《DK (Dropped)》Chapter I - Rising


I abruptly woke up, it was all dark again.

(I wonder, is this the new fantasy world that GOD told me about? Why is it so dark?)

"Hello!" I shouted, "Is anyone there?"

There was no answer and I felt something weird, this was not like the previous dark room.

(At least I can talk, regarding my body, I still feel my head, my arms, hands and legs)

"Why does my body feel so heavy?" I mumbled while trying to move.

Yes, I could move, but barely, it was like I had something heavy on every part of my body.

(C’mon, DK, think!)

And then, I came to realize, it was so simple.

"I spawned buried underground?" I shouted, "Damn it, not even in a coffin? How am I supposed to breathe?"

I felt like having a panic attack.

(Wait a minute, actually it has been more than a minute since I woke up?)

"So, I really have become undead, a skeleton." These were the words that I mumbled so calmly.

(I wonder if this is the reason I feel so comfortable, or at least, don't feel bothered at all being underground)

I moved my hands and for some reason, my fingers felt sharp, or at least strong because they were the part of my body that had the most movement.

"Well, time to try this!" I loudly declared while excavating my way up.

Pushed the dirt out of my way, it felt like some sort of swimming style but with more strength, heavier and slower.

With the repeated low noises of dirt moving and the clashing of bones with a repeated "Crick" sound, I dug up to 4 meters, or at least thats what it felt like.

Then I felt it, when doing another push to the top with my right hand, that exact movement felt lighter compared to the previous ones.


(Oh my! Is this the surface?!?) Excited in my thoughts, my strongest push was made, at that moment not only my right hand but also my entire arm was out, wich then helped free my entire upper body into the surface.

With the sound of a tiny earthquake, I could see the surface.

The first thing I saw, was the beautiful full moon of pure white.

Thanks to the moonlight, it was easier to see my surroundings.

My location was on the top of a single hill full of grass and bellow, a massive forest surrounded this same hill.

"So this is where I got reborn ." I said with an appreciated tone, as I felt most of the remaining dirt falling off my body, making it more light.

And like I was getting out of a pool through a ladder, I used my arms to push my remaining buried body, only to remain squatting, like a monkey.

With my thoughts and movements, I tried to confirm it.

(My head is a skull, or at least, feels like it) Then a sudden move of my right hand to my top back head.

(No hair? Oh wait, skeletons dont have hair right? Well, most of them, I remenber there was one with afro...)

Suddenly I shouted.

"No eyes? What the fuck is this?"

(This makes no sense does it? How can I see with no eyes?!?) This is what I thought while fingering my eye socket area.

A sudden laugh came out of my mouth "Muahahaha!" and my whole body was trembling, it was all "crack, crack, crack" sounds.

"Shouldn't I be scared? Why do I feel amused?"

I laugh and trembled. It took me a few minutes for me to calm down. I was still in the same position but with less dirt covering my body.


"Well, as much as I enjoy being in this place" I mumbled. "It is time for a walk!"

It took me a few seconds, but there I was, standing like a regular person with the exception of the constant cracking sounds.

(This body seems to at least hold on its own despite the weird noises.)

And so, I took my first step, not a big one, just the average step, very slow with the final "crack" sound at the stepping into the grass.

(No bones broken yet, seems to be holding good!)

Two Hours passed with a couple of new steps and I was walking like a normal, skeleton?

"Ready to walk! Maybe even run!" I said so to myself before the "Help! Help me!" scream came from the forest down the hill.

(So this world is giving me entertainment already!)

Without a second thought after this one, I ran towards the screaming sound, not a normal running.

More like a clown running with a constant "crack, crack, crack" sound.

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