《Celestial Dream – Reincarnated in a cultivation game world》Luna


Luna is a beastman from the cat tribe. She has long black hair that goes down her back, cute black ears on her head and big blue eyes. She has just turned 16 years of age.

Like many beastmen, Luna lived in a remote village far from a human city. Although beastmen aren’t hunted down they are not treated well by humans.

As Yuan had designed this world from his collective manga reading experiences he told his grandfather about many different genres. Although he focused on the chinese cultivation stories since these were the ones he had read recently, he also mentioned about isekai stories.

When the world was created, elves, humans, beastmen, dwarves, demons and magic beasts were all spawned in at the same time, but together with each other's race. For example, on the continent Yuan is currently standing on is called Nodix. The humans were all spawned together in the middle of the continent. The elves to the north, dwarves to the south and different kinds of beastmen to the east. The west is occupied by demons and a forest filled with magic beasts.

For the first 100 years or so of the world's creation the races did not know of each other’s existence. This world was truly vast and since Ashton knew the population would grow he didn’t place the maximum number of Ai the computers could manage right from the start. The world has around 7 thousand continents with all of them being bigger than all the land mass combined on earth. An island on this planet could easily be the size of Russia on earth. The computing power to manage all the habitants of 7 thousand continents would be too immense. The solution was to only inhabit half of the continents from the start, Nodix being one of them.

After the first 100 years, humans who seemed to develop the fastest had already built a few small cities. Expeditions were made into the unknown. Cultivation had been discovered and some had made it to the Qi realm at this stage of history.

A group set out from one of the first cities, Zlashire to explore the east. It was a completely random decision made by the ruler of the city at the time. The entire fate of the beastmen race for the next million years had been decided by this single decision. This random decision would not only doom one race but lead the humans to become the most powerful race on the continent for the rest of history.

The group containing many Qi Realm cultivators between the early and late stage set out east towards the beastmen. After traveling for months without seeing a single other species except for magical beasts. The humans were running low on supplies, and were about to make the choice to turn around back to Zalshire.


The humans were actually very near a village of beastman but had no idea, that was until a curious beastman hunter approached the humans. Throwing a spear towards one of the few mortal humans that were amongst the cultivators there for cooking and not fighting died instantly to the spear impaling him to a tree.

The beastman warrior then made a decision with little thought and called out to his village that prey had come. Many warriors ran out of the village to fight the supposedly weak humans.

The group of 30 beastmen warriors stared down at the group of around 15 Qi Realm cultivators. Assured of their victory when they saw the impaled human they began running at the humans with a battle cry and laughter.

The beastmen were strong, easily stronger than a mortal human by many times but they hadn't discovered cultivation techniques yet. Humans were too weak, so quickly developed methods like weapons and cultivation arts to strengthen themselves to be able to stand up to the monsters that threatened their homes.

Beastmen on the other hand were born strong and felt no need to strengthen themselves any more as they were already the apex predators of the east.

The east part of the continent was spared from many magical beasts since they were directly opposite the west. Most of the powerful monsters were spawned to the west with the demons. This meant the demons were at constant war with the magical beasts and so were the humans, elves and dwarves as the weaker magical beasts would often leave the west, and move towards the humans, elves or dwarves territories.

The beastmen were simply too far away so only locally spawned beasts would appear in the east where the beastmen lived. This gave them a false sense of security as apex predators and meant little need to develop new skills, weapons or survival techniques.

The first battle between sentient species ever was won easily by the humans. Just one of the Qi realm cultivators in the late stage, could have killed all 30 of the beastmen warriors by themselves.

The rest of the men, women and children in the beastmen village were rounded up and captured by the humans. They were then escorted back to the human city of Zalshire. Many more expeditions were made into the east to capture and enslave the beastmen.

Beastmen were as smart as humans, and much stronger than normal mortal humans with no cultivation. They were used as cheap manual labour allowing the humans to make bigger and better cities, faster than any other race on the continent.

So in conclusion for most of history humans used beastmen as cheap manual labour. Eventually some beastmen learned some cultivation techniques they shouldn't have from the humans and managed to revolt.


After years of war the humans decided it wasnt worth fighting for anymore and allowed the beastmen to be free from slavery. Many left the cities and headed back towards the east to establish countries and cities of their own.

Back to the current time, Luna the cat girl was running for her life. Not many beastmen could cultivate but Luna was one of the few that could. She is in the Sage early realm which only around 4% of people are at this level on the continent.

She had returned home to a remote village to see her family to celebrate her new cultivation realm. She was a genius considering she reached the Sage realm at only 16 and is a beastman as well. Expecting a nice home cooked meal from her mom and laughter and joy from her sisters she was instead greeted by a gruesome scene.

She had seen the smoke rising into the sky when Luna was only a few miles away. Screams and crying were heard throughout the forest. Luna ran with all her might but was too late to save anyone.

A group of humans wearing shiny armour stood around a pile of corpses. Luna could make out the face of her mother and one of her sisters on the pile. Their faces pale and lifeless eyes stared back at Luna.

A human in leather armour seemed to have noticed her presence and pointed to her and seemed to shout something to another human in shiny armour.

They all turned to look at her with sadistic grins on their faces. Luna couldn't hear what the man had said from so far away but she knew it wasn't good. Tears rolling down her face she turned to run from the men as nothing could be done for her fellow villagers.

Being emotional and scared, a lapse in judgement and hesitation caused Luna to be hit with an arrow to her leg. She screamed out in pain but continued running for her life towards the monster infested forest.

Luna was in too much agony to even fight back. Even though she knew none of the 20 humans were in the sage realm like her she had only recently advanced to the sage realm and couldn't control her aura yet.

Normally a sage realm cultivator could take on 20 people at the Qi realm easily just by pressuring them with aura, but with Luna’s injuries, mental state and lack of combat experience she couldn’t fight back at all.

After running into the forest for an hour with the 20 humans still in hot pursuit she began slowing down. She could hear the taunts of the men behind her with lewd expressions on all their faces.

The blood loss was finally getting to her, she was feeling dizzy and wanted to vomit what little she had left in her stomach.

Tripping on a tree root, Luna's face planted the ground as a cheer could be heard from the men behind. She tried to get up but her weak body refused to allow her to move. Maybe the arrows poisoned she thought, a sage realm’s body shouldn’t die from a simple arrow wound.

The men started surrounding her body from all sides. Luna could hear them debating who would have the first turn. A small rock paper scissors tournament began and 10 minutes later a short and slightly plump man in his 50s seemed to be the winner of the furiously fought battle of wits.

He walked over to the paralysized Luna and started ripping off her clothes while unbuckling his belt with a grin on his face. “Don’t cha worry lass ill be gentle hehe” said the man earning himself a couple of chuckles from his comrades for the obvious joke.

With all her clothes ripped away and everything exposed tears could be seen once again from Luna’s already puffy eyes. Just as the man was getting ready for some fun a voice could be heard from above.

“Holy shit gramps I know I said the strong prey on the weak but did you code these Ai with no morals? What the fuck am I watching right now? 20 horny old men surrounding one poor… cat? What the fuck”

All the men looked up at the tree to see a very handsome man standing in the air above them.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” shouted the man with his dick still out.

Yuan looked towards the man and frowned and gave the man a death stare that caused him to shudder in fear.

Luna was trying to stay awake to see what would happen to the handsome man, but the lack of blood had caused the strength of the paralyzing poison to become a lot more potent. Even with her high cultivation this was too much for the poor girl and she passed out.

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