《The Wanderer's Beginnings (Book 1: A Dark Tale.).》God Protects Drunks and Fools.


The acrid stench of piss woke him, causing him to frown in displeasure as he opened his eyes to darkness, he reached out to support his weight as he attempted to stand only to slip and land face first in what smelled like shit, the fact that he knew the taste only serving to make him feel worse .

He scrambled to his knees as his stomach lurched and turned bringing acid to his throat, his heart pounding from shock he tried to take in what he could with the meager light the moon that stood overhead faithfully provided.

He turned, examining the space around him, only to be disappointed to find nothing but more faeces and rock surface surrounding him on all sides, his mind clouded as it spun trying to understand the state of events, trying to make logic out of his predicament and make a sequential chain of how he arrived here, when a stray thought hit him and he finally realised he was standing in shit, inside what was possibly a pit meant for shit, and may have accidentally swallowed some during his earlier fall.

Pushing all other concerns to the back of his mind he raised his voice and yelled


"Somebody, Help"

Shouting variations of the timeless distress call into the night as the chill set into his bones, he was greeted by no sound other than that of his desperate voice pleading out to the cruel night.

Soon his voice too hoarse to continue shouting, and realising that there was probably no one close enough aid him he turned around examining the surrounding, this time to search for anything that could possibly aid his escape

But reality is a cruel mistress, finding nothing to use and the walls being too smooth to climb, he found a relatively clean spot and slumped as the fear that had gripped him since he woke up finally toke hold and left him shaking and afraid, to curb his hysteria he recited a bible verse he knew, he wasn't religious but had modified this verse and memorised it because it sounded kind of cool when he was a teenager;


"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, My Soul within me; My Sword, My rod and My staff, they comfort me. "

At the moment its was the closest thing to a prayer he knew even though now he was wishing he knew an actual verse to say, but he didn't and so he repeated the verse again and again.

Through it all the nights chill kept him company, and the full moon seemed to thrum at his words its light in the pit growing dimmer with each repetition, but he failed to notice this as the words were giving him a sense of calm he craved, he felt it moving inside of him, in his chest, his heart, his mind focused on just those words, forgetting reason forgetting purpose all he knew were those words.

Soon he had fallen silent, but the words remained, he could feel them in every breath he took, every beat of his steady heart.

And so it continued into the night, at some point the rhythym causing him to sleep forgetting the stench of his now pitch black pit prison, and so it remained until dawn when a tarvern boy arrived to dump the nights givings into the pit and noticed a shabby, oddly dressed fellow sleeping comfortably in it, The boy ran back to the town to get help and returned after a few hours with some men with grimm faces.

They Scrambled in hurry to retrieve the obvious corpse, everyone knew better than to leave a body unburied this far North talk less of leaving it in a pit of shit, there was no more way sure to cause undead as a defiled corpse, and a single undead had eaten every last living until its rotting stomach burst, in Rottswiel a village not far from here that had taken the custom lightly for years, it had woken in dead of night destroyed the village with no one powerful enough there to kill the dead, then it had walked in a slowly shuffle at odds with the quick animal like lunges it had attacked its prey with yet had made it to the city just after dawn with the purifying rays of the sun saving their lives


After they retrived the body, they were about to set it on fire when the boy noticed that it had exhaled, meaning the fool was alive, so they carried him back even though he smelled worse that a Mumakils ass

The boy, using the ropes they brought retrieved what seemed to be the mans belongings as they were where he had lain a second ago, a sword, a rod, and a staff before folling after them into the town.

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