《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》When Time Comes.


A lone figure stumbled slowly through the forest

Weeping, Wailing, Crying Loud without sound.

The figure looked female, she walked the forest unarmed, unclothe, her tree bark like skin looking dry and coarse yet her face held a beauty one could not deny if not stuck by the terror of the hate in her eyes.

She walked slowly East, headed in the direction to the smoke from the cooking fires of Vjoirstead.


"Worse than a Wraith are the Banshees, almost as mysterious as Wraiths, Banshee's were once thought to be of same race, but through the analysis of many separate recounts I have discovered that they are in fact a Deviation or entirely different race

By appearance alone, The differences between Banshees and Wraith are almost completely indistinguishable, Banshees and Wraiths appear entirely female, theirs breast developed, their lips thin, hair grown, their skin is dry resembling the coarse bark of a tree.

The Difference lay in their behaviour, where Wraiths are Sorrowful in demeanour with a gentleness towards children, Banshees are the very embodiment of hate. A Banshee's wail is a reflection of their hatred and anger given form of sound which moves with such force that it ruptures the Ears of the People and animals around, leaving them defenceless as they reel in pain, allowing the Banshee the chance to kill its victim with ease. And where a Wraith would show an almost mother like mercy to children, a Banshee shows a reflection of that in the vehemence of their hatred for them, choosing to use their long nails to stab them to death, leaving badly mutilated corpses behind........" -Creatures Of Mystery, Veriand Kester


Tyler POV

I woke up for the first time since the day in that pit afraid, I had no idea why but I had a feeling in my chest, it felt like a lump I couldn't explain


Ignoring it I got up and began my activities for the day, the people of the village had grown accustomed to me living among them, everyday at sunrise and sunset Vali would bring me a bowl of food, always compliments of Anna whom I'd started a relationship with, her father the Farmer was wary at first but he'd come to accept me after a few people in the village who were sick claimed i'd healed them, I was actually just experimenting with what I had done the first day and wished them good health, a feeling of slight weakness later and they were all on their feet. That is also as far as my ability to use the power has gone, I can't conjure anything real, and most of the time when I succeed in causing a reaction through the use of blessing like statements, the blessing doesn't last, the effects may linger, but the blessing is usually gone by the end of a day, I don't know if this power has anything to do with the power of creation I have, but it seems different because Creation should be mme conjuring this into reality, It should be making into existence from inexistence like what I did with the weapons, I need to learn more about magic in this world as it may help me understand the difference.

After getting dressed, I was about to leave when I caught sight of my only possessions in this world; my weapons from my power of creation, I was wearing the cloak Anna had gotten me yet some clothes sh had sown for me from the one's her brothers couldn't use anymore because the clothes I was wearing wasn't suited to the region, and a pair of boots Hunter Black had given me. I don't know why but I packed them up, every last one and set my pack beside the door, it wasn't like I needed them anytime soon, I would just leave it there for when I actually needed them.


Leaving my room I was met by Vali who was waiting for me so we could begin our walk around the Village, most of the villagers had taken my presence to be some sort of good luck charm that brought prosperity to the village, making it my duty to walk around at least once, the nursing mothers all want me to hold their babies everyday, the pregnant mothers want me to touch their bellies so their children will be well, the old farmer and his brother the pig herder want me to come by as well, cause as they claim, their yields are better and Pigs happier when I'm around, I was happy about the First, the second I try not to be insulted by.

But the best part of my day, is when I leave the village limits, and Vali stops following me as i head for the nearby river Brooke, where I know Anna will be waiting for me. Two months ago I had walked gotten myself lost and found myself at the River, it just so happened she was there standing at the edge of the river, and she was beautiful. I found myself standing there looking at a girl so beautiful she made my heart skip beats, she may not be the world shattering lead in a series of beauties that they always describe in Xianxia, but she was pretty to me, she was real to me, and she loved me, so I did the only thing any real man would have done, I walked up to her and kissed her. We'd been a couple ever since that day.

But today, even as I approached our usual rendezvous, I felt my heart constricting and fear beginning to form as butterflies danced in my stomach, making me hurry even though I had no reason to fear.

I reached the rivers edge, as my eyes search around for the familiar Auburn hair of my Anna, yet what I saw was a figure standing there naked, skin wooden and hair black, blood dripping down its arms as something lay below it wearing the blue cloak my Anna loved with Auburn hair streaming out as blood pooled beneath it. The wooden figure heard my initial approach and turned to face me, its body a mockery of a females, its face twisted in sadness as its eyes watched me with hate, my mind still distracted at the figure on the floor I didn't see as it opened its mouth, but I heard the screech that echoed from it, a sound that chilled my bones and shook my soul, I didn't notice the blood dripping from my ears as I tried to take a step forward to my Anna but failed as my body tilted to the right, I saw blackness before I hit the ground.

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