《Fiends》A Bleak Night


Zavier interrupts them by saying “Yeah I think Steve Harvey is going to be acting in this movie too” as he anxiously drove to get to the movies on time.

Bella entered the conversation with “Slow down! I want to see a screen, not be on one”

Zavier said in frustration “You know we would have gotten there sooner if you didn’t take so long getting ready,” [he then looks into the rear mirror] and said, “Women, am I right Kace?”

Bella ironically said “Says the person who takes an hour doing their hair”

Zavier smirks “You know I have to get that perfect curl, right?”

Majesty “Okay Superman”

The entire family began to laugh as Kacie looks around at everyone knowing that not even money can buy this moment of family bonding.

Zavier asked, “So Kace what do you like so much about this young lady?”

Majesty “Wait, were you eavesdropping on our conversation dad?”

Zavier “Of course I was, what do you think I am, a bad parent? You two could have been talking about drugs in the back there”

Kacie responds to Zavier initial question by saying “It’s nothing really, just about this girl from my class”

Zavier “Oh okay, don’t worry we will speak about it later away from the females, but I like what you said Majesty, spoken like a true Amadeus. Both of you got to stick together [Zavier picks up one toothpick] and always remember that one toothpick can be easily broken [breaks the toothpick in half] but when you put two together then it would be more difficult to break”

Bella commended Zavier’s statement “Well said sir”

Zavier simpered “Why thank you, madam”

Zavier was constantly looking away from the road, so Bella had to remind him to keep his eyes forward.


Bella “Ok Mr. Wise Guy keep your eyes on the road before you get us killed”

Zavier said with a posture of ease “I’m an expert driver, chill out”

[Nena began to look for the movie tickets] as she asked, “You know where I put the tickets expert driver?”

Zavier answered with, “Yeah, think I saw you put it in your handbag bae”

Bella “[stress out] Don’t tell me I left it home”

Zavier “Calm yourself Bell, you will find it [slant eyes] hopefully”

Kacie was the only one who was really paying attention to the road as; Majesty was distracted on listening to music on her phone, Nena was searching in her bag for everyone’s movie ticket and Zavier was too busy talking.

In the distance ahead, there was another vehicle coming towards them at a great pace. The eerie headlights were the only thing visible, leaving the rest of what’s coming to a mystery. Zavier continued talking until Kacie eventually warns him about the oncoming danger.

Kacie “[shows awareness] Dad do you see the lights coming?!”

Zavier was confused “What are you talking about Kace?”

Bella screams as she shouted out to Paul, “Honey!!! [slaps him while pointing to the road] Look out!”

Zavier turns his attention on the road right away and notices the lights coming directly towards them. [Zavier quickly attempts to maneuver away from the vehicle] as Zavier tries his best to keep control of the car on the slippery road, but it was too late, the car got clipped by the vehicle causing them to run off the road straight into a tree at a significant speed.

Bang!! Was the sound the rang out, their bodies swayed as blood splattered all over the doors of the car; the crash was immense! Shattered glass rained down in the air to create a devastating image to one’s eye as the car wrapped around the tree almost as if the tree gave the car a hug with its stump causing it to get wrecked. There was a minor chance of survival.


“Ouch my head, what happened?” asked Kacie

It seems that Kacie was lucky enough to survive the crash but at what cost.

[Kacie got up with his head in a daze] as he felt his sister Majesty body over him as a protective shield from the impact.

Kacie was in great pain when he saw Majesty’s wounded body on top of him. Tears spontaneously ran down his face nonstop, fueling the agony he was feeling as an air of melancholy surrounded him.

“No!” Kacie cried out, pleading to the heavens to show him some form of sympathy. But nothing was changing this harsh reality he had to endure.

Whilst in sorrow, Kacie heard a mellow voice saying “Ka………Ka……Kacie.” It was a badly injured Majesty.

Kacie had quickly responded as he wipes his tears “Yes it's me, Kacie [laughs painfully] it’s me. You’re going to be okay just relax okay…...please be okay”

Majesty smirks “Ahh….no need to cry, cause I’m here for……. you”

Kacie continued to cry without any sign of letting up

Majesty [wipes Kacie’s tears on his cheek] “You know when you cry, I wipe……. your tears for……...you”

[Kacie touched his cheek as he realizes that there was a blood stain] “But but…….”

Majesty said with dwindling breaths, “Were you always.…. such a loser [coughs out blood while smiling]”

Kacie in a great surprise response “What?”

Majesty “I want you to be stronger than ever now, ok”

[Kacie stares at her in disbelief]

Majesty “I want you to promise me that one thing to me”

Kacie was devoured in ache as he whispered “Maje….”

Majesty said boldly “You hear me?!?!”

Kacie [sighs] “I promise”

Majesty breathes heavily as if she was on her last “Good”

[Kacie holds his sister closely] “It’s going to be okay; you just need to hang in there”

Majesty ended by saying “Love you, little bro.” Kacie's small grin instantly became a frown as he shakes her body nervously to wake her up but unfortunately for him, this was an eternal sleep.

Kacie anxiously replied, “I love you too big sis.”

He looked around the car, breathing heavily because of the shock.

“Mom?! Dad?!” Kacie asked while tears flooded his face, as he wanted to know if they were alright, but unfortunately enough they too had suffered the same faith as Majesty.

[He opened the door of the smashed car and tried to crawl out as he sets out to carry Majesty’s lifeless body] onto the road to get help from any oncoming motorists. When he got to the road, Kacie saw a headlight approaching him. He got in a state of shock, revisiting the car crash and getting flashbacks about the terrible accident. Kacie started to get lightheaded, as he fell onto the road becoming unconscious.

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