《Crepuscular's Creations》Chapter 15 - Phobikinesis: The ability to manipulate fears
Chapter 15 - Phobikinesis: The ability to manipulate fears
Cons' POV
I opened my eyes and saw two blurry shapes. “We have to go after them!”
“We can’t we need to stay here are regroup-”
“What do you think they’re going to do?!” I sat up and my head throbbed.
“Woah, Con you okay?” Neve asked. He felt two pairs of cold hands grab his arms.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I got a hold of my vision and saw Edur and Neve looking at me, both of them had several bandages covering their arms and faces. “What happened?”
“Diomedes,” Neve said, standing up straight again.
“I think we should go after him,” Edur said.
“We can't. We need to regroup and wait for everyone to heal, Jane got Diomedes.” I shook my head.
“Jane did what?” I asked.
“Jane knocked him to shore before he could get away, he’s in lockdown.” I exhaled. I thought back to yesterday, then sat up straighter.
“What about Tristan and Valery, what about Jane? How am I even alive?” I asked, my head pounded against my ears, I was ready to jump up. Edur and Neve exchanged a worried glance. “Tell me!” I nearly shouted, screaming at both of them.
“Jane and Tristan are both unconscious but alive, but-” Neve said, Edur winced.
“Valery, she couldn’t be saved.” He said, my whole stomach dropped, I thought she could make it if they got her to town, I figured everything would be okay. “They tried all through the night.” I felt tears escape my eyes.
“Can I see Tristan?” I asked, they shook their heads.
“The healers are with him right now, but we can take you to Jane.” I nodded. I still didn’t understand how we got off that beach I thought for sure we were dead, but I hardly cared about that anymore, my legs seemed to work just fine, most of the damage remained in my upper body, they slowly lead me down the hall, I saw healers walk out of a room I peeked in to see Jane’s red hair laid out on the white pillow, her eyes were closed and her face my emotionless. We walked in and they sat me at Jane’s bedside chair, which had obviously been used by any number of people over the past few hours.
“She had many injuries. Her parents have been watching over her constantly, the healers say they're just waiting for her to wake up.” Neve said, I shook my head. I looked at their pale, tired faces that had cried many tears and had no hours of sleep.
“You both can leave me here, go rest, I need both of you to heal too.” They sighed.
“Are you sure you'll be okay?” Edur asked, I nodded, Neve looked like she was about to protest before Nora and Jane’s parents ran in and they gave in and decided to leave. Nora grabbed me.
“I was so worried, I thought I’d lost you, but then Jon and Zelda pulled you from the beach.” She cried into my shoulder, I sighed as a few tears slid down, I buried my face in her shoulder.
“But Valery-” I couldn’t finish, Nora pulled my face back.
“Con you did everything you could, you all saved Tristan's life.” I shook my head. I looked at Jane and her parents were on the other side, quietly talking.
“You have to tell me the second he wakes up,” I said, Nora nodded, she hugged me again.
“I’ll come find you.” I nodded.
“I’ll stay with Jane till then.” Jane’s parents looked up at the sound of her name and Nora left, I didn’t know why I said that obviously, Jane’s parents would want me to leave, I looked over at them quickly. They were the ones that saved me on the beach.
“Con,” Zelda said, I quickly wanted to stand up and walk out. “Can we ask you a few questions about Diomedes?” The look of shock must have been clear on my face because they seemed to refocus on Jane.
“Anything that you think would be helpful, I can tell you anything,” Zelda smirked and Jon nodded.
“We can talk about it later,” Jon said, stopping Zelda. “We wanted to thank you.” I flipped my eyes back and forth between the two waiting for an explanation.
“I should be thanking you both, pulling us from the beach.” They nodded.
“When we found you both you had covered Jane’s body with yours saving her life.” My eyes went wide, I did remember thinking I was going to die and leaning over Jane.
“Oh, well Jane had blocked an arrow coming towards my head and it knocked her unconscious,” I said cautiously, thinking they would start blaming me, instead they both smiled.
“I’ve never seen her putting herself at such a risk for someone she wasn’t very close with,” Zelda said, I swallowed. Jon nodded, I shrugged.
“I guess it was time I returned one of the many times she’s saved my life.” They smiled.
Janes' POV
I squinted my eyes, before opening them slowly, the room was so bright. I saw bright hair. “Con?” I asked, I remember being on the beach with him.
“It’s okay, you’re in the healing house.” I recognized my mothers’ voice, I squeezed my eyes shut, before opening them again, I saw my parents on my right and Con on my left, I shot up.
“How long was I out? What about Diomedes? Did they capture him? What about-”
“Jane, it’s okay, We got Diomedes, we can worry about the rest later.” My father said he and my mother gave me a one-arm hug. Con smiled, my mother reached for his hand and he took it, she pulled him into the hug. He blushed.
“You will always have a home here if you want it.” My mother said, Con smiled and relaxed a bit.
“We need to give a speech in town, soon.” My father said, I nodded.
“I’ll be out there,” I said, they nodded and left Con and me alone. Con still hovered really close to my left side. “Are you okay?” I asked him, he turned to me, the side of his face had been cut pretty bad, and he was still covered in dirt. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, I reached up and hugged him back, I gripped his shirt. “What happened?” I asked, I could tell something bad had happened the way his shoulders tensed and his head fell. He pulled back, he tried to turn away, I grabbed his wrist. “Con please.” He sat on my bed.
“We were able to save Tristan; he's unconscious.” I could already feel my eyes water with dread. “But Valery couldn’t be saved.” I felt like a shock wave hit me, I bit my lip, took my hand back from Con’s, and grabbed my mouth.
“I should have been able to save her,” I said, Con took a watery sigh. We blinked our eyes and I felt our tears hit the hollow sheets.
Cons' POV
I went to get Neve and Edur to see Jane, they ran to her room, Edur threw himself on Jane. “I’m so glad you're okay,” Edur said, as I stood by the foot on the bed as Neve went to Jane’s other side. “You’re like the big sister I never wanted.” Jane chuckled, as he lifted off of her, Neve rested her hand on Jane’s shoulder.
“Are you both okay? You look awful.” Jane said, Neve, nodded.
“We tried to sleep, but couldn’t not without you and Tristan both awake,” Neve said Jane nodded and swung her legs over to get out of the bed, all three of us tried to stop her.
“I’ll be okay, I just need to walk around.” Neve grabbed her hand, and I grabbed her other arm, as Edur held the door open.
All four of us made our way down the hallway to Tristan’s room. Jane pulled away from us, she felt his forehead, and looked at the herbs laid out on the table, she took one away and looked into the cabinet to add three more, my gaze shifted between Tristan and her. “What are we going to tell him?” Neve asked, Jane shook her head.
“I don’t know,” Jane said, putting her hand on his shoulder, his face was sunken in and grey, almost looking as if the grief had already taken over his body.
We headed outside where Jane’s parents were about to start their speech about yesterday. “We wanted to start by thanking all of you for being willing to lay down your lives for the sake of everyone’s safety, for those that were lost, we can only hope they find their way to a better place, they were stronger than us, more willing, they deserved better, we will be holding a memorial tonight for those who have fallen, truly we all wouldn’t be here without them and without each other to fight these unforeseen and challenging battles. We will continue to fight for them and for ourselves.” Jon spoke his voice powerful and sincere. I looked at Jane. She stared at the ground with a blank face, she looked lost, bored even. It dawned on me this was her life, these battles, these speeches were never-ending for her, the empty apologies and sorrow. I saw the guilt in her eyes, the guilt of still being alive over the others that were lost, I’d seen it on her before but it took me till now to realize what it was.
Everyone started to dissipate from the crowd, going to get ready for tonight. Jane pulled us aside. “We have to get dressed up for tonight, so wherever you guys can find it is fine with me.” She said I sighed, I wanted to interject to say something but Zelda came out of the healing house.
“Tristan is awake.” She said we all shared a look before running to the door, we rushed down the hall and into Tristan’s room. Tristan was hugging Nora, he brightened up a bit when he saw the rest of us pile into his room. I grabbed his hand when he reached for me.
“Your back?” Tristan questioned. I nodded, he smiled. Nora sat back, as Tristan gripped onto my shirt. I could feel his tears. “I’m so glad you’re back.” I felt so guilty I should have never left him here alone, a second wave of guilt hit me, I didn’t leave him alone he had Valery. “Did Valery?” Tristan choked out to Nora and me after he had let me go, Nora took his hand.
“I’m so sorry.” Nora didn’t have to say anymore, she couldn’t say anymore. Tristan fell onto her, his body had given out he howled and cried into his sheets and Nora’s arms, Neve and Edur shed fresh tears, Jane looked defeated, and so angry it practically bubbled under her skin.
Janes' POV
We left Tristan and Nora soon after we had to tell him Valery didn’t make it. I wanted to rip out Diomedes' throat so bad I almost felt myself burst into flames. Nora and Tristan were going to skip tonight and I put Valery’s body aside from the others, it didn’t feel right saying goodbye till Tristan was ready. On top of all this, I was absolutely and completely panicked, Diomedes knew about me, after everything he said on the ship he might not know everything but he knew enough, too much, he had to go as soon as possible, I figured he was smart enough not to start screaming it to anyone who would listen no one would believe him, but I could guess others knew, the ones that trusted him that followed him, he had to take me to them, I had to find and kill every last one if I had any shot at keeping everything in order.
Neve and I sat in silence as a few women went to get dresses for us, I could barely sit still, my foot tapped and my finger fiddled with the hem of my old and worn shirt. “Are you nervous?” Neve asked, I almost jumped hearing her talk. I started to sink into my own world and forgot I wasn’t alone.
“I guess, I still am not well adjusted to crowds.” Neve nodded. Honestly, it wasn’t a lie but it didn’t make a whole lot of sense since I’d been in battles with more people than I could count, but a town gathering together, without the expectation of anything stressed me out, of course, my mind could barely even focus on that.
“Here you go, these are suitable for tonight.” She handed Neve a dark blue dress, and me a black and maroon one. I sighed, the prospect of wearing a dress just added to my nerves, how was one supposed to do anything with a barrier of fabric ready to trip you at any second?
Cons' POV
Edur and I stood in the alley between two buildings leading into the ceremony, waiting for Jane and Neve. “Why do girls always take so long?” Edur huffed.
“Trust me I wanted to get out here sooner.” We turned to see Jane and Neve walk up to us. Neve wore a dark blue matte dress, but Jane wore a shiny black dress with maroon streaks running up the dress, she was gorgeous.
“Finally,” Edur said, as he started walking with Neve as Jane held me back.
“How’s Tristan doing?” Jane asked, I shook my head.
“Not good.” Jane nodded. “How are you?” Jane smiled, I raised an eyebrow.
“Conrad, you don’t have to worry about me.” She placed her hand on my shoulder to stop us from walking. She looked at Neve and Edur smiling as Neve reached up to smooth out his ruffled collar. “I worry about you four.” I sighed.
We were led over to the front for the burning, everyone stood shoulder to shoulder as we watched the bodies go up in flames, we stood still waiting, Neve held to Jane’s hand. After the ceremonial dance of death started, I always hated it. I sat on the outskirts next to Edur and Neve, Jane sat a few rows over with her parents, the dance was just slow turning to light music holding your dance partner’s hand. “Come on, dance with me,” Edur said to Neve, Neve blushed.
“Do you even know how to do this?” Neve asked, he shook his head.
“You can teach me.” Neve shook her head but took his hand anyway. “You should ask Jane.” I rolled my eyes.
“You should, better you than some stranger enviably asking,” Neve said, I swallowed. As they took off, I waited till Jane was alone before walking over, I beat a few others to her.
“Jane.” She turned to me.
“I can’t believe Neve is dancing with Edur, he obviously has no clue what he’s doing.” I followed her gaze to them, Neve had to keep adjusting his hands and feet.
“He’ll get there.” I stood there awkwardly for a second before working up the courage to ask her, and the people hovering around us, waiting for her to reject me definitely helped speed the process up. “Will you dance with me?” She turned to me surprised, I thought she was going to say no.
“So forward Conrad.” She took my hand, and I falsely believed the hard part was over. She led me to the middle and we held hands and she put the other one on my shoulder and I slowly brought mine to her waist, I could feel my face heat up. She brought her thumb to rest against my neck and that sent a rare spout of shivers through my body. “Thanks for this.” I looked at her confused. “You saved me from having to dance with the touchy strangers hovering around me.” I exhaled.
“Of course, yes that’s why I asked, yes.” I sputtered out, she smiled.
“Excuse me.” I turned to see Jane’s father and mother standing there. “Can we interject?” Zelda grabbed my hand.
“You’re with me handsome, sorry to disappoint you if you wanted to be with my husband.” I blushed, Jane mouthed she was sorry before breaking off with her father.
Janes' POV
I held my father’s shoulder. “Any reason you want to dance with me father.” He chuckled.
“I have to have a reason to dance with my daughter?”
“I guess not, but you should probably save Con from mother at some point.” He nodded.
“We should talk about Con-”
“Later, okay I promise.”
“Sure.” He let me go off to the side of the dance, I disappeared into the shadows as soon as he turned his back and before anyone else could ask me to dance. I exhaled and put on my game face as I descended the prison cell stairs.
“Your Highness?” The guard asked, he was obviously confused seeing me here, especially dressed like this.
“I knew I missed someone.” He raised an eyebrow. “Go up and take some time to mourn the fallen, someone is coming to cover for you, but only if you want-”
“Oh yes, thank you, Your Highness.” He was up the stairs and out the door, before I could even finish, I wasn’t proud of myself but being good at lying certainly made my life easier. But this was my only chance to talk to him before anyone else.
“Diomedes.” He was sitting with his back to me.
“I want you to know I’m not scared of you.” He said I came forward.
“Big mistake, but go on.” He chuckled.
“You think you’re so funny don’t you, living your high life, you have them all fooled, all under your control.” He paused, but I knew he wasn’t going to stop. He wanted to prove how right he was, that he figured out what no one else could. “But I know what you are, a child of darkness, a child of Crepuscular.”
“What makes you jump to this conclusion, just because I am kicking your ass doesn’t have anything to do with a higher power, or is that what you have to tell yourself so you feel better, it’s sad really.” He quickly turned and grabbed the bars, we held eye contact.
“That building you burned, those men you kill, there was only one way you survived that, only one thing capable of doing that, all that skill you claim to have the pedestal everyone puts you on it all him isn’t it, you are just a pawn-” I grabbed the bars right back.
“Truly you know nothing about me, no one is going to believe you and you know that because if you really thought I was a child of Crepuscular, you wouldn’t have come here, you would have run.” He smiled.
“She told me I couldn’t, that if you were left alive, you would kill everyone, that you couldn’t control yourself, and based on what I’ve seen she is right, I’m protecting this world from you.”
“Who?” He laughed and leaned back against the wall.
“The one who will beat you.” I rolled my eyes.
“Cryptic.” I stood up straight. “I guess we're done here.” I turned around, I wasn’t sure if he would say more or not but it was a risk I was willing to take.
“Why? We haven’t even talked about Con yet.” I froze. He chuckled. “That’s what I thought.” I couldn’t get my thoughts in order, I was ready for our conversation before this, but not for this. “I saw him, he isn’t as good at hiding from me as he used to be.” My anger flared and I turned back around.
“He doesn’t need to hide from you-”
“Defending him? Is that only because you string him along like a ragdoll.” I could feel my face harden and twitch at his words. He inched closer to the bars again. “Nothing to say? He is completely useless for not seeing that he is in love with a demon-” I lunged forward and grabbed his shirt through the bars and slammed his face into them, which shut him up.
“If you think about Con’s well-being this much, some may start to think you're starting to warm up to him.” Diomedes frowned.
“Those people that were killed today like Valery were all because of you, I came here for you Jane, do us all a favor and kill yourself, death follows you, Jane, I’m surprised you don’t see it.” I threw him back. I turned to really leave this time. “Nice dress Jane, I’m sure Con likes it.” I flinched and fled up the stairs. That didn’t go how I expected or hoped. On the bright side, I think he knows I’m right when I said no one would believe him, so I’m safe for now, but surprisingly that didn’t make me relax at all if anything I felt worse.
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