《Fiends》Aftermath 4


Quincy enters the room by myself, as he tried to make small talk to cheer him up.

Quincy picks up the pillow from the floor as he said, “So hmm, how are you feeling?”

Kacie “…….”

Quincy “Yeah that was a stupid question”

Kacie looks at Quincy as he responds with “Thanks, for…you…know…helping me when I was on the road”

Quincy quickly replied “Oh, that was no problem, well it was the least I could do [picks up the pillow]”

Kacie tries to get up from the bed, but he was in too much agony.

Quincy said worriedly “Hey, take it easy”

Kacie suddenly said “, How did it get to this? We were all in the car smiling and was happy moments ago but now everyone I know and love is gone”

Quincy “Damn that’s deep”

Kacie sighs “It should have been me instead of her”

Quincy “I’m sure if it was the other way around, she would have said the same thing, in fact, she may have been harder on herself”

Kacie “Hmm…”

Quincy “You blame yourself a lot for things you have no control over, [laughs] kind of reminds me of me in a kind of way”

Kacie “What are you talking about?”

Quincy “Say, you want to play a little game?”

Kacie “[exhales] Sure why not”

Quincy with a buzz of excitement “If I manage to make you laugh then you have to promise to stop blame yourself for what happens.”


“I know that you probably won’t but at least for today”

Kacie “Fine”

Quincy “Why did the bike fall over?”

Kacie “I don’t know, why did it fall over?”

Quincy “Because it was two tired, hahaha get it because there are two tires on a bike”

Kacie “[chuckles] Get out”


Quincy “Oh come on, that was hilarious”

Kacie “[started to smile a little] Don’t you think I been through enough already”

Quincy “Want to hear the next one?”

Kacie “No the first one was fine, thanks for that though”

Quincy “Don’t worry you will hear a lot more in the near future”

Kacie “What do you mean?”

Quincy “Huh?”

Kacie “The near future thing?

Quincy “Oh yeah I wanted to keep a secret from you a little longer but I guess I had to go and open my big mouth”

Kacie “So you are taking me in?”

Quincy charmingly offered “Well if you want that is”

Anticipating that the offer would have been an immediate refusal, Quincy's expectations were low. But to his surprise, Kacie's response was.

“That would be nice, but you barely even know me, why you would do something like that,” said Kacie

Quincy replied “I know how it feels to lose someone special to you and how difficult it can be so I just want to make it easier for you”

Kacie started at Quincy in disbelief because this is the finest thing, he could have hope to here at the time.

Kacie uttered a cry of joy “That’s something I really didn’t expect to hear but it’s amazing [Kacie attempts to get up once more to give Quincy a hug]”

Quincy “Just give me little time to get my place ready and sort out everything”

Kacie “I can’t go anywhere [focuses Quincy attention to his body] so you can take all the time you need”

Quincy “Oh right [chuckles] stay still……. safe okay”

Kacie “Yeah but I need to go back to my house for my stuff though”

Quincy “Yeah no problem, that’s the first thing we will do when you get discharged”

Kacie “Great”

Quincy “[Opens door] I’m going to head out”

Kacie laughs “[Waves] Yeah see you soon”

After the doors had closed Kacie looked up and said “I will stay strong Majesty”

[Outside the room]

Quincy “Why did I just do that?”

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