《PERCEPTION (A New Begining)》52. Lights out


We dash through the halls, every so often passing someone who then gets zapped as Justin runs by them. Coming up on a corner Red stops, spinning around and grabbing me. She then throws be like a bowling ball around the corner. The hall is empty, but I'm sliding so fast that even if I grabbed onto something I'd probably just pull my arm out of socket. I slide into the wall, rubbing up against it as I fly down the hall. I finally start to slow down and look back in the direction of Red.

She was shouting to me, "Only have to last a little longer!"

I see the little bolts come from behind the corner first, followed by larger ones that were targeted at Red. She reached out as Justin came flying from behind the wall, catching one of his hands in each of her's. They stood there, Red holding his wrists up in the air and away from her while he fought to push past her.

The number of bolts began to increase as Justin tried harder, screaming with all his might. Red gritted her teeth as they did. She was holding him at bay but it was obvious that the bolts were hurting her. Her body was slowly starting to lower and ball up as she was viciously assaulted by the lightning.

The lightning reached a peak. It was dripping from Justin, scattering through the halls, and covering Red. Then it disappeared, along with Justin's screams. He collapsed to the floor and Red dropped to one knee, her arms trembling, trying to catch her breath.

I ran over to her as she gathered her strength, "Are you okay?" Reaching out and down to her she grabbed my hand while putting another over my shoulder and around the back of my neck. I helped her stand but when she got to her feet she didn't let go. She stood close to me and peered down into my eyes.


"You fucking idiot!"

Despite me trying to move away I couldn't at all with her grip around the back of my neck. I watched as her hand holding mine let go and connected with the side of my face.

Wha... Where am I? It's so dark.

I feel the side of my face itching and I go to scratch it. My arm doesn't move. Looking in my hand's direction in the dark I pull again, this time hard.

The sound of a chain tightening comes from the direction. I quickly pull on my other hand but the same thing happens. I repeat this with my legs until I finally accept it.

I'm completely locked down. The only thing I can move is my head.

After continuing to struggle for a short time, bright lights scorch the room with their rays. I'm blinded by them for a few moments and during that time I hear what sounds like a door opening. Gradually getting the ability of sight back I see two people standing in front of me. One is an older man in a suit with wrinkled, thin skin on his hands, the other, a woman who was in what looked to be more of a uniform than a suit. The lights were positioned right in between their heads so I couldn't see their faces.

They spoke to each other as if I was just an ornament on the wall. The man leading the conversation.

"So it killed Justin's brother, and that's why he went on his little rampage?"

"Trevor isn't dead yet. It's not looking good but we think it's possible to keep him alive."

"And as for his usefulness?"

As they spoke I noticed the woman's voice sounded rather familiar.

"He most likely won't be able to walk again so that renders his ability unusable."


"So this incident has netted a loss of one asset and another potential asset?"

"No, I believe We still have a chance with Justin."

"You think it possible to still keep him under control?"

"Yes, but if necessary we can call in agent John."

I speak but nothing comes out. Looking down I see at the very bottom of my vision there was something around my mouth. It didn't stop me from talking, I could still move my mouth, but no sound came out of the box around my mouth.

"What do you plan to do with him? Surely you're not going to just keep him in solitary confinement forever?"

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about. He shows no hesitation when it comes to attempting permanent injury to or the killing of another person. Whether that be his encounter with Push and Pull or in his matches with other subjects. I was hoping that we could have agent John adjust him?"

"Not possible. This wasn't in the report but agent John has already tried to adjust him and it had a very negative and unforeseeable outcome. It doesn't seem to work reliably with him."

"I see, that is a challenge then."

"I believe I have a solution. Outfit him with this at all times."

He hands her a collar of some sort.

"Last I heard these were still in development. I assume this one is capable of non-lethal incapacitation."

"It should if used sporadically, but If need be, it can become lethal by leaving it on for a short period of time."

I feel something stabbed into the back of my neck.

What the fuck was that?

I shoot glances at them as I scream, "Let me out of... this...shi-"

I'm now looking at the ceiling of my cell, at least I think this is my cell. I've never been to another that I know of.

I feel something tight around my neck as I slowly sit up.

What is?

Feeling around my neck I find a ring around it, it's about an inch wide all the way around.

"FUCK no!"

Grabbing it with both hands I pull and twist on it. A sharp cutting sensation digs into my neck but I don't stop.

I'm not going to wear a fucking collar!

I can feel blood running down the back of my neck just before, ZAP!

My body sprawls without my permission, pinning me to the bed. I can feel the electric current running through my whole body but the intensity of it around my neck is incredibly strong. It's worse than Justin's hands.

It only lasts for a second but afterward, I'm rendered unmoving. Almost scared to breathe because it might happen again, I wait. The pain has started to subside and I am now able to control my breathing. It couldn't have been longer than half a second maybe but I never want to feel that again.

I sit back up my whole body trembling and hear a voice, her voice.

"(Click) I see you have discovered your new punishment system already. Know that this is for the safety of the others at this facility."

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