《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》Camp Fire.


We made camp for the night, although we had caught sight of a town days ago, but we were on a Cliffside and had to circle around and down before we could make the trip to it, we only had half a days walk left but Alexander reminded me that though monster and animal attacks are rare this far from the Snow regions, it wouldn't be wise to tempt fate, some other monster from warmer climate could be passing and decide to give us the displeasure of its company

Vali an Alexander continued their Battle Practice, You ask why Battle Practice rather than sword practice? because what Alexander was teaching him wasn't how to foolishly depend on one weapon and claim you're tempering yourself with it, what he was teaching him was the true nature of battle. Fights end as quickly as they start, with both sides winded and sore and one party wounded or both too tired to wound the other, leaving them open to be killed by anybody passing by, Battle is the way to victory, draw your opponent from their comfort zone, discard weapons as needed, pick up rocks branches and other miscellaneous items, throw dust in their eyes, It may not be noble, but You'll be alive. He still teaches him sword fighting, but they do that in the mornings, most of the training time being spent in exercises to build up strength, speed, stamina, he said that if we find somewhere to settle down, he'll create obstacle courses that'll train reaction speed, reflexes, adaptability, manoeuvring(essentially parkour) and other skills necessary.

I spoke more with Vali before their training started, it seems he believes that the failure of my experiment caused memory loss, as in his words; "It wouldn't be the first time." Speaking with him I discovered, he believes I am actually his father, that I had told him I wasn't, but he could tell from the white streaks in our hair, I couldn't understand how his mind had created the background it had, or why it would place me as his father but I couldn't try anything that would risk breaking the illusion, or he may revert and retreat into his mind while the hunger his body experiences but mind ignores would kill him

As they trained, I too practiced, I trained my Creation abilities, the block God had placed after my Powers awoke was good, although it limited the size and nature of things I could make but no matter how I drained I didn't touch what was on the inside of the barrier and as such my life wasn't at risk

After some experimentation I councluded that the nature of the limitations placed affected not only the size of things I could make, but their nature as well, I could create things of limited size affixed with a limited amount and simple nature of conditions but nothing like the sword I made for Vali, making it unable to be wielded by any but three of us, I created a spare sword for Alexander the same way but made it so only he could weild it, then I tried to use it only to find that its weight sporadically changed to throw off my balance and aim, it drew from my own energy to effect these weight changes making me tire quickly, and when I finally cut something by luck, I found the blade edge duller than the soles of my boots, all such inconviniences would make anybody regardless of how skilled they are lose the rhythym in a battle and that would be fatal


Over our campfire was a skinned chicken Alexander was roasting as he fought Vali, he would make a Large move throwing Vali far off, then using his inhumane agility unfitting for one as large as him, cross over to the improvised roasting pit made for metal I created and turn the chicken, before crossing back to receive Vali's blow, the chicken had yet to burn even slightly, as for Vali, he was learning fast, too fast, he had in truth only started his training this morning but was improving at such a speed that although older I wasn't sure I could handle him, I believe that when I had tried to heal him with the Power of Creation's energy I had improved his body somehow to such a level he could take blows from Alexander without immediately breaking his arms, Alexander was holding back ofcourse, but the strength he was already using was enough to a fully grown man and yet Vali received it, straining under the strength of the strikes, but tell me how many children can handle the weight of a grown man at all?

After watching them make a few exchanges, I returned my attention back to the task at hand, I was attempting to create a mirror, I had made some but they all turned out to be glass, too fragile, or would fade turn back into mist after a few seconds, I had been going through variations to make it in my mind, yet the only thing I could come up with was using Words as replacements for the constant image I needed to hold, so I tried doing it in rhyme;

"In form, a silver lake but solid

Small for hand to hold

Grows till roof it touches

Shrink for pockets hold

To my touch be cold

Show me my appearance

Remove my hearts inference

Reflect the world around you

A mirror you are."

To add mystery, I spoke in English rather than the language i'd been using, it felt odd using English again but my gift of tongues assured me that I would never forget it, I was pretty sure that I could speak French, Latin, and Spanish if I wanted, but saw no need to try

As I spoke, every word I felt the familiar drain that comes with my use of the power and a small silver liquid formed at my feet, it was very reflective but it shape was to random, so I continued my words before the drain stopped

"Rounded for my pocket

Squared for my roof

Your size I can determine

Your Essence I can choose

Your edges marked by frame

Carved of wood and gold

With each panel the same

With a door that I can fold

Carvings all around you

Of beasts of Myths design

Your face full of secrets

men search the world to find"

While reciting I may have gotten too into it and ended up saying unnecessary things, causing the energy drain to increase, but the size of the silver liquid grew, some branches dragged themselves towards the liquid which was forming an even face, they coiled around the liquid turning brown as they did, growing with parts of it falling off at points, forming carvings naturally into themselves, carvings of dragons, lions, werewolves, and other such things coming to life on it.


I had found that whenever I created something, if I kept materials necessary for its creation nearby, my power would just repurpose them into what was needed, and the energy drain would reduce, but whenever I made something from scratch the drain was more, so when reciting the words, for wood I imagined that the roots and vines of the trees around would take that part and change into oak wood

As the mirror formed I found that although I had finished talking the connection between me and it hadn't faded, it was as strong as ever, other things I had created aside from things bound to me like my Sword, Rod and Staff, the connection to other things would vanish one they were stable, even the sword which was bound to me was weak now that I gave it to Alexander, It had accepted him because he was sworn to protect me, and it was its reason for existence to protect me so, they rod and staff I didn't plan to give anyone, the staff made using my power easier and the rod felt like it wouldn't accept anyone else

It took ten minutes, record time although the item was small in hand, It could be enlarged to room height by anyone, but aside from that only I could modify it, or change features, not even time could age its wood. Holding it up, I willed it to grow slowly and watched as it went from a pocket watch sized rectangle, to a mans height and wide enough to reflect the view around me, the wood around it made it seem more like a door than a mirror, the surface was silver so it added an eerie glow to what every it reflected, but using my power it soon became as clear as the mass produced ones on earth, and on its face I saw myself for the first time

Or maybe I was looking at someone different, I was 5'11, in my mid-forties, with dark brown hair and white streaks in my beard and my hair, both of which were looking unkempt, my eyes had gone from their original brown to a green that seemed to pulse with chaotic energy and the occasional flash of deep blue as if electricity was moving in it, but still what amazed me was how much of a resemblance I bore to Vali, I didn't blame him for thinking we were related as somehow my aged self looked had such a resemblance to the boy that I could only be his father, I couldn't understand how it had happened, my power had entered Alexander and he didn't resemble me, he was blonde with deep blues that showed Loyalty, his jaw was set and his height was ginormous, so it must be me that changed to resemble Vali? Was it because I had touched his free will when trying to help him?

Lost in thought once again I failed to notice that Alexander and Vali had stopped fighting and come over to look into the mirror shocked, Vali was the first to speak saying "Wow, I didn't know I was this handsome"

The blatant narcissism coming from someone who looked like a young version of myself shocked and annoyed me a little, so I told Alexander to take him and Help teach him some close quarters wrestling, it was petty punishment pitting a boy of barely 5'5 against a giant over 6 feet and very close to 7, but I couldn't be bothered, my mind was already drawn to other matters, I shrunk the mirror after admiring myself a little more, I wasn't exactly in good shape, but was by no means fat, or even big for that matter, just looked like someone who didn't exercise.

After a few bouts of wrestling we settled down to have dinner, after tasting the unseasoned bird I decided to try something again, I reached down to touch the ground and will sand grains to form a small plate, realising that I could have created an actual mirror from glass rather than from silver earlier. Ignoring my sudden revelation I placed the chicken in the glass bowl as Vali watched me with angry eyes and Alexander just observed in his usual impassive face, I focused my mind and said the magic words as I used the chicken we had as basis, since it was cooked I wouldn't have to spend too much energy to make one considering I didn't have that much energy left, so I spake the magic words

"Finger Licking Good"

The world worked with me, and soon we had a delicious and hot whole grilled chicken on our plate, so we ate and lay for the night, Alexander keeping watch which Vali would relieve him from in two hours, and which I would fail to relieve Vali from in four hours

As I lay there looking at the moon, for the first time in forever, I felt I had a chance.

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