《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》Don't Piss On Me And Call It Rain. Part 2


My heart lurched as sense of overwhelming vertigo left my eyes spinning and my head turning, I closed my eyes to clear my head and stop the dizziness from making me break down

It was a good few minutes or maybe seconds I couldn't tell, before I was able to open my eyes again without feeling like I had been thrown off the worlds fastest Ferris wheel. I opened my eyes and was stunned by what I was seeing, it was chaos, carnage, destruction, It was order, Peace, Creation, it was everything, it was nothing, it was incomprehensible and difficult to describe, I was witnessing two extremes of everything exist in harmony, and then it was gone.

I suddenly realized I had stood up at some point, or maybe I hadn't, maybe the place had simply oriented itself to make me be standing, it was a freaky thought one which inspired me to look for a way out, I knew I didn't want to be here, a lesson I picked from all the Greek mythology I've read was; "STAY AWAY FROM GODS", it may sound odd considering my love for Light Novels, but it was apt, let me explain

Imagine you are standing above an ant, you pick up the ant and seem to show it favour, you place it somewhere and watch it struggle to survive, struggle to live just a second more, regardless of how amusing or 'special' the ant is it remains an ant, and at the slightest displeasure that ant which stood out, whether by being special or sheer dumb luck is going to be the closest one to crush, and crush you will, right before you pick another ant to amuse you

"That should be an accurate description" a voice sounded out from behind me

I yelled "Fuck" as I turned around to face it, what appeared before me was;


"Morgan Freeman..?" I said in shock

"Yes, I quite enjoy the sound of this forms voice" he replied "And to be completely honest with you, people tend to warm up to me quicker when I appear like this"

"Who are you?" I asked, still in shock but with shock giving way to fear by the second, Fear I was trying desperately hard to restrain

"You already know the answer to that, I am God, a God at the very least, and before you ask, yes I have chosen you to be the source of my amusement, I have chosen you to be my ant." He said relaxed manner while confirming my fears and shattering my world

"Do I have a choice?" I knew I was pushing it, but I had to ask, his reply was a question, simple, short and explained the reality of the situation clearly;

"Does the ant?"

As soon as he said I knew it was true, there was an aura of power and majesty around him that let me know I couldn't even kill myself if he didn't wish it, all I could do was resign myself to my fate.

And so he began speaking, explaining how in his boredom he had created a world, a mirror of this one excluding certain adjustments which made it very different from this one, an adjustment would be the existence of magic, he didn't dwell on the topic and I didn't ask as something told me he would abide no more questions and the punishment would be worse than death. He explained how I was an actor on the stage of this world, how he had developed all the pieces; The Hero, The Villain, The Demon, The Gods, The Lover, The Betrayer, The Mentor, The Teacher, The Scarred and so many more, and how I was the final piece on the board; The Otherworlder. He gave me comfort in knowing that I didn't have any purpose to achieve except my own, how I was free to do what I wanted that it was all to his amusement, so it didn't matter whether I never left where I would be placed, or whether I went forward to kill the Hero or anything. He told me he would give me power, one power of my choice as was customary in such situations.


"So think" he said as he concluded "Any Power you want, but remember, all power comes with a price, take you time when you are ready I will return". he said as he vanished leaving me alone in the world of mountain and sea he had created as he spoke to spare my mind from madness

I looked out at the oceans and thought, he had made it clear I would only receive one gift, and nothing more, that gift would be the basis of my survival in this new world and though he hadn't said anything I knew that this world would be dangerous or else he would've limited what I could pick as a power, but not limiting it showed that no matter what I chose, no matter how contrived would not be matchless in the world I was headed too, but yet in my thoughts I limited myself as instinct told me that the more powerful and the more of a cheat my ability was, then the more unfavourable the situations he would engineer and place me would be, but then again the ability could not be too weak as it would be the major factor of my survival in the unfavourable and new landscape I would be headed to. So I took my time sitting there as I pondered what would make be the best ability to choose

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