《Celestial Dream – Reincarnated in a cultivation game world》Phantom


Luna took out some materials and began drawing a complex looking formation on the floor. “This is the soul beast summoning circle, a person can only activate it once in their lifetime. While pouring your inner Qi into the formation through touch, you should pray for what kind of companion you want. Of course the world will try to meet your request but if you wish for an ancient dragon then you will properly end up with some lizard instead.” Luna said.

“I personally wished for a little sister that would follow me around hence I have a cat soulbeast that has black fur like me.” she said while stroking the cat that was perched on her shoulder and letting out a slight purring sound.

Yuan went quiet for a while. What kind of soul beast should he wish for? It was always his dream to have a pet dragon and soar through the sky. But how could he bring a dragon into a city? Also how much food would it need. Hmm…

“Ok I have decided” Yuan slowly approached the circle and put his hand towards the formation and poured in his insanely pure Qi force into it. The soul beast that is summoned will be at the strength of the summoner. Since most people summon a soul beast when they reach the Sage or Divine realm most soul beasts aren't that useful in combat and are instead used for transportation as a mount or used for scouting out enemies like Luna’s cat.

After pouring in an enormous amount of Qi Yuan made his prayer for that type of soul beast he wants ‘A loyal companion that I can travel the world with, rain or shine, land or sea, mountains or valleys. He will strike fear in enemies but instill hope in allies. Firepower to match nations, comfort of travel for all my friends riding upon its back. Also be small enough to get into a town and don’t eat too much.”

In Yuan’s mind he had perfectly described a dragon that could soar through the sky while carrying Yuan and Luna in comfort and style. Yuan didn’t know but this was the first time in history a Celestial realm cultivator had summoned a soul beast. Even the most ancient and powerful dragon wouldn’t be worthy to be summoned. As nothing in this world that existed matched the description or requirements of the summoner the planet itself got involved in the creation process of this soul beast to create a new entity.

An extreme amount of aura was unleashed. Luna instantly passed out on the spot while still standing with her mouth agape at the scene. A bright white column of pure mana shot into the sky. Mana is similar to aura but it's the power used by beings that don’t utilize cultivation techniques, such as the demons and magical beasts. This also applies to the planet. The planet itself has an ‘ego’ or a mind of its own. It controls the ocean currents, when volcanoes erupt and would also step in to deal with extreme threats that could end all of civilisation.

In reality back on earth the planet's ego is actually the central supercomputer that manages everything. This computer right now is going into overdrive to create a completely new entity since the world's creation 10 years ago. The wave of aura was felt by every single intelligent lifeform on the planet at once. What was actually happening was a server wide update but too the inhabitants it was an unprecedented event.


- At the nearest city to the village, Vidford -

A banquet for all the nobles in the city was currently being held. It was the city lords daughter's birthday. Vidford is one of the few cities on continent that allow both humans and beastmen to live together with no discrimination. It is also well known for Vidford Academy which Luna had attended. This banquet was also a way for the beastmen and human nobles of the city to interact and form relationships together.

There was a happy and vibrant atmosphere and the young nobles were trying to flirt with one another on the dance floor while the adults watched on exchanging pleasant comments to each other and sipping on expensive wine.

Suddenly a wave of intense aura smashed through the room. The music stopped as the people playing the instruments had fainted. Most of the young nobles also fell to the floor feeling weak in the legs. Only a few could remain standing. The city lord Winston Vidford was a Divine realm late stage cultivator. He was already over 700 years old but for someone at the divine realm that's considered still in his prime. He doesn’t even look a day over 40 years old.

Even with his high cultivation and 700 years of life experience he had never felt such a powerful aura before. His face instantly paled and he looked to the side of the room. The only other man standing was the guild master of the city. He was also an old monster at the Divine realm. His real age was unknown but it was estimated to be over 5000 years. He had a long white beard and no hair on the top of his head. Winston could tell from the similarly pale expression on his friends face that even he didn’t know what could produce such a powerful aura.

However what is even more insane is this aura was spread equally across the entire planet in a wave like a tsunami. Moments after the wave first knocked out Luna, the king of Zlashire, the largest human empire also paled suddenly while he was sitting at a diner table with his family. The aura could’t cause him too many problems since he was in the celestial realm like Yuan but his wife and the crown prince as well as the princess of the kingdom fainted and face planted into their delicious food.

The Demon king on the continent was tending to his flower garden with his young daughter. His daughter instantly face planted, with a pained expression, the muddy grass while the Demon king felt a shiver run up his spine. Despite being a doting father and would usually rush to pick her up off the dirty floor, he instead felt the urge to turn to the direction of the aura “What kind of monster has been born” he muttered.

All the magical beasts across all seven thousand continents prostrated themselves towards the direction of the aura as if before the king of all beasts.

After a full minute of unleashing such a frightening aura Yuan witnessed his soul beast being formed before his very eyes. Yuan left out a gasp in shock upon witnessing his soul beast. Not from awe at the majestic form of the dragon but because it wasn't a dragon at all.

Before him stood a matte black rolls royce phantom. A car, from his past life that his grandfather often drove. It didn’t have the same Rolls Royce logo but as expected on the hood stood a small statue known as the spirit of ecstasy. Unlike the one he knew from earth this statue actually had golden eyes. It turned to look at him and almost scared Yuan to death when it spoke out to him. “Greetings master, could you grant me a name?”.


Am I living inside of Cars the movie since when could cars talk… “Uh I guess Phantom would do”.

“Very well master, Phantom I shall be known”.

“Ok Phantom you’re not just a normal car right? What can you do”.

“I assume the master is wishing for my specifications?”

Yuan gave a slight nod and the car continued

“For travel capabilities I have a top speed of 2 thousand mph on land, 10 thousand mph in the sky and 500 while traveling underwater.”

Yuan just listened, ignoring the ridiculousness of traveling as fast as a jet plane on land but how can a car fly or go under the sea?

“You can fly?”

“Yes young master Yuan”

To remove his master's doutes, Phantom engaged his flight mode. The boot opened up and a large jet engine that looks like it belongs on a spaceship from Star Wars emerged. Jet black wings also slid out from under the car.

Yuan just whistled at the sight. He had originally been a little disappointed that the Phantom wasn't a majestic dragon but this was equally as impressive. Yuan waved his hand and sensing his intent, the wings slid back inside, the engine that was easily bigger than the boot of the car somehow vanished as well.

“How big is that boot anyways?” Yuan casually said not expecting an actual answer.

Phantom replied “Unlimited”

“What do you mean unlimited…”

Phantom pondered for a moment and just said casually “I could fit this entire planet inside here and still have room left”.

Yuan just sighed “I guess you could consider that unlimited, alright what else can you do”.

“I have advanced GPS on the entire planet, I can automatically drive you to any destination while you relax in the hotel…”

“WAIT” Yuan exclaimed scaring Phantom a bit

“Hotel? What hotel, that fuck you talking about”.

“Um master, if you enter one of my rear doors it will bring you to the interdimensional hotel inside me, it’s modelled off the most luxurious hotel the Burj Al Arab from your memories. It has a spa, casino, cinema, five swimming pools. There's even a golden sand beach with an ocean.”

“Oh you also must try the golf course to relax with friends, master.”

Yuan decided not to say anymore, why would he listen to such a delusional talking car? A beach and ocean inside a car don’t be ridiculous. He decided to simply try it out and make fun of the car for lying later. Opening the rear door of the car and crouching his large body through the gap he instead stepped into a stunning lobby of a hotel. He could see robots that looked pretty much human walking around. They were cleaning the sculptures and golden floor tiles of the lobby. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling over a small fountain with exotic fish swimming around...

Yuan simply nodded his head. What else could he do in this situation? There is an entire hotel resort inside the back of his car. Hahaha, laughing to himself Yuan simply spun around on his heel and headed back outside.

Phantom was truly in awe at his master ‘As expected of the young master of the Khan family, even that wasn’t enough to impress him. I must not make light of him in the future…’

Yuan just walked past Phantom ignoring him and went to get Luna who had fainted on the ground. He picked her up in a princess style carry and went to place her in the passenger seat of the car when instead he entered a large room. There were consoles and controls all over with a large chair in the middle facing a huge window showing the forest outside.

Yuan looked around and then realised where he recognised this design from “Isn’t this a replica of the control bridge on the Discovery in Star Trek.” Yuan asked out loud to nobody in particular. To his surprise Phantom seemed to be able to communicate with him even inside like some spaceship Ai or assistant.

“Yes master, it was modelled on your memories. You can control all the weapons from here.”

“Weapons? What kind of weapons…”

“Guided missiles, torpedos, machine guns, drones and even laser cannons are available, master.”

“Ok ok I get it, just set a course to the nearest city for me Phantom.” Yuan said while graciously sitting down in the captains seat. He beckoned to Sebastian his clone butler to look after Luna.

“Certainly master, course to Vidford set, distance 1000 miles, ETA 30 minutes.” Phantom replied after a brief pause.

“Initializing cruise control settings, energy shields up”

“What do we need energy shields for?” Yuan inquired

“For the pesky trees, master”

The Phantom cloaked in a black energy shield started moving forwards. It went from 0 to 1000 miles an hour in just 5 seconds. All the wildlife in a hundred meters radius had their eardrums blown up from the sonic boom. Yuan watched from his command chair as trees and boulders smashed against the black energy shield and were obliterated into pieces as if they weren’t even there. “The poor tree’s” Yuan muttered. This speed wasn’t even Phantom's top speed, this was considered “cruising speed to Phantom”.

Yuan simply chuckled at the ridiculous situation, he looked over to see Luna peacefully sleeping in one of the other chairs in the room. Despite the insane acceleration he felt nothing at all. He thought it could be due to his cultivation realm being so high, but seeing how Luna hadn't even woken up from smashing through trees at 1000mph then it must be a feature of the car.

Luna woke up 15 minutes later. Obviously she was confused and shocked at her surroundings. Yuan casually explained they were inside his soul beast called Phantom. He happily chatted and boasted about Phantom's features as if talking about his own child to Luna who was completely blown away at the ridiculousness of Phantom.

When only 1 minute from their destination Phantom broke the calm conversation

“Enemy’s detected, 20 miles up ahead, requesting permission to fire master.”

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