《Project Burnout》Chapter 15: Pieced Mess


Kiorif noticed Sprout and Tomobi reaching closer to him, unsure what they wanted he began a slow pace towards them. A faint rustle did catch his attention, so he picked up his pace.

“What do you need?”

“We need to talk about Tomobi’s gift, that’s what we need,” Kiorif relaxed for a moment.

“I don’t have time for that right now. We’ll talk about this later,” As he turned away, Sprout pushed Tomobi forward.

“Come on,” Whispering encouragement Tomobi finally spoke.

“Um, actually Kiorif it can’t,” Sprout supported him but she did pause for a moment as she saw Kiorif turn around.

“Tomobi, do you remember the rules that I gave you when we left?”

“Uh, yes,”

“I told you that I might be lenient with them, but one of them I wouldn’t be. And that was you would tell us about any gifts you get your hands on,”

“I know but-”

“But nothing, you’ve followed the rule so there shouldn’t be any problems,” Sprout let out a faint huff to express her problem with Kiorif, though he didn’t care. Kiorif went to turn around when Tomobi spoke out.

“I wanna use the gift,” This comment distracted the sound of the closer rustling as he glared at the VitaNav below him.

“Excuse me? You want to use this gift?”

“Y-yes,” When looking at Kiorif’s eyes, Tomobi felt a sense of danger.

“Now you listen here-” Kiorif’s growl was drowned by a deep below synced with the clashing of crushing grass. The creature revealed itself to all three of them, though it focused on only Kiorif.

“Shit,” Kiorif pointed his weapon whilst the creature showed its, the barrel of a gun against rows of fangs.

“Tomobi get back,” Sprout pulled Tomobi back, grabbing a gift which she planted in her arm. The creature didn’t like this as it hissed at them, hammering its foot into the soil. Kiorif responded to the signal, firing at the creature.


The bullet flew into the creature's hide. As the gun calmed the beast was enraged.

The last string snapped. The beast launched itself on Kiorif, pinning him to the ground. Under the weight of the creature, his gun now turned shield to the beast. But its cracking showed it was weakening. Pinning Kiorif to the ground it roared out at him, jaws crawling out of its throat as it snapped at him. Jaws getting closer to Kiorif’s head, scratching against his checks.

The crack of a whip was introduced to the song of the battle, with the creature forcing itself off. With Tomobi helping him up, Kiorif saw as Sprout attempted to fight back the beast. Her arm branching out as her fingers grew out as roots, lashing against the creature. However, she still was overpowered. The creature grabbed a hold of her lumbered arm, and began to rip at her bark. It held her head down to muffle her screams as it lashed out again and again, trying to find her true arm.

Another coughing roar was launched at it again. Pausing its mauling, it saw the armored being with its object smoking. But it was still pointed at it. Going for another roar another shot was fired.

Knowing that this was a failed plan the creature rushed off back into the grass, not before giving one last glare at Tomobi. And he was the only one who was not scratched.


“Man Lillia is gonna kill me,” Spoon held medical equipment as the doctor patched her wounds.

“Calm down Spoon. It wasn’t your fault,” Sprout took calm breaths as her wounds were soaked and patched.

“Hey Doc couldn’t we have just had Marcus quickly patch Sprout up. You know, gift magic,”

“For the last time Spoon, Marcus already has enough to deal with as a real doctor,” The doctor snapped at Spoon, leaving Spoon to shut up and pout.


“And him using the gift can get tiring, so I ain’t going to waste his time with small things. Like these small scratches. No offense dear,”

“Don’t worry Doc, I’m more worried for Tomobi,” meanwhile in the room opposite the medicinal VitaNav, Marcus, was looking at Kiorif’s wounds.

“First it was the girl with the toads now we have you with the beast. Are all Earth Bound reckless,” he mocked as he instead used his gift to close up Kiorif’s wounds. Kiorif wanted to say something but Rookie cut herself in.

“We’re sorry sir, just not use to dealing with this stuff,”

“Well, the supposed government is to blame for that. Dumping us all on the moon with the freakshows around here,” Marcus continued to ramble on as he pulled himself a sandwich, ripping through the bread.

“Like last I checked we are sentient and we are treated as tools, and you heard about their passion project. What absolute hypocrites, especially in that VitaNavs aren’t allowed in politics,” Marcus continued his rambling as the three of them still waited for their report.

“Um doctor, what about Kiorif?” Rookie finally spoke out, which plugged Marcus’ rant.

“Oh right, well you’ll still be a little bruised. But as far as I’ve checked the bite marks should be fine, maybe a little mark on your checks, but otherwise, you should be fine. And,” Marcus sighed.

“I would ask for payment again but considering how the government failed you too. I mean how could you throw people here with no money,”


“Oh right. Ah, I’ll just wait till you get some cash in your pocket and I’ll come to snatch it. Otherwise, if anything happens with your body come to us and we’ll check it,”

There was a stilled silence as they all reached back to the farm, which displaced this with its own uproar. VitaNavs and People alike were bickering over each other, with Spoon lowering their voices.

“Hey, hey, hey. What is with all the arguing?” one VitaNav stepped forward, throwing down a shovel

“Well we’ve seen the creature, so we are out,”

“Hold on, out? Are you serious?”

“We are going to have a debate about it with the rest of the tribe,”

“Cause we finally saw it?”

“We told you that there was something dangerous once you nearly lost some of your goats. Now not only has it attacked us, but one of our tribe members. We going to find somewhere safer,”

“To where? You were fine with all the basilisks and dromeo-toads running around, but not one overgrown lizard,”

“They don’t stay so close to us for so long,” Spoon brought back the volume as he joined the argument, with a handful of dirt being thrown at him.

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