《Project Burnout》Chapter 18: New Plan


Deja Vu struck Tomobi as he sat back at the river, the gift in hand. But things were also different. The day took over the night and his clothing was kept. A bucket was full and he knew what he had to do.

He had to lure the beast, feeling a sense of fear he focused on the gift. Placing it back on his body had the same sensation take over, his body felt ecstatic, he felt whole.

And knowing what would happen, he distracted himself to see what he could do with the bubbles. The smell of flowers bloomed around him, distracting him from the burdens within his mind.

“Aw he looks so cute with the bubbles,” Rookie and Kiorif were on the lookout from afar, with Rookie’s eyes glued to a pair of binoculars.

“Focus,” Kiorif held the only working gun, seeing a blur of what Rookie could see.

“Remember, you’re going to-”

“I know, tell you when to shoot. You're right, sorry. But it’s just that we don’t know if this is going to work. I mean, I kind of hope it doesn't,”

"Well it has to,"

Tomobi though still tried to focus on his bubbles, as he to grew more and more anxious about the mismatch plan. And the gift tried as it made bubbles that could swallow children, bubbles that could kiss a finger, bubbles floating freely, or even sinking into the water. The sense of a short-lived freedom in them felt unsettling familiar.

And a crackle of gravel supported this. Bubbles burst as Tomobi turned to see the creature, now in full daylight and with no others to interrupt.

Its black back could no longer hide it under the night and its fired belly now belonged to the sunlit stage, though slightly more drabbed than at first. But its physique still remained unchanged, with its spines and claws not exaggerated. Tomboi kept his breath steady and took a step forward.


'Oh it is here,' the creature sniffed the air once more, and seeing Tomobi it stopped its pace, cautiously looking about.

“Kiorif the creature is in sight, but it’s out of range. Should we change our location?” Seeing the creature for the first time, Rookie felt a trickle of worry as it opposed Tomobi.

“No, this is a good location as it is. We are relying on it to come to Tomobi,”


“No, we are staying here,” Rookie bit down on her tongue, Tomobi though felt his heart hammering against his skin.

Not sure what to do he went to the bucket, the creature was just as skittish as him, it taking a step back as it quickly shot a look around. It was not welcoming as it was before, as with Tomobi’s newest step it snapped towards him. Seeing himself at his limit Tomobi lifed the bucket higher, the creature responded with its head raised, exposing its underside with a deep hiss slithering out of its opened jaws.



Tomobi's heart no longer hammered against his skin, it tried to fly out. But he still tried to follow through the plan, he tried to show what was inside the bucket. The hissing lowered, but it still kept its body high and its eyes were now on the bucket. Revealing a fish, the creature went for a step forward. But as Tomobi took a step back it paused and began to take another look around, sniffing the air.

'Wait it might find them,' Tomobi realising the creature was losing interest he began blowing bubbles towards it while he moved forward.

"Tomobi no," Rookie shot herself up and began to move.

"Rookie, what is happening?" Kiorif blindly left his position as well and followed her.


"He is moving towards it," his blood beginning to bubble, Kiorif sweared under his breath as he ran past Rookie.

Tomobi kept moving slowly forward, keeping a steady stream of bubbles to distract it.

'Just need it to get closer,' and the creature did so, wearingly taking step after step forward. Soon the two were close together, a space between them, but still close.

“Hey, are you hungry? Tomobi attempted to tempt it.

‘Really you’re asking that?’ feeling a knot in his own stomach, he got closer with what had the creature's focus. Its eyes glued to the bounty.

Offering the bucket, the creature gorged into the prize. And with itself now vulnerable Tomobi tried getting closer, soon by its side. His hands were drawn closer and closer to its body. And while a faint kiss with his fingers caused the creature to jolt for a moment, it soon accepted a full embrace from Tomobi’s hand.

Getting to feel it felt different to see it, despite its cold cruel skin it was like the fire painted on it, warm to his touch. He could feel the pulse and breath as it did something as simple as eating.

His hand did shift as it moved forward into the bucket, tipping it by the water. Turning to Tomobi, it returned its curiosity to him. Now it tried getting a feel, rubbing its scaled head against Tomobi’s body. Not knowing why, but Tomobi still felt obligated to do something. So copying the creature, he began to return the favor with a scratch to the side. A reward the creature had seemingly greatly enjoyed, a faint coo being sung.

Although this song was stabbed with footsteps entering the stage. Arriving was Kiorif and Rookie, both gasping for breath whilst focusing on the creature. Another incomplete repeat was to occur. The peaceful coo morphed into a monstrous snarl, the gun was raised with a pistol to support it.

“Tomobi, move away from it,” Rookie kept her focus on the creature, which snapped at them.

“Wait. If I can-”

“No more Tomobi,” Kiorif’s voice was solid and rough.

“I get that things had changed but we’ve got it. Now we need to finally deal with this thing,”

It had seemed that the creature had agreed, with a bellow erupting as it took a step forward.

“Now move,” Kiorif now took a step forward, a gun cocked. It had all led to this.

“WAIT,” The creature pushed Tomobi to the side, both soldiers were aimed, a gunshot was heard with a moment of silence. Most importantly, the outcome was not one that was planned.

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