《Crepuscular's Creations》Chapter 4 - Vitakinesis: The ability to manipulate the healing process


Chapter 4 - Vitakinesis: The ability to manipulate the healing process

Janes’ POV

I woke up feeling better considering no one was staring at me or sleeping next to me, I sat up and my head throbbed, I had a headache, I knew I couldn't handle just another day of sitting around and talking. I needed to move. I rummaged through my bag and found my leaves of light, Leaves from the Valien gardens. They have plenty of healing properties. I grabbed a cup and crushed them, and then lightly roasted them with a flick of my wrist. I've always been a skilled Herb Healer needing them almost constantly. I put them in my mouth till they dissolved, then I walked into town. “Jane?” I turned to see Neve.

“I was just coming to find you.” She nodded, telling me to continue. “I’ve got something to work out today, so I don’t know how much I’ll be around.”

“I understand, yesterday was a bit much.” I smiled, she understands me.

“So you do know more than you let on don’t you?” She blushed, I patted her shoulder. I walked around aimlessly taking comfort in moving with the wind.

Cons’ POV

I turned in bed, I looked down into my single room, Edur was gone and my head was spinning. I wanted to just sit around and read today, I’ve never had to talk so much in my life as I did yesterday. I yawned and threw on my brown jacket, I relit the fire and picked up the book on boat hulls. It may be the most boring thing ever but every other book I had, I’d already finished. My small hut reheated quickly, as I sat in front of the fire, being on the edge of town suited me well. My peace didn’t last long as thumping sounds filled the room. I rolled my eyes and rose to my feet and opened my door and looked outside to see the devil herself; Jane, I crossed my arms and walked up behind her. “What do you think you’re doing?!” I yelled, she flipped her sword in the air, turned around, and caught it inches from my face, the shock and pure wind power pushed me to the ground, dazed.

“Con?” She breathed, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me up. “You need to be more careful, I almost took off your head.” I frowned. “Why are you out here?” I huffed.

“It’s hard to focus on anything with you making so much noise!” I said, she squinted, then turned to my hut.

“You live here?” My face dropped, I just knew she was going to say something insulting, but all she did was nod.

“I could have guessed that, it’s cute, just like you.” She chuckled, winking at me, I blushed.


“You’re too easy.” She said, “Love the location, right next to the woods and far away from the chaos.” She nodded in the direction of town. I couldn’t tell whether she was mocking me or not. “I like to train as much as possible, judge if you want, we are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.” I raised an eyebrow, truly the final fight was her life.

“Duel!” I heard Jane and I whipped our heads around.

“Come on!” She yelled at me, already racing down the road.

Janes’ POV

Con was so easy to fluster, I glanced back at him and his hut, I frowned. I knew what that hut meant, Diomedes probably isn’t a huge fan of Con, my father said he had to live separate from his brother and sister growing up. “Neve, did I hear a duel?” I asked, she was standing at the back of the crowd with Tristan.


“Yes, but it’s already over.” I saw two old men being dragged out of the circle. “Not to sound, gruesome, but I was hoping for, something-”

“At your service.” I winked. “Hold my coat?” She nodded, as I pushed my way through the crowd. “Who wants an actual fight?” I yelled, the crowd cheered. I heard a huff to see Con with Neve and Tristan at the front, I smiled and blew a kiss at them.

“I’ll battle you!” I saw Con’s eyes widen and I turned to see the fuck-boy Elliot. “Because you said you loved me but then paired with that bastard!” The crowd gasped, I shook my head.

“Why would someone like me ever love someone like you, I don’t even like you, weak boy.” I lit my sword. “You hide behind the word bastard, to bring those around you down, but no one messes with my family.” I looked at Con and he just stared wide-eyed at me. “Tell them the truth, I rejected you, just as any girl should.” Several people in the crowd laughed, and just as many gasped. Elliot lunged at me and drove my blade into my side. I felt my skin tear open, I fell to my knees as he backed away, smiling, people were stunned silent. I breathed out and in one swift motion took my sword out of my side, lit it on fire, and cut his arm clean off.

He gasped, I felt my blood start to pool in my shirt, I looked at his arm lying disregarded on the ground, his skin blistered and curled with the burn. “Your first mistake was thinking I’m one of your sheep.” He looked at me with watery eyes. “You always make sure I’m dead before pulling away.” I leaned down and held my blade to his throat.

“Don’t kill me.” He cried.

“I wonder how loud you will scream?” His eyes were frantic as he panicked. Only choked sobs escaped him. “The warrior is only as strong as he is in his final moments.”

“I loved you.” He said I couldn’t hold back a laugh.

“No one could ever love me, I wasn’t made to be loved, only to be feared, only to destroy.” I lit my blade. “To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be destroyed,” I said, before stabbing his throat, he choked then fell to a pile of skin. Everyone broke out in cheers, I knew they only wanted a good show and I consider myself an entertainer. Neve came to my side.

“That was great!” She said, taking my arm, Tristan took my other arm, as they led me to the healing house.

“Let’s get that side taken care of,” Tristan said, as he opened the door. The young healer came around the corner.

“Another duel?” She asked, leading them to a room down the hall. “I have to go get silk, someone has to clean her side.” She walked away.

“I shouldn’t,” Neve said, placing me on the bed. Tristan looked pale.

“I don’t think I could handle it.” They both turned to Con in the doorway.

“I don’t think I’m the best option here.” He said, I felt my side, my hand came away dripping red, Tristan excused himself.

“I think I could do it myself,” I said, sitting up before almost falling to the door. Neve and Con caught me.

“You have to help her, I’ll try to find the healer,” Neve said, Con was wide-eyed.


“I think I can manage-” I slipped backward and Con’s arm got trapped under me.

“Clearly you can’t.” He released his arm and pulled my legs over onto the bed, he grabbed a towel and held it to my side. I grabbed his hand, and he frowned at me. “What were you thinking? Were you trying to get yourself killed?” He said, grabbing a small knife. I just smiled, leaned forward, and started to take my shirt off. “What in the name of Crepuscular are you doing?!” I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t panic, I still have bandages underneath this.” He blushed. “Going to help or watch me struggle?” He blushed even harder and helped me pull the shirt over my head.

“I need to clean your cut.” He turned to the knife, then just stared at me wide-eyed.

“Enjoying the view?” He swallowed.

Cons’ POV

Jane was stubborn that much was true, what she said during that fight was both heartfelt and terrifying, I was grateful to Chiffon that she was wearing bandages over her breasts or I think I could have truly burst into flames. I ran my eyes over her abdomen, she had more scars than I could count. I wiped away the blood and saw that it wasn’t that deep, still too deep, however. “This may hurt,” I said.

“Oh, I’m counting on it.” She winked at me. “Try not to enjoy yourself too much.” I chuckled, I pulled her skin apart slightly, then dug my finger into the cut removing the dirt and relieving more blood. She tensed and her breathing was shallow.

“You going to be okay-”

“Just shut up.” I shrugged and wiped the blade clean before cutting away loose pieces of skin to make stitching easier. I wrapped the towel into the cut and held it there.

“Try to breathe normally, you’ll lose less blood.” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“How do you know that?” She hissed as the towel dug in.

“Just relax.” The door opened as the healer walked in, she pushed me aside looking at the cut.

“Very nice.” She said, “You clean this up?” I blushed slightly.

“Yes.” She nodded, she threaded the needle.

“Try to keep her still.” I moved to Jane’s other side, as the stitching began, she didn’t move much, as I held her wrist, she passed out about halfway through the hundred or so. “You're her boyfriend right?” I shook my head.


“Right the whole same bed fiasco.” She wrapped Jane’s side in more bandages. “Nice of you to volunteer, I can tell she’s a fighter.” I helped her wrap it around Jane’s body.

“Well, Jane is a special one.” She smiled, I could tell she was very young, younger than Tristan.

“I have to go check someone else, you should tell the others she’s okay.” She wiped her blood-soaked hands and left, I picked up the bloody rags and wiped Jane’s head with a clean one. Jane looked kind of peaceful, I checked her pulse, Then I left, shutting the door behind me.

Neve and Tristan came running up to me. “She’s going to be fine, she's just resting now.” They both sighed.

“Thank Chiffon,” Tristan said.

“We knew it wasn’t serious, but we were worried,” Neve said.

“Where is she?! I’m going to kill her!” Valery screamed, opening the door with such force that I almost fell off my own feet. She turned to me and grabbed me. “But first I’m going to kill her little boy-toy.” She snarled, putting a knife to my throat.

“Valery stop!” Tristan yelled, she dropped the knife from my neck and moved it to Tristan’s “You let this happen!-” Neve hit her over the head with her shoe. I grabbed my throat, as Neve and Tristan rolled Valery over.

Neve felt her pulse. “She’s going to be fine.”

“What’s going on?!” Jane came running into the room wearing a new shirt.

“You’re going to pull your stitches out!” I yelled, grabbing her.

“You sound just like my healer, relax.”

Janes’ POV

I awoke hearing yelling, I jumped up, threw on a shirt, and grabbed my sword. “Is that Valery?” I asked, looking over Con’s shoulder, Neve and Tristan held her head on the floor. “Is she okay? What happened?” I asked.

“She’s fine, just knocked out,” Con said. I glared at him.

“I can see that, why?” I asked.

“I don’t understand, I’ve never seen her like that,” Tristan said, Neve patted his back, Neve then opened her eyes and I saw the red iris. I froze.

“Let’s just get the healer,” Neve said, they lifted her and carried her down the hall on their shoulders.

“Con?” He sighed.

“She ran in saying she wants to kill you.” He said I shook my head, it was happening again, I looked at his neck and saw the red line running across his throat.

“Did she do this to you?” I reached up and touched the line, he swallowed. His skin was so hot, he took my hand away.

“I should check your stitches.” He said I raised an eyebrow.

“Just trying to get my shirt off again.” He blushed. “I’m going to the Great Hall.” I saw all their books there, I stepped almost falling, he grabbed my shoulder before I could faceplant.

“You can be very irritating, you know.” He said.

“I’ve been told.” He smiled, he then wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. “What in the name of Crepuscular do you think you’re doing?!” I struggled.

“Taking you to the Great Hall, Princess.” I frowned.

“Don’t call me that.” He broke out in a smile.

“That’s what you are.” He opened the door and I tried to jump out of his arms. “Stop moving.” He started walking into town.

“Conrad put me down!”

“If you walk that far you’ll pull out your stitches, then what?” He asked, I pouted, he was right, but did he have to carry me?

“Fine.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and relaxed slightly, I could feel him bring me in closer. “Don’t try anything.” He chuckled, as we turned around a building everyone's eyes turned to us.

“See I told you they were together! Remember from the duel?” A woman yelled to her friend.

“Yes, I remember, I think it’s very improper, to have a bastard as a partner, she has so much going for her.” The other said, I raged and gripped Con’s shirt.

“I agree-”

“Hey, bitches!” I yelled across the courtyard. “Why don’t you keep your dumbass opinions to yourself!” They paled considerably. “We are not together, but I would be lucky to have him!” Con stopped moving altogether. “I can’t even imagine either of you ever getting a man!” Con gripped my arm and started walking again. “Do not forget I am Royal, I am Ethereal, I am Monstrous. When I find you, you will pay for your disrespect!” The two women looked terrified as Con ran around the next corner. I heard them run away screaming when I was out of sight.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so scared,” Con said, leaning against a wall, out of breath.

“Are you talking about yourself, you really started running there.” I laughed, he smiled.

“Do you really not mind that I’m a bastard?” I looked up at him in shock and rubbed his shoulder.

“Of course not. My father may have been a bastard, but I wouldn’t mind, either way, it’s not your fault.” He smiled, I could tell no one’s ever told him that. “Besides you are a man with charm.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “And a man with charm is a very dangerous thing.” He laughed and continued walking.

“I could say the same about you, but you’ve already proved how dangerous you can be.” I smiled.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Jane!” I heard Diomedes yell, running towards us. “What are you doing with my wife’s bastard? Has he hurt you?” I gasped.

“No, he’s been nothing but helpful since I got here!” I yelled back at him, Con glanced at me, before pulling his arm in front of me, almost protectively. Diomedes glared at Con. “Why would you even think he would hurt me?” Diomedes looked scared.

“No reason, I’m just worried about you.” He said, walking away, I shook my head, clearly, they didn’t like each other.

“The Great Hall is right there, I can make it from here,” I said, grabbing his shoulder, as he put me down.

“Are you sure?” He asked, holding my arm.

“You worry too much, I’ll be fine walking twenty feet.” I smiled at him. “Go check on Valery for me,” I said, reaching up and kissing his cheek, before turning towards the Great Hall.

Cons’ POV

I touched my cheek, as I felt my face heat up, her kiss didn’t hurt me as it should have, or maybe I didn’t notice, I smiled and took another way into town. I turn to see Neve talking to a man with white hair, Edur.

“Hello, Neve,” I said, and they both turned to me.

“Oh hello, Con.” She said, “This is Edur.” She pointed to him. I shook his hand and he winked at me. “Edur this is Con; my cousin.” Edur jerked back a little. “Edur saved me from a gust of strong wind almost pushing me over.”

“Well, I couldn’t let you fall on your beautiful face.” Edur grinned, as I shook my head at him, this “gust of wind” was obviously his doing. Neve blushed. “I hope to see you again, Snowflake.” He reached down and kissed her gloved hand, before walking away, I rolled my eyes before Neve turned to me.

“He seems nice,” I said, Neve, sighed.

“I fear most are.” She said, before shaking her head slightly. “How’s Jane?”

“I just led her to the Great Hall, she seems fine. What about Valery?” Neve sighed.

“She woke up in a rage, they had to strap her down, Tristan didn’t want to leave her side.”

“That sounds bad.” Neve nodded.

“We don’t know what’s happening, she seems very upset with you and Jane, you both should probably keep your distance, till she calms down, the healer said her heart almost gave out.” I gulped.

“I wonder what’s going on?”

“Me too, did Jane mention what she wanted at the Great Hall?” I sighed.

“No.” Neve smiled at me.

“You’re disappointed she didn’t tell you?” I looked at her, she motioned for me to follow her.

“Nothing gets past you, does it?” She reddened.

“Sorry, I’m just keen on paying attention.” She said, “Like you are.” I stopped. “I see the way you look at people that are being dishonest.”

“What way?” She turned towards the town, and took a breath, pulling up her gloves.

“When Jane was talking about her sword, or when she was injured.” The shock was clear on my face, due to the fact Neve looked confused. “You seem to stare at her a lot.” I felt my face almost catch fire.

“What?” I squealed, she laughed.

“I’m joking, she is a very interesting person, makes me wonder how I’m even related to her.” Neve sighed. “We should head to the healing house, Tristan wants me to watch her, you should talk to him, he needs his brother.”

“I understand.” I followed.

Janes' POV

“So, you’re a reader huh?” I jumped up and shut the book.

“I read when I can.”

“Most don’t,” Diomedes said, sitting next to me. “I’m sorry about what happened with my wife’s bastard, I mean son.” I turned to him and nodded slowly.

“Do you dislike him just because he’s a bastard?” He stood quickly and glared at me.

“No- I don’t dislike him-”

“I’ve seen his house, outside of town, small, how come I didn’t know about him?” Diomedes frowned.

“Don’t assume things Jane, not everything is about you, I’ll talk to you later.” He stalked away, probably not a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you, but I will assume. I pushed the book aside, I saw what I needed anyway, my side seemed to tangle into a knot, I stood slowly and walked like an old lady back to my hut, I would start my search first thing in the morning.

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