《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》Should I Die Before I Wake Part 2


(Authors Note: What? No Love for me anymore? Oh ye of little faith, read and trust. Here's the continuation of the last chapter)

I didnt kill Vali

I broke his neck, but didnt kill him.

Previously when i saw the other man who had gone mad, i noticed that the moment his body was hurt from the people restraining him the darkness had started to flow back out of him, so in the time i was holding Vali i was gathering all of the Creation energy i could but was hesitant until Henrah said i had no more time, so i took the risk and broke his neck while keeping him alive with my energy, it worked as the darkness seemed to flee his body but quickly faded when it found no where to clutch to

Then came the hard part, fixing the damage

You never really appreciate just how many nerves, connections and other posh go into making a person function until you have to fix them

I started by realigning the bones, tough work taking into account how much energy was being drained just to keep his soul in his body, some bone fragments were shattered forcing me to fuse them back together like using a soldering gun to make computer processors, whenever it got to a point where i didnt undertand the body well enough to fix it i went the brute force route by just pumping his body full of power to accelerate the growth at those aspects then i'd step in using common sense to do the rest and in a few hours he was fine. He would ache all over especially at his neck but he was Alive.

I was exhuasted at this point but turned my attention to the Elephant in the room, Henrah.


I could feel her shock and amusement at the fact that i had been able to save Vali, some parts of her were happy about it while the rest of her confused at her happiness, and even more of her was too dizzying to understand what she was feeling, i found myself levelheaded and calculating as i considered for a bit before manipulating the energy to my eyes much in the manner it had been for the past few weeks noting that i now had fangs, probably from the previous infection by her but i needed to understand the extent of what hah happened, so in the most imposing look and commanding tone i could muster i faced her and spoke


She seemed shocked and through our connection i could feel indignation and pride swell into rage, but she quickly shut up when i glanced at her with my energy filled eyes and used some of it to summon a storm overhead quickly covering all trace of the earlier sunrise and hiding the ever present snowing wheather of the North.

As the Storm swirlled filled with power overhead, lighting crackled through it and struck the ground filling the entire area with power once again, but it wasnt enough so i let it continue to build, it wasnt enough for what i planned to do but it was more than enough to cause awe to show on her face as i controlled the storm to stop it from hitting us, all while keeping a mask of non-chalance even though i was scared out of my skin on the inside, if not for the coldness flowing through me i'm not sure i would even be able to control this much power by simply using small amounts of my energy to hit it at nexus points


I felt a slight feeling of rebelion from her so i allowed bolts of lighting strike around us and in front of her but regained control quickly, she seemed to resign herself and started to speak

“As you know my name is Henrah, I am the youngest Daughter of Lillith the Greater Demon and youngest of my sisters, i was banished along with all the other demons back into the abyss, i wanted to come out so when i found a mage i could manipulate easily i took the opportunity and gave him the information he needed to summon me, but the fool opened two portals at once which made them interfere with each other and implode dragging as much energy into itself to stabilize the rift formed”

As she spoke she watched me warily, when she saw me level my gaze at her again she sped up

“I'm not lying, he did all of that, thats the reason i killed him, because i almost died when i forced my way through the unstable portal, but because i was hasty my injuries were sever and i needed a body, this girl was close by and her soul was injured so i fused us together to heal our injuries, but i was hungry after getting a mortal body, the fusion needs a large amount of energy so i wanted to feed on you to supplement it”

As she spoke i checked our connection and her reaction to see if she was lying but that made me realise that she was being honest as best i could tell, and in my energy vision i could see what i now recognise as Ishtars soul energy and a strange one mixed with my own soul and my energy inside her though she wasnt able to access it because it had fused into her soul, i checked myself and saw something similar

I decided to accept the explanation for now, and proceed with what i had planned as the clouds above us were saturated with energy to bursting point, by allowing static build up i now had access to a vast amount of energy without affecting the ecosystem too much, aside from the fact that there wont be much snow in the area for a few years but it should rain a lot, and the world should correct itself in time.............maybe

Ignoring my self doubting questions i proceeded with what i had planned after confirming with my energy vision

I was going to bring the town back to life

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