《Celestial Dream – Reincarnated in a cultivation game world》Greetings


Alex Zhang is a well known individual in Vidford city. Not only an elder of one of the three main noble families in Vidford but he is also the guild master. In this world there are many organizations that achieve different objectives. Sects are basically large schools that teach cultivation techniques of a certain kind. For example the Flaming Phoenix sect teaches its members different fire cultivation techniques said to be passed down from their ancestors that had once met and learned from a real Phoenix although many believe this to be false.

Sects mainly focus on passing down techniques of the sects founders and don’t focus on any other activities. This is where the Guild and merchants company come in. The Sects often need herbs to practice pill making or weapons to be made for their members. The guild and merchant company can fulfill these needs. The guild is similar to an adventures guild in isekai novels. The members are ranked from “X” being the highest all the way down to F. They complete odd jobs and missions such as acting as bodyguards or collecting rare plants for money. The rank given is based on cultivation realm and fighting power instead of by how many missions they have completed. The ranks are as follows: X -> SSS -> SS -> S -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F. Kings of nations would have to respect a guild member at the S rank or above and would have to bow towards someone with the rank of SSS. The X rank is a special rank. Only one person can possess it at one time. It basically means the person is the strongest on the continent.

The merchant's company keeps control over the market and functions as an information hub. If someone wanted to know about a war going on the other side of the continent, the easiest way is to ask the merchants company as they have the most up to date information. They are kind of like this world's version of Google and Amazon. Allowing people to place orders for items they wish to purchase is also another service.

Now back to the present situation. Alex Zhang is a noble in the independent city of Vidford. Although the city isn't part of a greater empire it hasn’t been invaded since its founding. The reason is simple. For a city so far away from any good resources and close to a dangerous forest it also contains the monster known as Alex Zhang. A 5000 year old fire cultivator at the final stage of Divine realm. He is considered as a half step celestial realm.

As Vidford is effectively a capital city it is also quite big. It has around 10 million inhabitants. To put it in simple terms it's about the size of London back on earth. So being an elder in one of the 3 main families of Vidford as well being the guild master of this city's guild he has a very high status and is well known.


Alex had been attending the noble banquet organized by this city's royal family, the Vidford’s. Winston Vidford, a close friend of Alex's, was celebrating the birthday of his daughter. A massive wave of aura suddenly assaulted the room. Alex didn’t falter under the pressure as he was just a step away from possessing this realm as well. Despite being able to withstand the pressure the other nobles in attendance were not as lucky. Many collapsed on the floor and passed out and others were on the knees panting hard to endure the pressure.

A minute passed until the pressure suddenly vanished. Without wasting a single moment Alex shouted towards the door and a ghostly pale man walked in. He was Vidford’s military commander and a member of the 3rd most powerful family in Vidford. Edward Rodgers was the head of the Rodgers family. He was also a Divine realm cultivator focusing on the Dao of wind. So in conclusion the Vidford’s are the royal family, Zhang’s focus mainly on commerce but also have Alex being the guild master, and the weakest of the three main families the Rodgers that focus on the military of Vidford.

Edward would usually protest at being ordered around by Alex but the situation was dire. The aura they had felt definity belonged to an incredibly powerful being in the Celestial realm. Alex ordered for all troops under Edward to be mobilized to the south gate where the aura had originated from. Alex also took off on his sword from the banquet to put in an emergency request at the guild for all members to join Edward’s soldiers in defending the city.

The request would be set to mandatory with no reward offered. When the city is under danger the guild has the authority to mobilize guild members to battle or they would risk having their rank reduced or even stripped away.

In just thirty minutes over a thousand cultivators, all at the sage realm or above had gathered at the south gate. Many assembled there without even having to be told. They had all felt the aura and were scared and felt making a final stand together was the only option. At the front were the only three Divine realm cultivators; Edward, Winston and Alex.

After another 15 minutes of waiting Alex the strongest of the three muttered under his breath “its coming”. Winston and Edward with their enhanced hearing could make out what the old man had muttered. They both turned their divine sense up to the max and indeed they could feel a sinister aura heading their way at a thousand miles an hour.

When the monster was only a few minutes away other cultivators started getting restless at the sight of thousand meter trees flying into the air in pieces in the distance. A loud sonic boom could be heard as hills, boulders and trees were sent flying hundreds of meters into the air.

“READY YOUR SPELLS” Alex shouted towards the cultivators. An intense amount of Qi was being sucked out the air to fuel the spells forming at the army’s hands. A small group of specialized cultivators hired for city defense started a shield formation. A large golden wall started forming in the pathway of the sister aura heading towards them.


Alex had witnessed the strength of this shield before. It should easily handle a hit from a celestial realm at full strength. This should buy them the time they need to unleash the other spells. If they allow that monster that can turn trees and boulders to splinters crash into the city wall then the city could be destroyed today! Alex gritted his teeth and fire could be seen bursting from the top of his head like a volcano.

Alex wasn’t genetically bald but instead his fire techniques required him to expel heat through his head and therefore he fried his hair every time he cast a high level skill.

A few seconds later a black shadow ball smashed into the golden shield. “Huh” Alex thought as he didn’t hear anything from the impact. Actually he couldn’t hear anything at all. Blood started leaking out of his ear drums as he fell to the floor. The shockwave of mana that exploded out from the impact of the shadow ball and the golden shield had ruptured not just his ear drums but had also taken out all the strength from his body. Alex had a splitting headache and ringing in his head. Looking around Winston and Edwards were in similar states.

Alex’s Qi exploded out as bathed himself in flames. This was a risky healing spell that used up some of his life force but he didn’t have time to waste waiting for a healer right now. Large cracks could be seen in the shield and it was about to crumble from only a single impact?!?

Despite being submerged in flames Alex still screamed out the order to fire on the target. A sea of spells rained upon the shadow object from over a thousand cultivators. After 2 minutes of spells being released the sage realm cultivators finally collapsed from exhaustion from Qi depletion. Although all three Divine realm had recovered by now if the enemy isn't dead from that then nobody here could stop such a monster.

From the smoke and rumble the shadow ball had disappeared but instead there was a black object. It had doors and wheels like a carriage but there were no horses pulling it. The door opened and a man emerged. He was wearing a weird outfit of a black tuxedo with a funny looking hat and a golden eye piece.

“Greetings fellow cultivators of Vidford city, I am the personal butler of young master Khan. We are simply looking for some accommodation and food in this city and are confused at the display of hostility. Those that wish to hurt the young master will not be spared.” Sebastian the butler said without emotion or expression. But at the last part of his speech he unleashed a little bit of killing intent and his Celestial realm aura.

All three Divine realm experts present gulped at the same time. Had they really just attacked a Celestial realm cultivator. If they handled this any worse, then their guest could really destroy the entire city. With the shield formation already broken through they wouldn’t have time to call for reinforcements.

Winston Vidford stepped forward with the grace of a ruler despite his tattered clothes covered in blood. “Khan family? Never heard of such a family.” Winston was convinced that despite the display of power that they were planning to make a fool of him. What random young master could possibly employ a butler at the Celestial realm? Nobody. To put into perspective how ridiculous this is it's like hearing some random kid had the president of America as a butler. Celestial realm cultivators are demigods that walk among men. They can rule cities or entire continents by their own power. To go as low as being a butler for some stuck up brat just doesn't seem possible to Winston.

He would expose this fake young master. He’s properly using some kind of artifact to release this aura or some technique that burns life force to raise his realm temporarily. Convinced of his delusions Winston started preparing a spell to the shock of Alex and Edward. As he charged towards the butler whose expression didn’t change at all.

Alex and Edward tried to call out to their friend to stop but he had already released his spell. A massive water dragon ascended into the sky letting out a terrifying roar. After a brief display of might the dragon charged down towards the butler, but was destroyed instantly when it impacted a shadow barrier that was surrounding the weird black carriage the butler had stepped out from.

Winston wasn’t done yet though. “Body of the water god!” He exclaimed as a torrent of water surrounded his body. Winston charged with all his might and smashed at the shadow shield. Yet the shield seemed to ignore all the attacks until it disappeared suddenly. Winston took this as an opportunity and ran towards the butler with almost bloodshot eyes.

Alex and Edwards could only look on in horror. Winston couldn’t see it but a small silver statue on the front of the Phantom had started charging up a horrifying spell. “Dog’s should know their place”, Sebastian said to the king of a city, ruler over millions and a Divine realm cultivator. How could Winston let this mere butler insult his pride like this? He must be conjuring death! Right as these thoughts crossed his mind he felt incredible pain in his chest. Looking down nothing but a hole and a beam of golden light could be seen. He dropped to his knees in front of the man in the black tuxedo. The butler placed his foot on the king’s face and pushed the now cold corpse onto the ground with a thud.

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