《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》When I Wake.


(Authors Note: Screw It, He's OP.)

When i activated my energy vision earlier i did so on a hunch

When i was blind and saw the energy in people partt of which i now realize was their souls, i hadn't pondered the significance but now with everyone being drained dry i needed to confirm where all of that energy had gone, at which point i saw where Henrah had pointed out the portal was saturated with the glowing multi colored lights of souls

The second point which geared me towards what i was about to attempt was the fantasy stories i'd read in my previous world where they said 'Souls Never Die, They Only Change Form', considering that in this world that concept was fact rather than speculation, i equated that to Einsteins Theory of Relativity

Conclusion? I would use my ability as the impetus to reverse the process

They werent dead or destroyed, they were stuffed into a small hole and fused together as batteries, i needed to sever the connections without damaging them and provide the energy needed to recreate their bodies

So for the first time in my Life, i willingly got struck by lightning

Not really, but it would look like that to anyone watching, i allowed the energy flow down a constant channel maintaining as much control as i could over it then converted it when it reached a very close distance to my skin, i would have prefared it farther from me but then the power expenditure would increase exponentially, and i needed to save as much of my energy as i could to make sure the process completed smoothly

Channeling it into the rift, i slowly filled it and gently edged the souls out of it, although the size of North-Hold was very large, there werent that many people in it because its size was geared more towards making a small ecosystem within its walls ensuring that the natives of it didnt have to risk life and limb outside the safety of the walls, so not that many souls to fix

There was resistance in the rift and it almost started sucking the souls back in, but i slowed down the souls movement, pumped more power into the rift and kept pumping making sure to align and convert the power until it was of a suitable nature to the rift, Reversing the suction force to speed up the process of removing the souls from the rift because the faster they were out of there the faster everything else could go

It took Ten Minutes of Detail oriented work but the souls were free

The Rift however was unstable and would start sucking energy back into it at any moment defeating my effort but since the souls were out i loosened the reigns a bit

Someone standing far off would only see that the constant stream of lightning striking down suddenly intensified into a gigantic beam that pressed downwards covering my body entirely as the ground cracked and gave way under the pressure, ignoring the strain i took position and angle my hands collecting the energy into them and shooting them as a horizontal beam into the rift which started closing off much more quickly than the suction of its energy ensuring the safety of the souls


But the energy flowing to me was like a tap with a broken stem while it was on, i didnt have enough energy to regain the amount of control i had before and at the rate it was going i wouldnt last long enough to complete the work, so i allowed the protection around me fall

Energy fell on me and ripped its way into me, trying to find the path of least resistance, which was often enough through my muscles and organs, but my energy was flowing all through my body protecting the integrity of it, just because my staff and rod had shattered doesnt mean they stopped their purpose, ignoring the burning feeling that was like i had been attempting an Eight push up before coming to this world i changed focus and acted as a stopper while channeling energy into the mass of souls

Reinforcing them by pumping them full of power to aid their instinctive attmept to free themselves, while energizing and protecting the other to make sure they didnt get damaged during the split knowing how little i do of souls was like driving in two directions at once, i had thought my mind would be able to do it like using my left hand and right hand at the same time but i realised that this required more attention that i was able to give to both sides, but noone else could interfere or the result would be catastrophic

It was at that moment that i remembered that Henrah was still nearby, and a part of my soul was inside of her, taking a risk i forced my will through our connection amplifying it with energy, i felt her jump at the suddeness of the act before trying to turn around and run, using what i could i released even more control on the clouds almost setting them free to rampage but held onto enough to control to channel the bleedoff towards her, it hit her like a sledgehammer so hard that i felt it through our connection, she panicked but calmed down when she noted it wasnt killing her, once again i forced my will through the connection and included a subtle threat this time

Maybe it was the amount of power i had shown, but she was terrified of me and hopped to work as soon as she felt it, i had to guide the energy in her body to work in much the same way but at least i had a second mind to pull in the other direction for me now

Turning back to the souls, i pulled with even more force but would regulate just how much depending on the brightness of the soul, we soon had all of them seperated and i released the stream from Henrah focusing it back on myself

With the souls all free, i pumped power into them, converting it into a sort of cocoon, but as i worked i noticed an even bright light coming from the sky which was still covered in my storm clouds, it was headed for the souls, i didnt know what it wanted to do with them but wouldnt tolerate any interference with my work, I did notice however that the moment i caught sight of the light Henrah Looked up and frowned, before covering herself with shadows and disappearing


Using some of the power, i diverted it and created a barrier surrounding the entire scope of the town, blocking the light from descending

Confirming that the light couldnt proceed i went back to work converting energy into cocoons inside which developed bodies along the specifications intended by the souls themselves, in a short while bodies formed and grew to match the impression of age contained within the soul, the bodies were newer, stronger, healthier than the old ones, best of all was because the souls designed them itself it was completely compatible with it

Things were going smoothly but Murphy was right, anything that can go wrong, will. I no longer had any energy left to continue the work, even the amount contained in the barrier that God had put was done, the amount in my body protecting it was finished, all i had left was a little which was far from enough to ensure that the process completed

Gritting my teeth i channeled all of the remaining energy to keep my body good enough to survive and started using the power flowing into me as was without changing it automatically with my own energy, instead i slowed the rate it channeled into the cocoons which were peviously shrinking rapidly but had slowed down, i stoppered the power allowing only slight amounts they could convert by themselves at the price of intense pain, When you shut off your tap the water dosent cease, its blocked by your tap which is taking all the hits from the water pressure, the same thing ws happening to me except my body wasnt designed for this kind of strain and if not for the energy i had left i would have burned to dust

The cocoons slowly completed and shrunk until it was absorbed by the people whose bodies were now fully formed, i lowered them all to the ground as they were still unconscious, everybody was back even the guy who had gone mad and his family, i had noticed him and taken the care to energize his soul as it looked weak probably from what the darkness had done to it

Everything with a soul was alive, from the insects, animals and occaisional dryad and spirit, to the people. Everything that had been killed lived and were all butt naked

I still had a large amount of energy with me as the only thing stopping it from going wild, so i channeled energy increasing its density until it naturally formed into a solid, then i continued until everybody was covered with something resembling an uncut roll of clothing material

But inspite of how much energy i had used, it seemed like i gathered way too much in the cloud because the only thing keeping it from going boom was me and there was too much of it to store in me so i did the only reasonable thaing that came to mind

Looking down, i pushed the raw power into the dead black earth, i pushed and pushed, winds howled and thunder boomed showing that the storm was strong but entering levels where loosing it wouldnt destroy the entire area

I looked up and found that the light i had been blocking earlier was no where to be found, so i released the barrier, and channeled the energy back into the ground which was saturated, i felt slight traces of my own energy recover as it had been hours during the entire process, channeling the slight traces with the power into the ground where i influenced it to change

Grass grew around us rapidly, i chnged some of it into water, i grew trees twined with each other where the walls of North-Hold once was, i consolidated rocks into small mountains and cut them, doing every random thing i could to expend energy, at a certain point the place was no longer barren, it now resembled an Elf paradise as you would see in movies, everywhere was full of life and i had run out of things to make so i just pumped everything chuck full of energy, there wasnt much left and after pumping it into everything around i released my hold on the clouds which instantly dispersed for the most part leaving just enough as it started to rain with the sunshining giving this strange patch of color in a North full of white an even more ethereal feeling

Falling on my ass, i saw Alexander running towards me looking haggard as though he had been running for an entire day, i then remebered that he had left the walls to search the outskirts for ice wraiths so he could kill them and sell making us rich enough that we wouldn't have to worry about money

I pondered on what a good servant he was as i passed out on the ground there.


I woke up to uproarious laughter, i looked around and saw the God that had sent me to this world, he noticed i was awake and said

“Your quite toxic aren't you? Everything you touch seems to die, though i suppose thats my fault for trying to hurry you along”

Although light headed i still caught the implication of his words, but before i could speak out he spoke up again

“Dont worry i wont interfere anymore, i believe you've just turned enough stones to make this get intresting, from now on i'll just watch.”

The moment he finished i passed out again

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