《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》When Time Comes. Part 2.



I was roused by the feeling returning to my limbs, it was time to go to my Lord. Yet even as I dug my way out of the snow hill that had been my bed for months I felt a stirring in my heart and knew I could not delay anymore, so using all the strength I could muster I jumped out of the snow and ran, my now small clothes were straining against my movement, but I didn't care, pushing my body to the limit I ran in the direction of the town with hope that it was nothing more than my imagination

The Pits were i'd been were four kilometers from the town, On my best day it would've taken me an hour to reach the town, but within fifteen minutes of my running I saw the village, or what was left of it, fire burned as the huts and buildings collapsed, the bodies of the people who had lived here strewn about, men, women, children, all of them lying with eyes open never to see again. In their hands the men held makeshift weapons, it seemed they had tried to resist whatever monster had caused this turmoil, hurrying North of the village, I headed towards Melly's Cabin, they would've given a Mage sort as my Lord the most comfortable place in the entire Village

I had barely walked five steps in that direction when I spotted it, A Wraith, but Wraiths would never harm a child so A Banshee, it stood there in the carnage swiveling as it looked for more people to kill, its eyes rested on me before it let loose a scream that sounded like it came from the deepest part of the Abyss, a scream that caused my skin to crawl and soul to shiver, even as i felt an ache in my ears but resolute to look for my Lord I did not flinch, reaching out I grabbed the closest plank could its end was on fire so i broke it down the middle and hefted it as a club


Seeing its scream had failed to cause me to pass out, it let loose a shriek of rage and charged at me, brandishing its long claws to rend my skin, watching it closely and timing its charge, i raised my flaming club and smashed forward with as much strength as could enter my swing knocking it off its feet flying into the wreckage of what was once a home and shattering the contact edge of my club, it rolled before finding traction getting back up with even more hatred visible on its face as it charged me again, i swinged forward but it doged by ducking low clawing and biting at my feet, I jumped up avoiding to charge by a fraction and spun around to face the sprawling monster which was shrieking and getting ready for its charge

I got into position as i watched the beast stalk me, it was now infuriated and wary making it more dangerous, meaning i would have to be careful now but i was worried for my Lord so i had to end this now. It charged me again, but this time i brandished the remenants of my makeshift club with one hand, i reached out when it was close enough and grabbed its neck from behind as its claws ripped into my flesh, with some exertion i pushed it face down on the ground even though it struggled and tried to escape, exerting my club arm i swung down repeatedly as i bashed its head in, when there was too little left of my club to smash i stabbed its head repeatedly with the remaining wood until its body stilled. I took off my tattered jacket ripped it into threads and tied the body which i threw into one of the fires it had caused, standing to make sure it burned before continuing towards where my Lord should be


I reached Melly's cabin and saw the entire thing collapsed and burning except for a patch of wall beside where the door would have been, i took comfort in the lack of the smell of burning flesh, but was confused, if my Lord was not here, where was he?

I felt a resonance with the whole patch of wall that had avoided burning and found an unconscious tavern boy and a Pack shaking there, In the pack was my Lords belongings, the clothes he had worn on the day of our meeting, his rod and staff, plus the sword he had bestowed his blessing with were all stowed conveniently in the pack, the weapons moved and shook as if they were trying to go somewhere, i put the boy on my shoulder and picked up the pack, lifting my Lord's sword which did not reject me i followed its shaking and headed to the river a ways from town, where i found my Lord with finger stab wounds in his body laying besides another body, a girl Anna, she had been a sweet lass.

Placing the weapons on the ground beside him and taking several steps back, I watched as the trees and grass around wilted as his wounds healed, soon the Area around him was nothing but deadlands but he was healed, unconscious but healed. I checked the girl beside him but there was no reaction, so i left her there and moved my Lord and the boy to a safe place where they could rest. After which i headed back to the village for supplies, and to burn the dead.


"When time comes

My soul will fade

I will be gone

From this place

Promise me

You'll leave that day

At this Ends of the World

My name you'll say

Promise me

You'll kiss my cheeks

And leave a rose petal

On my lips

For I was yours

But now I'm gone

Let all your grief leave

As the morning comes"

- Song Of The Dead, by Unknown

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