputtered out.

“Wait no, not like that. He’s just not around anymore. He joined those soldiers I was talking about, he’s helping them with cleaning and all those other things,”

“Oh, I see,” the misunderstanding left an awkward tension between them.

“In that case, wanna get something to eat?”

“I’d love to, but I actually have some housework I need to deal with. Maybe some other time,” Feeling bad he saw the same smile Shauna always wore.

“Yeah, sure. I get it,”

"Again sorry, I will make it up," Apollo left Shauna with her smile, though once out of sight her smile fell. Though their chat did not pay any more thoughts as he worked around the house furiously.

'Finally getting used to this,' Apollo thought to himself proudly as he prepared himself a meal. His skills were not in their prime as he added a small charcoaled burn to his food, but he managed.

“Delicious,” grumbling as his stomach grumbled louder. But a louder call came from the kitchen bench.

“Apollo, you are receiving a call from UNKNOWN ID,” a tablet rang.

“Answer it,” his response was just as lifeless as it.

“Apollo,” Kiorif’s voice came out from, giving him a surge.

“Kiorif, how are you,”


“Where is Tomo-”

“He is alright, now where is the nearest military outpost,” Apollo now understood the call.

“Oh right, actually before that did you collect any data about any VitaNav tribes?”

“We have collected data about a tribe close to Fresh-Root, I am scanning it now so it should be sent later,”

“That is fine. Now I do not know the exact locations of the outposts, however, I can get into contact with somebody who could message you later. So just give me a couple of hours and you should be fine,”

“Good now I will let you do that,”

“Actually,” Apollo felt a small knot in his stomach.

“Can I talk to Tomobi for a moment,” there was a silent pause between the two of them.

“No, he is busy helping pack things away. Now is there anything else you need?”

“U-uh, no,” Apollo felt defeated.

“Good, also could you try to find an animal expert or a scientist of sorts,”


“We just need to check up on something,”

“I guess,”

“Thank you,” Kiorif hung up without a second thought, leaving Apollo to his own.

And looking at the one empty plate on the table, it was not the only one alone.

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