《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》A New Arc - The Commander


"From The Ground

From The Sky

From a Realm Beyond Mortal Eye

All of Them Dark and Deep

From Abyss where Tienet Sleeps

Mortal Sin's Immortal Form

They Birth Chaos In minds they've won

Cursed and Chained to Abyssal Hell

The Death of Man will break their Spell"

-Forgotten Poem



Regus, The Commander Kings Guard

He overlooked the Guard Camp from the cliff where his tent was located, they had been commanded by the King to take all the Guard and raid the tomb of a Powerful Mage they knew of from an Old Journal they had found in order to treat the Queens ailment, considering how powerful the journal claimed the mage was many of the people going with him were going to die and he knew it but was doing his best not to think about it

The Queen had fallen ill of a sudden and regardless of every attempt made by the Physicians, Healers, Scientist and Mages she hadn't gotten any better, the King to save his wife had abandoned the ruling of the Kingdom and gone exploring everywhere possible to save her, as his personal Guard they weren't a part of the Kingdom and owed it no allegiance, they had sworn themselves to the King and his cause only, starting out small they had slowly grown over time to a small troop in itself, now they had twenty of the finest fighters and three of the finest mages in the entire Kingdom as members, they were the last line of security the King possessed yet he had dismissed them from his side and charged them to finding a way to save his Queen, it was a direct order and as his subjects they cannot refuse or they would be violating their oaths

It wasn't known by the general populace that their Queen was deathly ill and their King had abandoned the throne to search for a cure for her, the High Counselor was there to handle the Kingdom's affairs but they couldn't keep the ruse up for long, someone was bound to notice soon making their current mission all the more important, the record said the mage was so powerful he could use magic to instantly move himself elsewhere without the long process the Guards mages claim are necessary for the idea to even be practical, someone like that should at least have come across the Queens ailment before and if the mages I have met are anything to go by he must have records of it, no matter what knowing is the first step to fighting anything


To ensure that the people don't ask question about why the Royal Guard is in a region as remote as North-Hold which may alert them that the Shackled Throne is empty they had snuck into the City without anyone the wiser, the Journal only indicated that the Mages home was in the North, but there was no map to indicate where, they were going to have to search as far as they could to find it, searching the Northern regions is a difficult thing even without the Cold seeping to their bones due to its size and the Creatures within it. There were stories of large man like creatures with white fur roaming the snow covered forest, the stories say the beast ripped a tree from its roots and hurled it at a Hunter who had luckily escaped but retired the next day, and that beast was just one of the very many problems they would have to overcome in this mission, if they somehow manage to survive, they'll still have to survive the Traps the mage would have placed to protect himself from looters thieves and the animals in the North, and if the stories of his power are true then the nature and power of the traps would be unlike anything they had ever seen

He sighed as he considered everything, He forced himself to stop thinking about how many of them would die before their mission is over, he stood up and started walking to the entrance of their camp, it was High Afternoon about the time when the boy would come.

Their Second day in the City he had been approached by a child of about Fourteen who immediately asked which group he belonged to, he then told him to let him join, aside from the fact that he was able to identify them as being different from the normal people on sight alone showed how special the boy is, as Commander of the Kings Guard he can make recommendations to the King on who to recruit, He plans to do so for the boy on their way back


If they come back.


Tyler POV

Its been a month since that day when I saw the ground split open and release the demons that attacked the people with no one noticing, I had told Ishtar, Vali and Alexander about it but regardless of how hard he looked Alexander was unable to find any traces of what I thought I saw, he doesn't complain or doubt me due to the oath but Vali thinks I delirious from the side-effects of one of my experiments, while Ishtar has been hanging around and trying to care for me the way one would a senile old man.

I believe I saw events that day because of my energy vision which would explain why no one else can find traces of it. However i'm sure it wasn't a dream or in my head, ever since that day sometimes I would come across people in the town while Ishtar and I are walking, these people had black spots on the energy coming out of their body and the spots seems to be growing, Not sure how to explain it to the rest I kept that piece of information to myself.

As the days go by I find myself praying for my power to come back, I don't have a Purpose in this world aside from Mastering my Power to keep myself safe, so far I've had Alexander around to protect me but for all his gifts Alexander is just a Warrior, he can keep my body safe, but if I am right and the shadows I saw along with the spots I see are the works of Demons then it wont be my body that will be in danger

How will his Sword save my soul?

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